Friday, 28 March 2014

Project Report Of Mobile Recharge Manager

March 28, 2014 Posted by Knowledge Bite , 4 comments

Six Weeks Industrial Training Report



Institute Name


Mobile Recharge Manager

Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the reward of degree


Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science Engineering

Under Guidance of:                                                                              SUBMITTED BY:

Guide Name                                                                            Student Name



College Name


I take this opportunity to express my deepest gratitude to those who have generously helped me in providing the valuable knowledge and expertise during my Training.

I am thankful to Name of Guide and Institute, for his thorough guidance right from the first day till the end of the training. I shall also like to specially thank our instructor, Guide namefor giving us the required and removing all difficulties faced by us during the project.

Finally, we would like to thank each and every person who has contributed in any of the ways in our training.

Name: Student Name

Branch: CSE, 4th SEM




1.1 Overview

1.2 Objectives

1.3 Spic Centre Of Excellence

1.4 Information Technology

1.5 Services


2.1 Mobile Recharge Manager

2.2 Overview of Mobile Recharge Manager

2.3 Purpose of Mobile Recharge Manager

2.4 Benefits of Mobile Recharge Manager

2.5 Main Function of Mobile Recharge Manager


3.1 Components Assigned

3.2 Description of Components


4.1 Team Structure

4.2 Technologies Used

4.3 Environment



6.1 Software Specifications

6.2 Non-Functional Requirements


7.1 Database Design

7.1.1 Data Directory

7.2 I/O Design

7.2.1 Screen Shots of Project






i. Next Value

ii. Plans

iii. Recharges

iv. Distributors

v. Purchase Easy

vi. Purchase Coupon

vii. Companies




MOBILE RECHARGE MANAGER is a computerized, window application to in which we record the detail of the Recharges of the distributors. It will be easy for a Mobile recharge owner to manage records of various Plans, Distributors, Purchases and the Balance left at the end of the day which will surely prove out to be beneficial for him.

In this system, there is a login process for the users. By default all features of the application are disabled. User needs to give valid user id and password. Once the users has logged In successfully, they can use the application. After login to the application the user can access the application, they can add and edit, the various information regarding the Recharges.


First a user is authenticated based upon his/her user Id and Password. If authentication succeeds the user is marked as “logged in” and gets the privilege of inserting, deleting, retrieving or updating records. Data of all the recharges is stored in one centralized database. User can easily use this application without any technical knowledge. But user must have knowledge about the machine and application doesn’t need any professional to use the application. User can easily access the data, maintain the record of Recharge.


Ø Keep record of all the recharges.

Ø Generating reports for presenting balance of the recharge.

Ø Application maintains the records of all the documents involved in various Recharges.


. Recharge management system keeps record of all the recharges involved entities like distributors, purchase etc. User sees the details of recharges done in a particular day which reduces the chances of misplacing of details.


Ø To keep record of all the recharges.

Ø To keep records of Sales and Purchase.

Ø To keep record of Plans, Companies, Distributors etc.

Ø Faster processing of accessing the details.

Ø To help user for better management of Recharges.



Ø Database Analysis

Ø Database Design

Ø Database Creation

Ø Interface Designing

Ø Coding

Ø Testing

Ø Report Creation


3.2.1 Database Analysis

As it was essential for us to find out more about the present system, we used the following methods to gather the information:

Ø Observation: A user, who wishes to outsource his software development work at an economical cost, has to contact different providers, either physically or telephonically, before deciding upon a particular provider that best suits his needs.

Ø Document Sampling: Moreover, most of the work involved in the software development process has to be done manually which is very time consuming and cumbersome and also it reduces the efficiency, accuracy and speed of data retrieval.

Ø Questionnaires: These were conducted to get vies of the other employees who are currently employed in the system whether they are happy with the present system or not.

3.2.2 Design Objectives

Software design is the first of three technical activities- design, code generation and test

That is required to build and verify the software. Each activity transforms information

in a manner that ultimately results in validated computer software.

The design task produces a data design, an architectural design, an interface design and

component design. The design of an information system produces the details that clearly describe how a system will meet the requirements identified during system analysis. The system design process is not a step by step adherence of clear produces and guidelines. When we started working on system design, we face different types of problems many of these are due to constraints imposed by the user or limitations of hardware and software available. Sometimes it was quite difficult to enumerate that complexity of the problems and the solution thereof since the variety of likely problems of too great and no solution are exactly similar however the following consideration we kept in mind during design phase:

Ø Practically: The proposed system has to be quite stable and can be operated by the people with average intelligence.

Ø Efficiency: It tried to involve accuracy, timeless and comprehensiveness of the system output.

Ø Security: Proper authorization is done to take care of who is accessing the database and proper security measures are taken.

Ø Cost: It is desirable for the system with minimum cost subject to the condition that it must satisfy the entire requirement.

3.2.3 Testing and Implementation

Testing begins ‘in the small’ and progresses ‘to the large’. By this we name that early testing focuses on a simple component and applies white and black box tests to uncover errors in program logic and function. After individual components are tested they must be integrated testing continues as the software is constructed among different testing is most important.

An important aspect of a system analyst’s job is to make sure that the new design is implemented to established standards. The term implementation has different meanings, ranging from the conversions of the basic application to a complete replacement of a computer system. Implementation is used to here to mean the process of converting new or a revised system design into an operational one. Conversion is one aspect of implementation review and software maintenance. There are three types of implementation:

Ø Implementation of a computer system to replace a manual system

Ø Implementation of a new computer system to replace an existing one

Ø Implementation of a modified application to replace an existing one using the same computer



Our team for project comprises of five members:

Ø Name, Project Guide..

Ø Trainee name, Trainee.


Language and Tools Used


Ø .NET Framework


Ø Crystal Reports

The system has been decided to be developed using .NET Framework,C#.NET, Crystal reports as FRONT END and SQL Server as BACKEND. The database provides facilities such as:

Ø Easy Access of Data

Ø Flexibility In Data Modeling

Ø Reduces Data Storage and Redundancy

Ø Data Independence

Ø Data Sharing


4.3.1 Understanding the .NET framework Architecture

The .NET Framework consists of two main components: the .NET Framework Class Library and the Common Language Runtime. The .NET Framework class library provides the types that are common to all .NET languages. Programmers can use these Types to develop different kinds of Applications, such as Console application, Windows and Web application and web services.

The common Language Runtime consists of components that load the MSIL code of a Program into the Runtime, compile the MSIL code into native code, execute and manage the code, enforce security and type safety and provide thread support and other useful services.





Web forms XML web services


Window Forms

.NET Framework Class Library

Common Language Runtime

Win 32


Visual C# .NET is Microsoft's C# development tool. It includes an interactive development environment, visual designers for building Windows and Web applications, a compiler, and a debugger. Visual C# .NET is part of a suite of products, called Visual Studio .NET, that also includes Visual Basic .NET, Visual C++ .NET, and the JAVA Script scripting language. All of these languages provide access to the Microsoft .NET Framework, which includes a common execution engine and a rich class library. The .NET Framework defines a "Common Language Specification" (CLS), a sort of lingua franca that ensures seamless interoperability between CLS-compliant languages and class libraries. For C# developers, this means that even though C# is a new language, it has complete access to the same rich class libraries that are used by seasoned tools such as Visual Basic .NET and Visual C++ .NET. C# itself does not include a class library.


The programs presented so far have stood on their own except for dependence on a few system-provided classes such as System. Console . It is far more common, however, for real-world applications to consist of several different pieces, each compiled separately. For example, a corporate application might depend on several different components, including some developed internally and some purchased from independent software vendors.

Namespaces and assemblies enable this component-based system. Namespaces provide a logical organizational system. Namespaces are used both as an "internal" organization system for a program, and as an "external" organization system — a way of presenting program elements that are exposed to other programs.

Assemblies are used for physical packaging and deployment. An assembly may contain types, the executable code used to implement these types, and references to other assemblies.

There are two main kinds of assemblies: applications and libraries. Applications have a main entry point and usually have a file extension of .exe; libraries do not have a main entry point, and usually have a file extension of .dll.

To demonstrate the use of namespaces and assemblies, this section revisits the "hello, world" program presented earlier, and splits it into two pieces: a class library that provides messages and a console application that displays them.

The class library will contain a single class named Hello Message. The example

// Hello Library.cs
Namespace Microsoft.CSharp.Introduction
   Public class Hello Message
      Public string Message {
         Get {
            Return "hello, world";

Shows the Hello Message class in a namespace named Microsoft.CSharp.Introduction. The Hello Message class provides a read-only property named Message. Namespaces can nest, and the declaration


a. Class Loader: is an abstract class. Its purpose is to tell JVM in what manner a class is to be loaded at runtime.

b. MSIL: Microsoft Intermediate Language is considered to be the lowest form of human readable language. It is CPU independent and includes instructions of how to load, store, initialize objects. JIT converts this MSIL into native code which is dependent on the CPU.

c. Code Manager: Is responsible for managing code at runtime.

d. Garbage Collector: The .NET garbage collector enables high-speed allocation and release of memory for the objects in managed code. Its main aim is proper memory management.

e. Security Engine: It ensures all the security restrictions.

f. Type Checker: It enforces the constraints of types. It enforces strictness in type checking.

g. Thread Support: It allows multithreading

h. Debug engine: It allows proper debugging of an application.

i. Base class library: It provides all the types that an application need at runtime.

j. Exception manager: Handles all the exception for an application during runtime.

k. COM Marshaller: It provides an option for interoperability for an application


Microsoft SQL Server is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft. As a database, it is a software product whose primary function is to store and retrieve data as requested by other software applications, be it those on the same computer or those running on another computer across a network (including the Internet). There are at least a dozen different editions of Microsoft SQL Server aimed at different audiences and for different workloads (ranging from small applications that store and retrieve data on the same computer, to millions of users and computers that access huge amounts of data from the Internet at the same time). Its primary query languages are T-SQL and ANSI SQL.


SQL Server 2005 (formerly codenamed "Yukon") released in October 2005. It included native support for managing XML data, in addition to relational data. For this purpose, it defined an xml data type that could be used either as a data type in database columns or as literalism queries. XML columns can be associated with XSD schemas; XML data being stored is verified against the schema. XML is converted to an internal binary data type before being stored in the database. Specialized indexing methods were made available for XML data. XML data is queried using XQuery; SQL Server 2005 added some extensions to the T-SQL language to allow embedding XQuery queries in T-SQL. In addition, it also defines a new extension to XQuery, called XML DML that allows query-based modifications to XML data. SQL Server 2005 also allows a database server to be exposed over web services using Tabular Data Stream (TDS) packets encapsulated within SOAP (protocol) requests. When the data is accessed over web services, results are returned as XML.

Common Language Runtime (CLR) integration was introduced with this version, enabling one to write SQL code as Managed Code by the CLR. For relational data, T-SQL has been augmented with error handling features (try/catch) and support for recursive queries with CTEs (Common Table Expressions). SQL Server 2005 has also been enhanced with new indexing algorithms, syntax and better error recovery systems. Data pages are check summed for better error resiliency, and optimistic concurrency support has been added for better performance. Permissions and access control have been made more granular and the query processor handles concurrent execution of queries in a more efficient way. Partitions on tables and indexes are supported natively, so scaling out a database onto a cluster is easier. SQL CLR was introduced with SQL Server 2005 to let it integrate with the .NET Framework.

SQL Server 2005 introduced "MARS" (Multiple Active Results Sets), a method of allowing usage of database connections for multiple purposes.

SQL Server 2005 introduced DMVs (Dynamic Management Views), which are specialized views and functions that return server state information that can be used to monitor the health of a server instance, diagnose problems, and tune performance.

Service Pack 1 (SP1) of SQL Server 2005 introduced Database Mirroring, a high availability option that provides redundancy and failover capabilities at the database level. Failover can be performed manually or can be configured for automatic failover. Automatic failover requires a witness partner and an operating mode of synchronous (also known as high-safety or full safety).


Ø Information representation.

Ø Unique definition of rows.

Ø Systematic treatment of null values.

Ø Guaranteed access.

Ø High level Update, Insert and Delete.

Ø Retrieving Information from the database.

Ø Accepting query language statements.

Ø Enforcing security Specifications.

Ø Enforcing Data Integrity specifications.

Ø Enforcing Transactions consistency.

Ø Managing Data Sharing.

Ø Optimizing Queries.

Ø Managing system Catalogs.


Hardware selection for any system generally means that what is minimum amount of main memory required, how much minimum hard disk space is needed to execute and implement application successfully.

Hardware Requirements:

Ø Processor i3.

Ø 504 MB RAM

Ø 40 GB Hard disk drive

Ø 2.80 GHz Clock Speed

Ø Networking Components

Ø Color Monitor


6.1 Software Specifications

Software is a set of program, documents and procedure, routines associated with computer system. Software is an essential compliment to hardware. It is the computer program which is executed to operate the hardware.

The “MOBILE RECHARGE MANAGER” has been developed using the following tools:

C# .NET (as Front End)

SQL Server 2005 (as Back End)

6.2 Non- functional Requirements

Ø Secure access of confidential data.

Ø Easy to access.

Ø Fast retrieval of data.

Ø Better Component design to get better performance.

Ø Flexible service based architecture.

Ø Reduce paper Work.

Ø User friendly Interface.

Ø Reports are generated easily.

Ø Payment record is maintained easily.


The organization of data in the database aims to achieve the major objectives:

Ø Data Integration

Ø Data Integrity

Ø Data Independency


Description of Tables used in the Project:-

Next value Table 7.1


Plans Table 7.2


Companies Table7.3


Distributers Table7.4


Recharge Table7.5


Purchase Coupon Table 7.6


Purchase Easy Table 7.7



7.3.1 Screen shots of Project
































The system has been developed for given condition and is found working effectively. The developed system is flexible and changes whenever can be made easy. Using the facilities and functionalities of .NET, the software has been developed in a neat and simple manner, thereby reducing the operators work.

The speed and accuracy are maintained in proper way. The user friendly nature of this software developed in .NET framework is every easy to work with both for the higher management as well as other employees with little knowledge of computer. The results obtained were fully satisfactory from the user point of view.

The system was verified with as well as invalid data in each manner. The system is run in with an insight into the necessary modification that may require in the future. Hence the system can be maintained successfully without much network.

This application is beneficial for the Mobile Companies and Distributors. It replaces paper- driven processes. It saves time as well keep the records safe. It helps in managing whole transaction of recharges including purchase and balance. It helps in keeping the record of recharges done on particular mobile number in particular month and year. By using this application user can keep the record of mobile recharges.


Ø Application development using C# and .NET.

Ø C# in simple words

Ø Microsoft SQL Server 2000 database design and implementations.




Job Application Form

March 28, 2014 Posted by Knowledge Bite No comments
Annexure 'C'                                                                                                               Paste your photograph here
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March 28, 2014 Posted by Knowledge Bite , 2 comments
University Name
Student Name
UNI.ROLL NO.000000
Guide Name
College Name


This is to certify that the project titled “Study on consumer behaviour towards salon market in chd.” is academic work done by “Student Name” submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from College Name , under my guidance & direction. To the best of my knowledge and belief the data & information presented by her in the project has not been submitted earlier.

I, hereby declare that I have completed the Project titled “Study on cosumer behavior towards salon market in chd. under the guidance of “(Teacher Name) in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration at (College Name). This is an original piece of work & I have not submitted it earlier elsewhere.

For management career, it is important to develop managerial skills. In order to achieve positive and concrete results, along with theoretical concepts, the exposure of real life situation existing in corporate world is very much needed. To fulfil this need, this practical training is required.
I took training in fast growing Tress Lounge Academy located in Sector- 8 Chandigarh. It was my fortune to get training in a very healthy atmosphere. I got ample opportunity to view the overall working of the company.
This report is the result of my six weeks of summer training in Tress Lounge Academy. The subject of my report is about consumer behavior.
Theoretical knowledge without practical knowledge is of little value. In order to achieve positive & concrete results along with theoretical concept the exposure of real life situation existing in corporate is very much needed. To fulfil this need the management course has a provision for the practical training program. I thank my institute to provide us such opportunity having training period in our course so that students can have real feeling of industrial life.
I took my summer training in Tress Lounge Academy Sector -8 Chandigarh. It was my fortune to get training in very healthy atmosphere In the coming pages an attempt has been made to present a comprehensive report is concerning different aspects.
Sr. No. Particulars Page No.
1. Consumer Behaviour
a. Consumer v/s Customer
b. Factor influence consumer behaviour
c. Applications of consumer behaviours
2. Industry Profile
a. Introduction
b. Saloon industry in India
c. History of Beauty salon in India
3. Company Profile
a. About Tress Lounge
b. Foreign Collaboration
c. Services offered by company
d. 3C- Report of company
e. Competitors
4. Research methodology
a. Data Collection
5. Objective of the study
6. Limitations of the study
7. Data presentation, analysis and interpretation
8. Conclusion
9. Recommendations
10. Bibliography
11. Questionnaire Design
a. Questionnaire
6 | P a g e
Consumer behavior is defined as activities people undertake when obtaining, consuming and disposing of products and services.
Consumer behaviour is the behaviour that consumer displays in searching for purchasing, using, evaluating & disposing of the products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs.
Defination by C.G.Walter-
Consumer behavior is the process where by individual decides whether, when, what, how and from where purchase goods and services.
A person‟s behavior changes from place to place and situation to situation or, say it is very inconsistent. The person when has a need, is willing and able to satisfy the need is called a CONSUMER. The consumer would go different ways to satisfy it‟s needs depending on his social, cultural, family, economic and educational background. Consumer is the principle a priori of business. The efficiency with which a free market system of enterprise operates, depends upon the extent of consumer understanding possessed by the business community. A business community that is ignorant of consumer preferences cannot possibly fulfill it‟s obligations in a meaningful and responsive manner.
So here comes the need to prepare project report on CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR. Consumer Behavior is broadly defined as “the behavior the consumer displays in searching for, purchasing, using and evaluating products, services, and ideas which they expect will satisfy their needs.” Consumer Behavior is not only the study of what people consume, but is also the study of who the consumers are, why they consume, how often they consume, and under what conditions they consume.
CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR refers to the buying behavior of ultimate consumers, those persons who purchase products for personal or household use, not for business purpose.
There are Psychological Theories that help us to understand and predict the effect of all external and internal factors on a consumer. External factors include Culture, Society, Reference group and family etc. Internal factors comprise in a consumer mind and how consumers learning, memory, attitude, personality, lifestyle and motivation levels affect consumer behavior. What would initiate a buying process and how a buying decision would end is all covered under the study of consumer behavior. This all further helps relate product / service, price and promotion etc. with consumer behavior. Thus organization can place marketing mix so as to propagate their product/services.
The present study on Salon market is also trying to find Consumer Perception about different brands of beauty, quality of service and how offers, discounts, promotional offers affecting the sale of services, the brand image of company.
In psychographic segmentation buyers are divided into different groups on the basis of lifestyle and \ or personality. People within the same demographic group can exhibit very different psychographic profiles. These psychographic bases are often difficult to measure, but they offer potential rewards in terms of providing management with a more relevant basis for differentiating between segments of a market.
People exhibit many more lifestyles than are suggested by the seven social classes. People‟s product interests are influenced by their lifestyles. In fact the goods they consume express their lifestyles. Marketers are increasingly segmenting their markets by consumer lifestyles. Companies making cosmetics, alcoholic beverages, and furniture are always seeking opportunities in lifestyle segmentation.
Personality affects the consumption of many goods, particularly those consumed publicly. An aggressive personality for example, may be reflected in the choice of ostentatious clothing, furniture, and automobiles. Preferences are frequently so different that it is impossible to serve all personality types with the same product or brand. A recognition of important personality types can help management “position” it‟s towards a profitable segment or segments.
Marketers have used personality variables to segment markets. They endow their products with brand personalities that correspond to consumer personalities.
Consumer vs Customer
A consumer is anyone who typically engages in any one 0r all of the activities. It is one who consumes/uses the product.
It is one who actually purchases a product or service from a particular organization or shop. A customer is always defined in terms of a specific product or company.
Factor influence consumer behavior
External Influence
• Culture
• Sub-culture
• Social status
• Reference Groups
• Family
• Marketing Activities
• Self-Concept & Lifestyle
Internal Influence
• Perception
• Learning
• Memory
• Motives
• Personality
• Emotions
9 | P a g e
Applications of Consumer Behavior
• Analyzing market opportunity
• Selecting the target market
• Determining the product mix
ü Product
ü Price
ü Distribution
ü Promotion
• Use in non-profit and social marketing
10 | P a g e
Fast growing and prolific, the beauty salon industry is focusing on developing talent to grow a loyal customer base willing to spend on expanded products and services. The industry felt declines during the economic downturn, but still remained one of the strongest performing within personal care. The industry is now even one of the fastest growing industries in the U.S. Barriers to entry to the industry are minimal, creating intense competition for the consumer spending dollars available. The main draw for beauty salons is the stylists they employ.
In the 21st century, beauty and make up are like the wheels of a cart or the two sides of a coin. Women are beautiful in themselves; but a little make-up does help a lot and it keeps one to make the day better and happier. Every woman wants to be pretty whether she‟s young or old so the beauty salon is the place to go. Beauty salons are also like a temple; however, the difference is that we go to worship in the temple and in the beauty salon we go to be worshipped by the beauticians and by the other people around. The beauty salon has become an almost iconic figure in Western culture and Southeast Asian culture as well as in modern generation. The beauty salon is where a woman goes to have their hair and nails done, but is also a center for community news confessions and general „hen parties”. As such, choosing a beauty salon is a process most women (and even men) will undergo.
The first thing to start in choosing a salon is to evaluate what needs to be done. A woman who just wants her hair trimmed might go to a beauty salon than women who wants a permanent coloring, or more extensive services. If a woman wants her hair cut promptly and that day, she might be better off visiting to a walk-in salon, more willingly than trying to find her regular stylist. For other kind of services, a woman might want to think about a full-service in by-appointment-only beauty salon. This signifies that she will have a stylist who is expecting her and definitely knows what she wants to be done.
Women should also choose a beauty salon based on their ethnic background. This may sound strange, but different ethnic groups have different hair needs. A salon that has a primarily Filipino-Korean clientele, for instance, will be much better versed in working with the unique needs of black hair. A white stylist may not be as familiar with these needs. Salons also may carry different products, depending on the ethnicity of their clients
Scenario of Salon Market- In India
The beauty business in india is growing phenomenally with the cosmetics market growing at 15-20% annually, twice as fast as that of the united states and European markets.
The retail beauty and cosmetics market in India currently estimated at USD, 950 million is pegged at USD 2.68 billion by the year 2020.
Over the last few years cosmetic products have seen a growth of 60%,salons have see a growth rate of 35%,cosmetic treatments are seeing a growth rate of 5%.
The hair and beauty industry is seeing a per capita annual spend of USD 1.2 which is expected to grow to USD 6.2 by 2015.
India has about 10,00,000 no. of salon‟s this no. is constantly growing.
Basic grooming and hair care seems to spend of Rs.200-Rs.1000 from the salon goers.
Women contribute to over 85% of the salon industry revenue.
Men‟s hair is the next wave set to hit the Indian salon industry.
The spa and body treatment segment is estimated to grow approximately USD 772 million over the next five to eight years.
History of Beauty Salon In India
If you aren‟t aware of it yet, the history of beauty salons is not relatively new to the world. Back in the days of the ancient Egyptians, people from
the upper classes would normally have their hair clipped very close to their heads. This is so they could wear full and fancy wigs on top of their heads for special occasions, ceremonies and public outings. Back then, the beauty salons were the places where wigs were being made and ordered. While many beauty salons could be found inside the palaces of the rich and noble, there were also a few on the streets which the commoners frequented.
As a result of this history, many people had become accustomed to having their hair styled for them throughout the years. Now beauty salons are not only limited to styling hair. Almost
all Beauty Salons now are offering many different beauty services. These services include colour, perms, facial treatments, massages, manicure/pedicure, waxing, tanning and many more. Indeed, beauty salons throughout history have progressed
About Tress Lounge
Tress Lounge is distinguished chain of beauty salons spearheaded by spirited Leaders Mr Munish Bajaj & Ravi Midha (Executive Directors) . The self madeMunish Bajaj combined his determination, efforts and entrepreneurial acumen to successfully branch out into beauty salon ventures in 2003. Ever since then, this brilliantly done beauty venture called Tress Lounge has been in full bloom. At present they own a chain of saloons in Chandigarh, Panchkula, Mohali and Ludhiana.
Working in Collaboration with L'Oreal, Tress Lounge offers a whole raft of bang up beauty Services to make you look just the way you want. Tress Lounge boasts some of the finest L'Oreal trained beauty experts who are the masters of their craft. What’s more: Tress Lounge is the region’s exclusive sale point for L'Oreal Beauty products.
Oozing with the top rate services and products, Tress Lounge has become a preferred choice of the people of this region. And as always, they are pulling out the stops to ensure that they keep all their clients happy, peppy and beautiful.
Tress Lounge is pleased to offer you massage to help you relax, detoxify and uplift and stimulate your body. Ease stress, increase circulation, smooth muscles soreness and pain with this traditional massage customized to your needs. With following brands we facilitate newer concept of the life
Tress Lounge – Prive (the private lounge) offers all Hair and Beauty services with a luxurious pampering ambience. The lounge is created for people who like to relax and rejuvenate themselves.The Seven Sea Spa is well equipped with ancient ayurvedic therapeutics blended with modern rejuvenating techniques. One can expect for an oriental ride while enjoying the blissful benefits of revitalization and relaxation.
The multispecialty gymnasium, the Oxy Gym, is equipped with imported Johnson’s machines and has latest facilities of approved Cardio and advanced weight training under expert supervision. Subsequently, comprehensive set of rejuvenation amenities including Thai Spa, Steam Sauna and Jacuzzi facilities have also been introduced.
Hair Raiserz, A flagship Salon of Matrix.Those vying for a glowing sheen to the flowing Ladies, the salon is nothing less than a bliss. Besides, it houses a complete bridal studio and nail art techniques workshop. While the latest bridal concepts are enough to leave the would be bride blushing, the masters of nail art technique at their best while portraying their exotic nail art designs with unique colour patterns.
A mesmerizing ride to soulful pleasures is all oneA mesmerizing ride to soulful pleasures is all one can summaries at Tress Lounge, as a visit to the Tress Lounge seems enough for a complete recharging. With a potential to pamper all senses at one place, Tress Lounge is coming up as a future trendsetter for the city residents whose cravings for perfect sensual pleasure. What more you can ask for, the rates at the Tress Lounge have been kept quite reasonable. In short, a visit to the Tress Lounge is must.
• Working in collaboration with L‟Oreal, Tress Lounge offers a whole raft of bang up beauty services to make you look just the way you want.
• Oozing with the top rate services and products.Tress Lounge has become a preferred choice of the people of this region and as always,they are pulling out the stops to ensure that they keep all the clients happy, peppy and beautiful
• Tress Lounge boasts some of the finest L‟Oreal trained beauty experts who are the masters of their craft. What‟s more: Tress Lounge regions exclusive sale point for L‟Oreal beauty
Foreign Collaboration
Working in collaboration with L’Oreal,Tress Lounge offers a whole raft of bang up beauty services to make you look just the way you want.L’Oréal is the world’s largest cosmetics company; present in over 130 countries with 66,600 employees world-wide. The company had a turnover of 19.5 billion Euros in 2010.
The company has been present in India for close to 20 years and in 2009 celebrated its global centenary. Today, L’Oréal India is one of L’Oréal’s fastest growing subsidiaries and employs over 1000 people across six sites including: four regional offices, a factory in Chakan, Pune and its headquarters in Mumbai.
L’Oréal’s leadership is achieved through cutting-edge technology with a portfolio of well-known brands that answer all beauty needs and are distributed in all channels. Each brand benefits from considerable investments in research made by the L'Oréal Group. The Group's research efforts, unique in the beauty industry, permit each brand to benefit from formulas specifically adapted to the needs of men and women worldwide, within each market or distribution circuit that is present.
In India, L'Oréal brands are present in the following four main categories:
Consumer Products
L’Oréal Paris
Maybelline New York
Luxury Products
Ralph Lauren
Giorgio Armani
Professional Products
L’Oréal Professional
Kéraskin Esthetics
Active Cosmetics
La Roche Posay
Services Offered By Salon
Hair Cutting
Skin Care
Nail Bar
Makeup etc.
3C-Report of company Company-LOREAL
• Salons-Tress lounge& Hair raiserz
Ø Competition-
• Lakme
• Wella
• Cleopatra
• Customer
Lakmé is an Indian brand of cosmetics, owned by Unilever and run by CEO Anil Chopra. Lakme started as a 100% subsidiary of Tata Oil Mills(Tomco), part of the Tata Group; it was named after the French opera Lakmé, which itself is the French form of Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, also renowned for her beauty. Indian cosmet Lakme was started in 1952, famously because the then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, was concerned that Indian women were spending precious foreign exchange on beauty products, and personally requested JRD Tata to manufacture them in India.Simone Tata joined the company as director, and went on to become its chairman. In 1996 Tata sold off their stakes in Lakmé Lever to HLL, for Rs 200 Crore (45 million US$), and went on to create Trent and Westside. Even today, when most multinational beauty products are available in India, Lakme still occupies a special place in the hearts of Indian women.
Wella Wella is a German company, and one of the world‟s largest cosmetics suppliers. Founded in 1880 by Franz Stroher, with its headquarters inDarmstadt, Germany, the company is represented in over 150 countries. It directly owns three business divisions - Professional, Consumer, Cosmetics and Fragrances. In 2003 Procter & Gamble acquired a controlling interest in Wella AG
• Keeping in view the Salon Market in INDIA which is very broad and becoming Competitive day by day, we decided to study the current scenario of the market.
• The following techniques were adopted for data collection :
• Primary data was collected through face to face interviews while filling up questionnaires. (100 RESPONDENTS)
• Relevant information was gathered from magazines, newspapers and project reports that formed the secondary data.
• Face to face interviews was taken as the communication approach since it is a better method in cases where slight probing is required
• A sample size of 104 customer was chosen, but due to incompletely filled questionnaires and unwillingness and carelessness on the part of the respondents, we  were forced to reduce the sample size to 100. This sample size was based upon time and affordability approach.
• Disproportionate stratified random sampling technique has been used in sampling due to the following reasons :
• 1.         It provides information about parts of the universe.
• 2.        It provides help in gaining precision through stratification.
Questionnaire Design
• The questionnaire used was a printed, well structured formalized schedule to obtain and record specified and relevant information with fair accuracy and completeness.
• The questioning process was face to face interviews and the questionnaire was designed in such a way that it could be understood and answered easily by the respondents. The questionnaire contained both close and open ended questions. The close ended questions were dichotomous and multiple choice in nature. Since some of the questions were probing in nature and required answers on the basis of memory of the respondent. In such type of questions there is a risk that the respondents will answer whatever comes to their minds, thereby reducing the impact of the study. Keeping these considerations in mind, firstly the period of time in which respondents were asked to respond was reduced, since it has been found that the longer the reporting period, the less accurate the reporting.
• Secondly, to help respondents to think deeper and clearly more questions in a way that stimulated association, thereby assisting the recall  process about the event.
• Survey Method
• I have chosen the exploratory research method for the research. In this method all the questions are close ended. Except for few questions that needed to be known as in question 10 of asking the satisfaction and dissatisfaction level and know their problems with respect to the brand they have used. The options in the form of yes or no, Ranking & choosing one alternative out of various alternatives, I could not take the open-ended questions in the Questionnaire because of time constraint. The time given for this research is very short to analyze the survey in Depth. The number of question related to consumer behaviour research is 16. Out of which 4 Related to personal details.
• ·        Sample size: 100
• ·        SRSWR
• ·        Sex ratio: 1:1
• ·        The studies were conducted in localities
• ·        Mainly Students were covered and 10 % others considered for the study.[College/school/Univ./inst./housewives]
• ·        Sample coverage 50 male and 50 girls
• Other questions were asked about the personalities of the salon products with the brand image they perceive.
Factors concering choose a salon
• Services
• Products
• Staff
• Ambience
• Cleanliness & hygiene
• To study the current salon market of Tri-city.
• To analyze the relationship b/w a specific brand & its buying behavior
• To assess whether discounts/promotional offers influencing the buying behavior of the customer
• To study the impact of quality of service on the consumer buying behavior
LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY The probable limitations of this study are as under :
1. The first and foremost limitations was time constraint which was only one months, but still efforts have been made to put the picture as clear and candid as possible.
2. Samples were randomly selected as per convenience so error is bound to creep in the observation.
3. The conservative attitude of the respondents was a limiting factor in gaining information

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Speed Up Of Your XP Windows

March 27, 2014 Posted by Knowledge Bite No comments
Here is a WAY to get XP go faster :

There are quite a few services you can disable from starting automatically.

This would be to speed up your boot time and free resources.

They are only suggestions so I suggestion you read the description
of each one when you run Services

and that you turn them off one at a time.

Some possibilities are:


Application Management


Fast User Switching

Human Interface Devices

Indexing Service


Net Logon



Remote Desktop Help Session Manager

Remote Registry

Routing & Remote Access

SSDP Discovery Service

Universal Plug and Play Device Host

Web Client

Cleaning the Prefetch Directory :

Windows XP has a new feature called Prefetch. This keeps a shortcut to recently used programs.

However it can fill up with old and obsolete programs.

To clean this periodically go to:

Star / Run / Prefetch

Press Ctrl-A to highlight all the shorcuts

Delete them

Not Displaying Logon, Logoff, Startup and Shutdown Status Messages To turn these off:

Start Regedit

Go to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\policies\system

If it is not already there, create a DWORD value named


Give it a value of 1

Not Displaying Logon, Logoff, Startup and Shutdown Status Messages

To turn these off:

Start Regedit

Go to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\policies\system

If it is not already there, create a DWORD value named


Give it a value of 1

Clearing the Page File on Shutdown :

  • Click on the Start button
  • Go to the Control Panel
  • Administrative Tools
  • Local Security Policy
  • Local Policies
  • Click on Security Options
  • Right hand menu - right click on "Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory
  • Pagefile"
  • Select "Enable"
  • Reboot

For regedit users.....

If you want to clear the page file on each shutdown:

Start Regedit

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session

Manager\Memory Management\ClearPageFileAtShutdown

Set the value to 1

No GUI Boot :

If you don't need to see the XP boot logo,


Click on the BOOT.INI tab

Check the box for /NOGUIBOOT

Speeding the Startup of Some CD Burner Programs :

If you use program other than the native WindowsXP CD Burner


you might be able to increase the speed that it loads.

  • Go to Control Panel / Administrative Tools / Services
  • Double-click on IMAPI CD-Burning COM Service
  • For the Startup Type, select Disabled
  • Click on the OK button and then close the Services window
    If you dont You should notice

Getting Rid of Unread Email Messages :

To remove the Unread Email message by user's login names:

Start Regedit

For a single user: Go to

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Curre ntVersion\UnreadMail

For all users: Go to

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\UnreadMail

Create a DWORD key called MessageExpiryDays

Give it a value of 0

Decreasing Boot Time :

Microsoft has made available a program to analyze and decrease the

time it takes to boot to WindowsXP

The program is called BootVis

Uncompress the file.


For a starting point, run Trace / Next Boot + Driver Delays

This will reboot your computer and provide a benchmark After the reboot, BootVis will take a minute or two to show graphs
of your system startup.

Note how much time it takes for your system to load (click on the

red vertical line)
Then run Trace / Optimize System

Re-Run the Next Boot + Drive Delays
how much the time has decreased

Mine went from approximately 33 to 25 seconds.
Increasing Graphics Performance :

By default, WindowsXP turns on a lot of shadows, fades, slides etc to menu items.

Most simply slow down their display.

To turn these off selectively:

  • Right click on the My Computer icon
  • Select Properties
  • Click on the Advanced tab
  • Under Performance, click on the Settings button
  • To turn them all of, select Adjust for best performance
  • My preference is to leave them all off except for Show shadows under mouse pointer and Show window contents while dragging

Increasing System Performance :

If you have 512 megs or more of memory, you can increase system

by having the core system kept in memory.

Start Regedit

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session

Manager\Memory Management\DisablePagingExecutive

Set the value to be 1

Reboot the computer

Increasing File System Caching :

To increase the amount of memory Windows will locked for I/O operations:

Start Regedit

Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management

Edit the key IoPageLockLimit

How To Connect Two Computers with Lan..

March 27, 2014 Posted by Knowledge Bite No comments
This will let you share files and folders, printers, play network games, etc...

  1. Connect the two computers together either with a Crossover cable or a Hub/Switch to the ethernet card in your computer.
  2. Set the IP address on both computers. Goto Start > Control Panel > Network Connections (choose  switch to classic view if you cannot see network connections)
  3. Look for your Local Area Connection ethernet adapter, right-click and choose properties.
  4. Select Internet Protocol TCP/IP and choose properties.
  5. Setup the IP as and the subnet mask of on the first computer and on the second with the same subnet mask.
  6. Choose OK then OK/close again.

*To share your files, right click on any folder and choose Sharing to make them shared.
* You can also do this with your printers to be able to print from one computer while the printer is connected to the other.

Things You'll Need
* A Crossover cable. This a Cat5 Ethernet Cable that the wires have been switched around to allow  two computer only to talk to each other
* OR, you can purchase a switch/hub with two Standard "Straight-Through" Ethernet Cables
* Check to see if your computer has an Ethernet Adapter in the back of the computer. Most new computers have this. You can tell by the documentation from the computer or by looking at the back of the computer. It looks like a phone jack, but larger.

A-Z Computer Abbreviation

March 27, 2014 Posted by Knowledge Bite No comments
  1. Abstraction - the level of technical detail of some representation of software; a cohesive model of data or an algorithmic procedure
  2. Abstract class - A class that can only be used as a base class for some other class. A class is abstract if it has at least one pure virtual function.
  3. Abstract data type: Involves an abstract or logical description of both data required by the software and the operation that can be performed on this data.
  4. Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT): A collection of graphical user interface (GUI) components that were implemented using native-platform versions of the components. These components provide that subset of functionality which is common to all native platforms.
  5. Accuracy: Degree to which data convey what they are supposed to convey.
  6. Address: In networking, address is a data structure or logical convention used to identify a unique entity, such as a particular process or a network device. Important addresses include IP address for network routing and MAC address for a hardware device.
  7. Address Bus: Group of lines that are used to send a memory address or device address from MPU to the memory location or the peripheral.
  8. Aging: The grouping of like transactions by date. Example - sorting invoices by due date.
  9. Algorithm: Description of steps or instructions.
  10. Aliasing: Aliasing means plotting a point other than the true location of pixel in order to fit the point in the raster.
  11. Bandwidth: Bandwidth refers to the maximum capacity of a network channel. Usually bandwidth is measured in bits per second (bps), kilo-bits per second (Kbps), mega bits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps). For example, Ethernet has a bandwidth of 10-, 100-, 1000 Mbps and 1 and 10 Gbps.
  12. Beta testing: Testing that is conducted by the user
  13. Batch processing: In a batch processing system, a job is described by a sequence of control statements stored in a machine read form.
  14. BAUD RATE: The number of signal changes per second.
  15. Binary: Binary system is the numbering system characterized by ones and zeros (1 = on, 0 = off). Binary system is used in the computer and digital storage and communications.
  16. Binary search tree: A binary tree in which each node has a value, left subtree of a node has only value less than or equal to and right side contain only values grater than or equal to node’s value.
  17. Bit: Bit is the binary digit used in the binary numbering system. A bit is the most basic information unit used in computing and information theory. A single bit is a "one" or a "zero", a "true" or a "false", a "on" or "off", or in general, the quantity of information required to distinguish two mutually exclusive states from each other.
  18. Bit Rate: Bit Rate, usually measured in bits per second (bps), refers to the speed at which bits are transmitted in digital communication and data processing.
  19. Boot Strapping: It is used o describe the process of making one entity that create its successor. The method requires keeping only the arrival time of next entity.
  20. Break: C++ keyword used to specify a statement that is used to break out of a for or while loop or out of a switch statement.
  21. BMP: Bitmap file; a common image format on Windows computers. Files of this type usually have the suffix ".bmp" as part of their name.
  22. Call by reference - Passing a pointer to an argument to a function. The function can then change the argument value. See call by value.
  23. Call by value: Passing a copy of an argument to a function. The function cannot then change the argument value. C and C++ use call by value argument passing. But also see pointer and reference, also call by reference.
  24. Case: A C++ keyword used to denote an individual element of a switch statement.
  25. Catch: A Java programming language keyword used to declare a block of statements to be executed in the event that a Java exception, or run time error, occurs in a preceding "try" block.
  26. CGI: Common Gateway Interface. A method used by WWW pages to communicate with programs run on the web server.
  27. Cin : In C++ stream I/O, the standard input stream.
  28. Checksum: Checksum is a method for checking the integrity of transmitted data. A checksum is an integer value computed from a sequence of octets taken through a series of arithmetic operations. The value is recomputed at the receiving end and is compared for verification. Almost every protocol has a checksum field as part of protocol header or trailer.
  29. Class: In the Java programming language, a type that defines the implementation of a particular kind of object. A class definition defines instance and class variables and methods, as well as specifying the interfaces the class implements and the immediate super class of the class. If the super class is not explicitly specified, the superclass will implicitly be Object.
  30. Client: An individual computer on a network that runs its own programs and processes information received from a central server.
  31. CMOS: Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor is in systems requiring low power consumption.
  32. Cohesion: An informal measure of the degree to which a software component implements a single, focused function
  33. Clipping: There may be times when only a portion of total picture is to be displayed. In that case, window is used to clip the part of the image. This process is called clipping.
  34. Compiler: Compiler is used to convert high level language into machine level program.
  35. Complexity: A quantitative measure of a program's complexity
  36. DATA:-Raw facts, figures , symbols , etc , that may or may not be useful for as particular task.
  37. DATA DICTIONARY:-Stores data about data , a central repository of information about the database in a DBMS.
  38. Data structure:A way of storing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently.
  39. DATA REDUNDANCY: -Simultaneous use and modification of two or more copies of the same data .
  40. DATABASE:-Collection of related files stored in a particular format and accessed through database software
  41. Data Mining: Data mining is a process of extracting patterns from data. Data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform this data into information.
  42. DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(DBMS):- Integrated set of programs used to define , update and control databases , backup and recovery.
  43. Decision making: - Decision making is a process to arrive at a decision, the process by which an individual or organization select one position or action from several alternative.
  44. Deadlock:A deadlock is a situation wherein two or more competing actions are waiting for the other to finish, and thus neither ever does. In computing, deadlock refers to a specific condition when two or more processes are each waiting for another to release a resource, or more than two processes are waiting for resources in a circular chain. Deadlocks are a common problem in multiprocessing where many processes share a specific type of mutually exclusive resource known as a software.
  45. EFFICIENCY:- Ration between the output and inputs for a particular task , regardless of whether the task itself is the right task to perform.
  46. Effort - the work-time product (e.g., person-days) associated with a project
  47. Encapsulation :The localization of knowledge within a module. Because objects encapsulate data and implementation, the user of an object can view the object as a black box that provides services. Instance variables and methods can be added, deleted, or changed, but as long as the services provided by the object remain the same, code that uses the object can continue to use it without being rewritten.
  48. Encoder:An encoder is a device that converts information from one format or code to another.
  49. ENCRYPTION:Encryption is the process whereby data is scrambled so that only the sender and the receiver computer are able to unscramble and make use of the information.

  50. Final :A Java programming language keyword. You define an entity once and cannot change it or derive from it later. More specifically: a final class cannot be subclassed, a final method cannot be overridden and a final variable cannot change from its initialized value.
  51. Finally :A Java programming language keyword that executes a block of statements regardless of whether a Java Exception, or run time error, occurred in a block defined previously by the "try" keyword.
  52. FIFO: First-in, first-out:First-in, first-out (FIFO) in computer networking refers to a buffering scheme where the first byte of data entering the buffer is the first byte retrieved by the CPU. In telephony, FIFO refers to a queueing scheme where the first calls received are the first calls processed.
  53. Flood-Fill: The purpose of flood fill algorithm is to color the entire area of connected pixels with the same color.
  54. Float - A C++ keyword used to declare a floating point type.
  55. Flow chart: a graphic picture of the logical steps and sequence involved in a program.
  56. Fragmentation: A relation may be divided into different fragments that are to be distributed to different locations.
  57. FTP :File Transfer Protocol. The Internet protocol that permits you to transfer files between your system and another system.
  58. GIF (Graphics Interchange Format):A compressed format for storing images developed by CompuServe. One of the most common image formats on the Internet.
  59. GUI :Graphical User Interface. Refers to the techniques involved in using graphics, along with a keyboard and a mouse, to provide an easy-to-use interface to some program.
  60. Goto statement: - Goto statement is manly use to transfer the control of the program for some specific place. Label is use with in the goto statement.
  61. Global variable - A variable that is accessible throughout the whole program,whose lifetime is that of the program.
  62. Handshaking: The initial negotiation period immediately after a connection is established between two modems. This is when the modems agree about how the data will be transmitted (e.g., error correction, packet size, etc.). The set of rules they agree on is called the protocol.
  63. HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE:A medium of communication that is inpendent of given computer. Programs are written in English like word
  64. Header file - A file containing class declarations, preprocessor directives,and so on, and included in a translation unit. It is expanded by the preprocessor.
  65. Host:Host refers to a computer system on a network. Host is similar to node in some sense, except that host usually implies only computer systems, whereas node generally applies to any networked devices, including access devices and routers.
  66. HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol):The standard set of rules for sending text files across the Internet. It requires an HTTP client program at one end, and an HTTP server program at the other end.
  67. HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure):Same as HTTP but provides secure Internet communication using SSL.
  68. Hyperlink:A pointer to another document. Most often a pointer to another web page. A hyperlink is a synonym for a hotlink or a link, and sometimes called a hypertext connection to another document or web page.
  69. Hypertext:Hypertext is text that is cross-linked to other documents in such a way that the reader can read related documents by clicking on a highlighted word or symbol. (see also hyperlink)
  70. IAB (Internet Architecture Board):council that makes decisions about Internet standards.
  71. IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a professional organization and standards body.
  72. If:A Java programming language keyword used to conduct a conditional test and execute a block of statements if the test evaluates to true.
  73. Identifier: - The name that is given to the various programming element are known as identifier. These variables make include variable name, function name, array name etc.
  74. Implements :A Java programming language keyword optionally included in the class declaration to specify any interfaces that are implemented by the current class
  75. Import :A Java programming language keyword used at the beginning of a source file that can specify classes or entire packages to be referred to later without including their package names in the reference.
  76. Inheritance :The concept of classes automatically containing the variables and methods defined in their super types.
  77. Inline - C++ keyword used to declare an inline function.
  78. Instance :An object of a particular class. In programs written in the Java programming language, an instance of a class is created using the new operator followed by the class name.
  79. Interface :A Java programming language keyword used to define a collection of method definitions and constant values. It can later be implemented by classes that define this interface with the "implements" keyword.
  80. Interrupt I/O: Is a way of controlling input/output activity in which a peripheral or terminal that needs to make or receive a data transfer sends a signal that causes a program interrupt to be set
  81. ISP: Internet Service Provide,An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides Internet connectivity services to home and business customers. ISPs support one or more forms of Internet access, including modem dial-up, DSL access, cable modem broadband service, dedicated T1/T3 lines and wireless access.
  82. JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group):The organization that promotes the JPG and JPEG graphic formats for storing compressed images.
  83. Just-in-Time: A system where items are produced or received just in time to be used or sold.
  84. Java Development Kit (JDK) :A software development environment for writing applets and applications in the Java programming language. Technically, the JDK is the correct name for all versions of the Java platform from to 1.1.x
  85. Key: The identifying field of a record.
  86. Keyboard: It is an input device that is used to send textual or control information to the processor.
  87. Keyword: - The word that have special meaning and that are already available in c language is known as keyword. In the other words we may say that “the word that has special meaning in c language is known as keyword.
  88. kilobyte (K, KB, or Kb): 1,024 (2 to the 10th power) bytes; often used to represent one thousand bytes. Example: a 720K diskette can hold approximately 720,000 bytes
  89. (or characters).
  90. LAN: Local Area Network:Local Area Network (LAN) is a data communications network connecting terminals, computers and printers within a building or other geographically limited areas. These devices could be connected through wired cables or wireless links. Ethernet, Token Ring and Wireless LAN are examples of standard LAN technologies.
  91. Laser printer: A type of printer that produces exceptionally high quality copies. It works on the same principle as a photocopier, placing a black powder onto paper by using static charge on a rolling drum.
  92. Linked list: an ordered collection of data in which each element contains the location of the next element.
  93. Loader :loader is system software that loads on object program in the main memory and makes it ready for execution
  94. Linear search: Compares the given element against each element until match is found.
  95. Library function:- Library function are those function which is already available in the c compiler. These definitions are stored in their related header file.
  96. Linking :It links the program to the called module of variables that are external to the program
  97. Linker “linker is used to link the various parts of program to make in an executable form.
  98. MACHINE CYCLE:The time required to complete one operation of accessing memory,I/O, or acknowledging an external request.
  99. MACHINE LANGUAGE:The binary medium of communication with a computer through adesigned set of instructions specific to each computer.
  100. Macro expansion :It is the process of replacing a macro call statement by sequence of assembly language statements enclosed in a macro definition.
  101. Macro call:A macro call is a statement written to invoke the expansion of a macro.
  102. Main memory: The amount of memory physically installed in your computer. Also referred to as "RAM".
  103. Member function - A function that is an element of a class and that operates on objects of that class via the this pointer to the object.
  104. Memory address map:A pictorial representation of assigned address space for each chip in the system.
  105. MAN:A metropolitan-area network could link buildings within a city.
  106. Malware:Software programs designed to damage or do other unwanted actions on a computer; common examples of malware include viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware.
  107. Mapping: The transformation of the from the instruction code bits to an address in control memory where the routine is located.
  108. MICROPROCESSOR:A semiconductor device manufactured by using the LSI technology. It includes the ALU, register array, and control circuits on a single chip.
  109. Modem: Hardware equipment to connect a computer to a telephone network Typically used to connect to the Internet via a telephone line.
  110. Mouse : It is an input device hat is used to select option from a set of menus. It also controls the cursor position on the screen.
  111. MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group):An ISO standard codec for computer audio and video.
  112. MSI:Medium scale integration(MSI)-the process of designing more than a hundred gates on a single chip.
  113. Multi tasking:It allows more than one program to run concurrently.
  114. Multi threading:It allows different parts of a single program to run concurrently.
  115. Multi user:It allows two or more users to run programs at the same time
  116. MULTIPLEXING:Number of hardware chips needed for multiple digits display can
  117. be minimized by using the technique called multiplexing.
  118. NETWORK:A network, in simplest term, is a communication path between two or more systems.
  119. Nameserver: A computer that runs a program for converting Internet domain names into the corresponding IP addresses and vice versa.
  120. Namespace - A C++ keyword used to declare a namespace, which is a collection of names such as function declarations, classes, and so on.
  121. NAT: Network Address Translation:Network Address Translation (NAT) is a method by which IP addresses are mapped from one group to another, transparent to end users. NAT allows an Internet Protocol (IP) network to maintain public IP addresses separately from private IP addresses. NAT is a popular technology for Internet connection sharing. It is also sometimes used in server load balancing applications on corporate networks.
  122. Network Topology”Network Topology is the specific physical, logical, or virtual, arrangement of the network components and devices (nodes). Network topology is determined only by the configuration of connections between nodes. Distances between nodes, physical interconnections, transmission rates, and/or signal types are not effects in a network topology.
  123. new :A Java programming language keyword used to create an instance of a class.
  124. NIBBLE:A group of four bits
  125. Normalization: Techniques for eliminating redundancies from the tables in a relational database and pairing them down to their simplest form.
  126. Operands: Instructions specifies the item to be proceeding.
  127. Operating system: It is an integrated set of programs whose main purpose is to make the computer easier to use.
  128. Operation Research : Operation Research is a scientific method of providing executive departments with a quantitative bases for decisions regarding the operations under their controls.
  129. Ordered tree: A tree on which an ordered is imposed.
  130. O.R. Model: A Model is representation of reality. A model is a general term denoting any idealized representation or abstraction of a real life system.
  131. Package: A group of types. Packages are declared with the package keyword.
  132. Packet: A unit of transmission in data communications. The TCP/IP protocol breaks large data files into smaller chunks for sending over a network so that less data will have to be re-transmitted if errors occur.
  133. Paging: It is a memory management scheme that permits the physical address space of a process to be non contiguous.
  134. Parallel Projection: In this projection, centre of projection is located at infinity, because of all the projections are parallel to each other.
  135. Persistence: It is defined as how long a phosphorus can continue to emit light. It can also be defined as a time it takes the emitted light to decay to one-tenth of its original intensity.
  136. PHP : A technology allowing the insertion of server executable scripts in web pages. Mostly for Unix, Linux and Solaris platforms.
  137. Polymorphism: The ability to call a variety of member functions for a given
  138. class object using an identical interface in each case.
  139. POP: Post Office Protocol; a method of handling incoming electronic mail. Example: E-mail programs may use this protocol for storing your incoming messages on a special cluster of servers called and delivering them when requested.
  140. Pixel: Each screen point is referred to as pixel or pel. it is also referred to as picture element.
  141. Piggybacking: Piggybacking in networking refers to the process of carrying acknowledgments within a data packet to save network bandwidth.
  142. Pointer: Pointer is derived data type in c. pointer contain memory address as their value. Since these memory address are the location in the computer memory where
  143. PNG (Portable Network Graphics): A format for encoding a picture pixel by pixel and sending it over the web. A W3C recommendation for replacing GIF.
  144. program instruction and data type stored, pointer can be use to access and manipulate data stored in memory.
  145. PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol; a type of connection over telephone lines that gives you the functionality of a direct ethernet connection.
  146. Primary key: The key which is uniquely, self sufficient enough to determine the record in a file.
  147. Primary storage: Main storage of the computer used for instructions and data.
  148. Printer: These are the output devices that are used to take output of a particular page or a set of pages on the system.
  149. Private: A C++ keyword used to specify that a class member can only be accessed
  150. from member functions and friends of the class. See access control, protected,
  151. and public.
  152. Program status word: The collection of all status bit conditions in the cpu is sometimes called PSW.
  153. Projection: The projection of 3-D object is defined by straight Projection rays called projection emanating form center of the projection, passing through each point of the object and intersecting a projection plane to form the projection.
  154. Protected: A C++ keyword used to specify that a class member can only be
  155. accessed by member functions and friends of its own class and by member functions
  156. and friends of classes derived from this class. See private, public, and
  157. access control.
  158. Protection: This is any mechanism for controlling the access of processes or users to the resource defined by a computer system.
  159. Protocol: A set of rules that regulate how computers exchange information. Example: error checking for file transfers or POP for handling electronic mail.
  160. Proxy Server: An Internet server dedicated to improve Internet performance.
  161. Public: A C++ keyword used to specify that class members are accessible
  162. from any (non-member) function. See access control, protected, and private.
  163. Queue: Abstract data type in which insertion occurs at one end and deletion occurs at other end.
  164. RAM (Random-Access Memory): This is the memory where the software resides while it is running along with the data it is using. RAM is used by both OS and application software.
  165. Refresh Rate: Refresh rate is defined as the rate at which picture is again drawn on the monitor. It is measured in cycles per second.
  166. Register: C++ keyword used as a hint to the compiler that a particular local variable
  167. should be placed in a machine register.
  168. Register address: A register address is a binary number of k bits that specifies the operands residing in register.
  169. Rear: Part of queue where insertion operation occurs.
  170. Real time system: It is acomputer system that requires not only that the computer results be”corrct”but also that the results be produces within the specified deadline.
  171. Record: A collection of aggregates or related items of data treated as a unit.
  172. Redundancy: A situation in which two or more pieces of information in a file are the same.
  173. Recursion function: When function calls itself repeat until some specific condition is met, and then process is called recursion
  174. Reflection: It is the process of generating a symmetric image of the object in a direction opposite to same object.
  175. Rollback: It defines that all the changes are aborted and the database is rolled back to the previous consistent state if the database.
  176. ROM (Read-Only Memory): A form of data storage. This type of memory keeps the saved data even if the device power is off. The data on the ROM can be loaded into the RAM if needed.
  177. Rotation: Rotation is an important property of graphics system, it causes the viewer to see an object from different directions.
  178. Route: Route in networking refers to a logic path within network in which a packet is travelling through from a sender to a receiver.
  179. Remote login: An interactive connection from your desktop computer over a network or telephone lines to a computer in another location (remote site).
  180. Relocation: Adjusting the values of the address dependent locations like address constant, according to the change in the memory locations
  181. Return: C++ keyword used for returning values from a function.
  182. Scheduler: It is a special DBMS program that establishes the order in which the
  183. operations within concurrent transactions are executed.
  184. Scope: The region of a program where a name has visibility.
  185. Scaling: Scaling transformation allows an object change by expanding or contracting its dimension i.e. it is a process of expanding or compressing the dimensions of the object.
  186. Semaphore: An integer counter and an associated thread-wait queue. When initialized, the semaphore counter receives a user-defined positive or null value.
  187. Sequential access: It is a access method in which information is processed in order, one record after the other.
  188. Serial port: An interface on a computer that supports transmission of a single bit at a time; can be used for connecting almost any type of external device including a mouse, a modem, or a printer.
  189. Source code: A program written either in mnemonics of an assembly language or in English like statements of high level language.
  190. Sorting: Arranging elements in some order.
  191. Sizeof: C++ keyword for taking the size of an object or type.
  192. Spool: A spool is a buffer that holds output for a device, such as printer that cannot accept interleaved data streams.
  193. SLIP : Serial Line Interface Protocol. Along with the PPP, a protocol that can be used with a dialup connection to an ISP to complete a TCP/IP Internet connection.
  194. Stack: A group of memory locations in the R/W memory that is used for temporary storage of binary information during the execution of the program.
  195. Static variable: As the name suggest the value of the static variable persists until the end of the programme. A variable can be use until declaring the keyword static. Static variable internal type or external type depends upon the declaration.
  196. Static: A Java programming language keyword used to define a variable as a class variable. Classes maintain one copy of class variables regardless of how many instances exist of that class. "static" can also be used to define a method as a class method. Class methods are invoked by the class instead of a specific instance, and can only operate on class variables.
  197. Subroutine: A group of instructions that performs a subtask of repeated occurrence.
  198. This - C++ keyword used in a member function to point at the object currently
  199. being operated on.
  200. Thread: The basic unit of program execution. A process can have several threads running concurrently, each performing a different job, such as waiting for events or performing a time-consuming job that the program doesn't need to complete before going on. When a thread has finished its job, the thread is suspended or destroyed.
  201. Telnet: A generic term that refers to the process of opening a remote interactive login session regardless of the type of computer you're connecting to.
  202. URL(Uniform Resource Locator): A web address. The standard way to address web documents (pages) on the Internet (like:
  203. Variable: A measurable quantity that has a definite numerical value at every instant.
  204. View port: Sometimes, we want to display different portions of image in different regions of screen. A rectangular region of display device where contents of windows are displayed is called viewport.
  205. Virtual function: A member function whose interpretation when called depends
  206. on the type of the object for which it is called; a function for an object
  207. of a derived class will override a function of its base class.
  208. Void: A Java programming language keyword used in method declarations to specify that the method does not return any value. "void" can also be used as a non functional statement.
  209. WAN: A wide area network usually links buildings, cities or countries.
  210. Web Server: A server is a computer that delivers services or information to other computers. In web terms: A server that delivers web content to web browsers.
  211. While: A Java programming language keyword used to declare a loop that iterates a block of statements. The loop's exit condition is specified as part of the while statement.
  212. XML: Extensible Markup Language; A markup language for coding web documents that allows designers to create their own customized tags for structuring a page.
  213. zip: A common file compression format for IBM PC or compatibles; the utility WinZip is used for compressing and decompressing files. Zipped files usually end with a ".zip" file extension. A special kind of zipped file is self-extracting and ends with a ".exe" extension.