SL | COMMANDS/MENUS | Function of the Finacle Menu |
1. | AALI | A/c Abnormal Limits/Details Inquiry |
2. | ABMR | Report of Accounts Below Min Balance |
3. | ACCBAL | Components of Account Balance Inquiry |
4. | ACDET | Account Balance Details |
5. | ACI | Customer Accounts Inquiry |
6. | ACLI | Account Ledger Inquiry |
7. | ACLPCA | Customer Account Ledger Print |
8. | ACLPOA | Office Account Ledgers Print |
9. | ACMP | Account Master Print |
10. | ACSP | Account Selection Print |
11. | ACTI | Account Turnover Inquiry |
12. | ACTODI | Account TOD Inquiry |
13. | ADVC | Print DR/CR Advice to Customer |
14. | AFI | Audit File Inquiry |
15. | AFINQU | Audit File Inquiry |
16. | AFP | Audit File Print |
17. | AICR | Advanced Interest Collected Report- Bills |
18. | AINTRPT | Interest Report For Accounts |
19. | AITINQ | Account Interest Details Inquiry |
20. | ALMSP | Agricultural Loans Master Sheet Print |
21. | ASTI | Amount-slab Table Inquiry |
22. | ATI | Abnormal Transactions Inquiry |
23. | ATMBRPT | Balances outstanding in MBBCASH001,ATMCASH001, ATMTEMP001 where balancenot equal to ZERO. |
24. | BDTR | Bills due Today report. |
25. | BEHI | Bills Events History Inquiry |
28. | BI | Bills Inquiry |
29. | BICR | Bills Interest Collected Report |
30. | BICS | Bills Collection Schedule |
31. | BKTI | Bank Table Inquiry |
32. | BR | Balancing Report |
35. | BRRBPR | Bills Register Report - Bills Purchased |
36. | BRRCR | Bills Register Report - Collection Inward/Outward |
37. | BRTI | Branch Table Inquiry |
38. | CALLRPT 1 | Call over Report for SB and CA Accounts |
39. | CALLRPT 11 | Payslip reconciliation/outstanding Report |
40. | CALLRPT 12 | Interest certificate Only for TDR for a givencust_id. |
41. | CALLRPT 14 | Inward Clearing File Generation |
42. | CALLRPT 15 | Statement of Service Tax |
43. | CALLRPT 16 | Statement of PPF Transactions |
44. | CALLRPT 17 | BCTT Download for a Branch |
45. | CALLRPT 18 | BCTT Consolidation for Zonal Offices |
46. | CALLRPT 2 | Call over Report for CC and OD Accounts |
47. | CALLRPT 3 | Call over Report for Loan Accounts |
48. | CALLRPT 4 | Call over Report for TDA Accounts |
49. | CALLRPT 5 | Call over Report for DD |
50. | CALLRPT 6 | Call over Report for office Accounts |
51. | CALLRPT 7 | Accounts with interest table code Zero/ZeroL |
52. | CALLRPT 8 | TDS details for a given Cust-Id |
53. | CALLRPT 9 | Interest details for a given Sol-Id. |
54. | CBM | Customer Becoming Major |
55. | CHGIR | Charges Income Report |
57. | CTI | Calendar Table Inquiry |
58. | CUACLI | Inquire on Your Account Ledger Entries |
59. | CUBI | Bills Inquiry |
60. | CULAC | Customer Accounts List |
61. | CULI | Customer Unutilised Limit Inquiry |
62. | CUMI | Customer Master Inquiry |
63. | CUS | Customer Selection |
64. | CUSTBALP | CUSTomer BALance Printing |
67. | DCQRY | Document credit Query |
68. | DCQRYP | Documentary Credits Query Printing |
69. | DCREG | Documentary Credits Register Printing |
71. | DDIC | DD Credits Inquiry |
72. | DDID | DD Debits Inquiry |
73. | DDII | Specific DD Issued Inquiry |
74. | DDIP | Specific DD Paid Inquiry |
75. | DDIR | DD Issue Reports |
76. | DDP | A-> DD Issued Summary |
77. | DDP | B-> DD Issued Register |
78. | DDP | C-> DD Paid Summary |
79. | DDP | D-> DD Paid Register |
80. | DDP | E-> DD Cancellation & Rectification Summary |
81. | DDP | F-> DD Cancellation & Rectification Register |
82. | DDP | G-> DD Consolidated Summary |
83. | DDP | H -> All Summarys A,C,E,G |
84. | DDP | I -> All Registers B,D,F |
85. | DDP | J -> All Summaries & Registers |
86. | DDP2 | A -> Drafts Issued Schedule |
87. | DDP2 | B -> Drafts Issued Register |
88. | DDP2 | C -> Drafts Paid Schedule (other than Ex-advice) |
89. | DDP2 | D-> Drafts Paid Register (other than Ex-advice) |
90. | DDP2 | E-> Drafts Paid Ex-advice Schedule |
91. | DDP2 | F-> Drafts Paid Ex-advice Register |
92. | DDP2 | G-> Drafts Reversing Debits Schedule |
93. | DDP2 | H-> Drafts Reversing Credits Schedule |
94. | DDP2 | I-> Drafts A/c Schedule |
95. | DDP2 | J-> All Schedules A,C,E,G,H,I |
96. | DDP2 K | All Registers B,D,F |
97. | DDP2 L | All Schedules & Registers J,K |
98. | DDPALL | Print all unprinted DDs |
99. | DDPRNT | Print a DD |
100. | DDREPRNT | Reprint a DD/ Print advice |
101. | DDXFER | Advice of Drawing Printing |
102. | DEPINT | Interest calculator for deposits |
103. | DEPMOD | Deposit Modeling |
104. | DRP | Deposits Receipt Print |
105. | DTCS | Display Tran Code Summary |
106. | DTR | Deposit Transactions Report |
107. | DUDRP | Deposits Receipt Print [Duplicate] |
109. | EFI | Employee File Inquiry |
110. | EXCPRPT | Exceptions Report |
113. | FBCS | Foreign Bills Covering Schedule |
115. | FBHI | Foreign Bills History Inquiry |
116. | FBI | Foreign Bills Inquiry |
117. | FBP | Foreign Bills Printing |
118. | FBRPR | Reserve Payment Register |
119. | FI | Fate Inquiry |
120. | FOIQ | FAB Outward Clearing Instrument Inquiry |
121. | FTI | Financial Transactions Inquiry |
122. | FTR | Financial Transactions Inquiry & Report |
123. | FTR | Financial Transactions Inquiry & Report |
124. | FWCHI | Forward Contract History Inquiry |
125. | FWCLIAB | Forward Contract Liability Register |
126. | FWCODLST | List of Overdue and Matured FC |
127. | FWCQRY | Query on FC |
128. | GDET | General Deposits Details |
129. | GDET | General Deposits Details |
130. | GI | Guarantee Inquiry |
131. | GILR | Guarantees Issued cum Liabilty Register |
132. | GP | Guarantee Printing |
133. | GPI | Guarantee Parameters Inquiry |
134. | GSPI | General Scheme Parameters Inquiry |
135. | GURFIMU | Reference File Inquiry Menu |
136. | HACCBAL | Balance details of an Account |
137. | HACCBAL | Balance details of an Account |
138. | HACCDET | General Details |
139. | HACCDET | General Details |
140. | HACIMU | CRV - Account Level Menu |
141. | HACLHI | Limit Details |
142. | HACLI | Transactions Inquiry |
143. | HACS | Account Selection |
144. | HACTI | Account turnover details |
145. | HADVC | Print DR/CR Advice to Customer |
146. | HAITINQ | Account Interest Details Inquiry |
147. | HBKQRY | Bank Level Query Option |
148. | HCELI | Collateral Entity Linkage Inquiry |
149. | HCRVMU | Customer Relationship View- Main Menu |
150. | HCUACC | Accounts of Customer |
151. | HCUCA | Current Account of Customer |
152. | HCUCC | Cash Credit of Customer |
153. | HCUDET | General details of Customer |
154. | HCUIMU | CRV - Customer Level Menu |
155. | HCULA | Loan Accounts of Customer |
156. | HCUMAT | Forthcoming Maturities of Customer |
157. | HCUOD | Overdraft Accounts of Customer |
158. | HCUPSD | Portfolio details of Customer |
159. | HCUS | Customer Selection |
160. | HCUSB | Savings Account of Customer |
161. | HCUSEL | Customer Selection |
162. | HCUSUM | Summary details of Customer |
163. | HCUSWP | Sweep details of Customer |
164. | HCUTD | Term Deposits of Customer |
165. | HCUTI | Turnover Summary of Customer |
166. | HDCDET | Delivery Channel transaction details |
167. | HFTI | Financial Transactions Inquiry |
168. | HICI | Inward Cheques Inquiry |
169. | HII | Hot Items Inquiry |
170. | HINTCI | Interest Table Code Inquiry |
171. | HINTTI | Interest Rate Details Inquiry |
172. | HIOGLT | Inquire on GL Transactions |
173. | HIOT | Inquire on Transactions |
174. | HLAGI | Loan Account General Inquiry |
175. | HLAI | Loan Inquiry |
176. | HLAMOD | Loan Modelling |
177. | HLAOPI | Loans Overdue Position Inquiry |
178. | HLAPSP | Loan Account Pass Sheet Print |
179. | HLARSH | Loans Repayment Schedule Report |
180. | HM | Help Maintenance |
181. | HOCI | Outward Cheques Inquiry |
182. | HOCIP | HOC Inquiry cum BA(R) Print |
183. | HOCIP | HOC Inquiry cum BA(R) Print |
184. | HODBCH | Bill and Collection History Details |
185. | HOIQ | Outward Clearing Instrument Inquiry |
186. | HOPQ | Outward Clearing Ptran Inquiry |
187. | HPARTINQ | Inquiry on Partitioned Account |
188. | HPBP | Passbook Print |
189. | HPSP | Pass Sheet Print |
190. | HRTHQRY | Ratelist History Query |
191. | HTD | Term deposit transaction details |
192. | HTDINT | Term deposit interest details |
193. | HTDSIP | TDS Inquiry & Printing |
194. | HTDSIP | TDS Inquiry & Printing |
195. | HTDTAX | Term deposit tax deduction details |
196. | HTFIN | Customer Trade Finance Inquiry |
197. | HTINQ | Hot Items Lookup |
198. | HTODCS | TOD Criteria and Selection |
200. | IMI | Inventory Movement Inquiry |
201. | IMR | Inventory Movement Report |
202. | INQACHQ | Inquire Account Number for a Cheque |
203. | INTCERT | Interest Certificate Print |
204. | INTSI | Interest Slab Inquiry |
205. | INTTI | Interest Table Inquiry |
206. | IOCLS | Inquire On Clearing Transaction Sets |
207. | IOGLT | Inquire on GL Transactions |
208. | IOT | Inquire on Transactions |
209. | ISAR | Inter Sol Audit Report |
210. | ISI | Inventory Inquiry Split and Merge-EM |
211. | ISIA | Inventory Inquiry Split and Merge |
212. | ISTR | Inter Sol Transaction Report |
213. | ITCI | Interest Table Code Inquiry |
214. | ITI | Instruments Table Inquiry |
215. | LAGI | Loans General Inquiry |
216. | LAITCI | Loan Interest Table Code Inquiry |
217. | LAOPI | Loans Overdue Position Inquiry |
218. | LAPSP | Loan Account Pass Sheet Print |
219. | LLIR | Limit Liability Inquiry/Report |
220. | LLIR | Limit Liability Inquiry/Report |
221. | LNDI | Limit Node Details Inquiry |
222. | LNHTIR | Limit Node History/Tran Inquiry/Report |
223. | LNHTIR | Limit Node History/Tran Inquiry/Report |
224. | LNI | Limit Node Inquiry |
225. | LVSI | Loan Interest Version Slabs Inquiry |
226. | MNTPST | Maintain PST Table (Modify & Inquiry) |
228. | OIQ | Outward Clearing Instruments Inquiry |
229. | OPQ | Outward Clg Part Tran Inquiry |
230. | OTRINQ | Offline Transaction Inquiry |
231. | PARTINQ | Inquiry on Partitioned Account |
232. | PBP | Pass Book Print |
233. | PCLSO | Print Clearing Schedule |
234. | PDADI | Past Due A/c Details Inquiry And Report |
235. | PDML | Print/Display Media List |
236. | PENDDRP | Pending Deposits Receipt Print |
237. | PHINQ | Inquiry on History of Partition A/c |
238. | PICS | Print Inward Clearing Schedule |
239. | PICW | Print Inward Clearing Waste |
240. | PLIST | Pending Installments List - Recurring Deposits |
241. | PLIST | Pending Installments List |
243. | PRR25 | PRR25 Report of rejected cheques |
244. | PRR38 | Statement of Daily Cash Position |
245. | PRRTL | Ratelist Printing |
246. | PRTINQ | Print Queue Inquiry |
247. | PSR32 | Sanction Limits For Accounts based on Sector &Sub-sector codes |
248. | PTW 1 | Full Transfer Waste |
249. | PTW 12 | System Generated Transactions |
250. | PTW 2 | Only Verified Transaction |
251. | PTW 3 | Only Unposted Transaction |
252. | PTW 4 | Only Unverified Transaction |
253. | QBR | Quick Balancing Report |
254. | RBTI | Register Table Balance Inquiry |
255. | RDD | Ratewise Distribution of Deposits |
256. | REDRP | Reprint Deposits Receipt |
257. | REJREP | Rejected Instruments Report/Advice |
258. | RENHIST | TD Renewal History Details |
259. | RINTINQ | Interest Inquiry For RPC Accounts |
262. | RRCDI | Reference Code Inquiry |
263. | RTHQRY | Ratelist History Query |
264. | RTHQRY | Ratelist History Query |
265. | SCWRPT | Shroff Cash Report |
266. | SCWRPT | A Shrof Cash Rpt-All |
267. | SDD | Schemewise Distribution of Deposits |
268. | SEL | Superceding Expired Limits |
269. | SEL | Superceding Expired Limits |
270. | SIETR | SIs Executed Today Report |
271. | SII | Standing Instructions Inquiry |
272. | SIRP | Standing Instructions Register Printing |
273. | SMI | Swift Messages Inquiry |
274. | SPRG | Stop Payment Register |
275. | TCPI | Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry |
276. | TCPIA | Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry / All |
277. | TDSIP | TDS Inquiry & Printing |
278. | TEI T | Transactions Exceptions Inquiry |
279. | TI | Transactions Inquiry |
280. | TODCS | TOD Criteria and Selection |
281. | TODRP | TOD Register Printing |
282. | TRANINQ | Tran Inquiry |
283. | TRANLIST | Tran list display |
284. | TRTRI | Treasury Transaction Report and Inquiry |
285. | TVSI | Term Deposits Interest Slabs Inquiry |
286. | VCHR | Print DR/CR Voucher |
Friday, 15 August 2014
Finacle Function Keys with their functions
Functional Keys | Functions |
F1 | Field level HELP |
F2 | LIST the codes that may be used in a particular field. |
F3 | QUIT or BACK |
SHIFT+F3 | To completely QUIT and brings back to the main menu |
F5 | BACKGROUND Menu (very useful key especially when you are in the middle of a transaction and in the meantime you are required to visit some other menu) |
F6 | NEXT BLOCK (or swap between screens) |
F8 | Copy a record |
F9 | Display SIGNATURE |
F10 | COMMIT (perhaps the most important key for it updates the record in the database) |
TAB | Go to NEXT valid FIELD |
CNTRL+F9 | MEMO pad look up |
CNTRL+U | PAGE UP list |
CNTRL+E | EXPLODE (For further inquiring) |
CNTRL+F | CLEAN a field |
CNTRL+X | CURRENT DATE (or BOD). Also in case of an amount field it displays the highest value |
Finacle Core Banking Solution Menu Commands
1 | AAAR | Anywhere/ATM Advice Reconciliation |
2 | AALI | A/c Abnormal Limits/Details Inquiry |
3 | AALM | A/c Abnormal Limits/Details Maintenance |
5 | ABH | Initiate After Business Hours Process |
6 | ABMR | Report of Accounts Below Min Balance |
7 | ABSOTS | ABSOT Schedules |
8 | ACACCR | Interest Accrual For Accounts |
9 | ACBOOK | Interest Booking For Accounts |
10 | ACCBAL | Components of Account Balance Inquiry |
11 | ACCREV | Foreign Currency Account Revaluation |
12 | ACDET | Account Balance Details |
13 | ACDMTR | A/Cs Due For Mid Term Review |
14 | ACFCTM | Account Filtration Criteria Maintenance |
15 | ACI | Customer Accounts Inquiry |
16 | ACINT | Interest Run For Accounts |
17 | ACLCM | Account Label Code Maintenance |
18 | ACLHM | Account Limit History Maintenance |
19 | ACLHMAU | Account Limit History Maintenance |
20 | ACLI | Account Ledger Inquiry |
21 | ACLPCA | Customer Account Ledger Print |
22 | ACLPOA | Office Account Ledgers Print |
23 | ACM | Customer Accounts Maintenance |
24 | ACMAU | Account Maintenance |
25 | ACMDB | Office Account Maintenance |
26 | ACMP | Account Master Print |
27 | ACPF | Update Account Purge Flag |
28 | ACS | Account Selection |
29 | ACSBIO | Account Shadow Balance Inquiry |
30 | ACSP | Account Selection Print |
31 | ACTI | Account Turnover Inquiry |
32 | ACTM | Foreign Agent Code Maintenance |
33 | ACTODI | Account TOD Inquiry |
34 | ACTODM | Account TOD Maintenance |
35 | ACTODMAU | Account TOD Maintenance |
36 | ACZDB | Close Office Account |
37 | ADDPST | Maintain PST Table (Add) |
38 | ADDRM | Name and Address |
39 | ADMIN | FAB Admin |
40 | ADVC | Print DR/CR Advice to Customer |
41 | AFI | Audit File Inquiry |
42 | AFINQU | Audit File Inquiry |
43 | AFP | Audit File Print |
44 | AFPU | Audit File Purge |
45 | AFSM | Account Freeze Status Maintenance |
46 | AGCLS | AGCL Schedules Print |
47 | AGTM | Agent Master Maintenance |
48 | AHLETGEN | Ad hoc Letter Generator |
49 | AICR | Advanced Interest Collected Report |
50 | AINTPRG | Interest Purge ForAccounts |
51 | AINTRPT | Interest Report For Accounts |
52 | AITINQ | Account Interest DetailsInquiry |
53 | ALM | Account Lien Maintenance |
54 | ALMSP | Agricultural Loans Master Sheet Print |
55 | AMHOA | Amortization History Of Accts |
56 | AMHOB | Amortization History Of Bills |
57 | ANWADM | Anywhere Administration |
58 | ANWBI | Anywhere Balance Inquiry |
59 | ANWCT | Anywhere Cash Deposit/Withdrawal |
60 | ANWPRT | Pending Transaction Report |
61 | ANWPTH | Anywhere Pending Transaction Handler |
62 | ANWSIGI | Anywhere Signature Retrieval |
63 | ANWSTATI | Anywhere Statement Inquiry |
64 | ANWXFER | Anywhere Funds Transfer |
65 | APHM | Account Placeholder Maintenance |
66 | AR | System Reconciliation |
67 | ASM | Approved Security Master Maintenance |
68 | ASMCU | Consolidated Updation for Securities |
69 | ASMUPL | Mass Security Upload |
70 | ASPROV | Parameters For Asset Provisioning |
71 | ASSCR | Asset Classification Report |
72 | ASTI | Amount-slab Table Inquiry |
73 | ASTM | Amount-slab Table Maintenance |
74 | ATI | Abnormal Transactions Inquiry |
75 | ATMADM | ATM Administration |
76 | ATMCM | ATM Controller Table Maintenance |
77 | ATMDESP | Start ATM Despatcher |
78 | ATMM | ATM Table Maintenance |
79 | ATMONL | Start Online ATM Services |
80 | ATMRECON | Start ATM Reconciliation |
81 | ATMSKIP | Skip ATM EOD/BOD Jobs |
82 | ATMSTOP | Stop ATM Services |
83 | ATMTA | ATM Cash Deposit Authorization |
84 | ATO | Account Turnover |
85 | ATOR | A/Cs Turnover Report |
86 | ATR | Acted Transactions List Report |
87 | AUTOREG | Auto Regularization |
87 | BARINFO | BAR Information Generation |
88 | BARIOR | BAR Inward/Outward Register |
89 | BARPTS | Bank Advances Reports |
90 | BAYCBMNU | BankAway! Menu ForCorporate Banking |
91 | BBTD | Batch/Block Tickets Display |
92 | BCCALC | Batch Charges Calculation |
93 | BCREPORT | Bankers Cheque Recon Report |
94 | BCSI | Bills/Chqs Covering Schedule - Inter Br |
95 | BCSO | Bills/Chqs Covering Schedule - Inter Bk |
96 | BDISCREP | Bills Discrepancy Report |
97 | BDR | Review Of Pending And Dishonored Bills |
98 | BDTR | Bills Due Today But Unpaid |
99 | BEHI | Bills Events History Inquiry |
100 | BGCLOSE | Guarantee Close |
101 | BGLIMIT | Limit/Guarantee wise Utilization Report |
102 | BGJQM | Background Job Queue Maintenance |
103 | BGM | Budget Maintenance |
104 | BGMARGIN | BG Margin Printing |
105 | BGPRINT | BG Printing |
106 | BGSTMNT | Statement of Guarantee |
107 | BGUPL | Guarantees Upload |
108 | BI | Bills Inquiry |
109 | BIACCR | Interest Accrual For Bills |
110 | BIAIL | Acceptance Intimation to Lodging Branch |
111 | BIBOOK | Interest Booking For Bills |
112 | BICN | Interest Calculation - Non Bill by Bill |
113 | BICR | Bills Interest Collected Report |
114 | BICS | Bills Collection Schedule |
115 | BIDUMP | Inland Bills Dump |
116 | BIID | Bill Intimation to Drawee |
117 | BIIDU | Bill Intimation to Drawee (Usance Bill) |
118 | BINAL | Non Payment Advice to Lodging Branch |
119 | BINRD | Non Payment Reminder To Drawee |
120 | BINTPRG | Interest Purge For Bills |
121 | BINTRPT | Interest Report For Bills |
122 | BIPAD | Payment Advice to Drawee |
123 | BIRAL | Realization Advice to Lodging Branches |
124 | BIRCL | Bills Return Covering Letter |
125 | BIRPC | Realization ProceedsCovering Letter |
126 | BJE | Batch Job Executioner |
127 | BJSINQ | BJS Inquiry |
128 | BJSTI | BJS Table Inquiry |
129 | BJSTM | Table Maintenance |
130 | BKTI | Bank Table Inquiry |
131 | BKTM | Bank Table Maintenance |
132 | BLRTI | Bills Register Type Inquiry |
133 | BLRTM | Bills Register Type Maintenance |
134 | BM | Bills Maintenance |
135 | BMCM | Bills Message Code Maintenance |
136 | BMUPL | Bills Upload |
137 | BORPIU | BORPI File Upload |
138 | BOTC | Back Office Transactions Creation |
139 | BP | Bills Printing |
140 | BPMI | Bills Parameter Master Inquiry |
141 | BPMM | Bills Parameter Master Maintenance |
142 | BR | Balancing Report |
143 | BRACS | Account Selection -BancsRemote |
144 | BRBPR | Balancing Report - Bills Purchased |
145 | BRCHQUPL | Cheque Book DetailsUpload |
146 | BRCLUPLD | Clearing Transaction Upload Maintenance |
147 | BRCR | Balancing Report - Collection |
148 | BRCUS | Customer Selection - BancsRemote |
149 | BRDCMAPI | Inquiry On Branch toData Center Mapping |
150 | BRDDISS | BancsRemote Upload of Issued DDs |
151 | BRDNLD | BancsRemote Download of Tables |
152 | BROPEG | Batch Review Of Pegged A/Cs and RPC Disbursements |
153 | BROWSE | Browsing of IBR file received |
154 | BRRBPR | Bills Register Report - Bills Purchased |
155 | BRRCR | Bills Register Report - Collection |
156 | BRSM | BRS Table Maintenance |
157 | BRTI | Branch Table Inquiry |
158 | BRTM | Branch Table Maintenance |
159 | BRTTUM | Transfer Transaction Upload Maintenance |
160 | BRTTUMP | Transfer Trans Upload Maint.(Posting) |
161 | BRUPLOAD | Customer / Account Master Upload |
162 | BRUPLTAM | Term Deposits Master Upload |
163 | BRV | Bills Reversal |
164 | BSR1 | BSR1 Basic Statistical Return- PART I/II |
165 | BSR2B | BSR2 Basic Statistical Return-2 PART B |
166 | BSR2C | BSR2 Basic Statistical Return-2 PART C |
167 | BSR3 | BSR3 Adv against selected securities |
168 | BSTM | Branch Sds Maintenance |
169 | BTM | Back Dated Transaction |
170 | BTP | Batch Transactions Posting |
171 | BUIRPT | BORPI Upload Inquiry Report |
172 | CAAC | Close an Account |
173 | CAACAU | Close an Account |
174 | CABR | Co-accepted Bills |
175 | CACC | Closure of Account Charge Collection |
176 | CAMC | Change Account Manager of Customer |
177 | CANSM | Finacle Security Mgmt |
178 | CARM | Cards Account Relation Maintenance |
179 | CASHDEP | Cash Deposit |
180 | CASHWD | Cash Withdrawal |
181 | CB | Cancel BAR |
182 | CBM | Customer Becoming Major |
183 | CBOD | Initiate BOD Central Process |
184 | CBP | Cheque Book Printing (Range of Accounts) |
185 | CBR | Cash Balance Report |
186 | CCA | Change Customer ID of the Account |
187 | CCM | Carrier Code Maintenance |
188 | CCMUPLD | Central Customer Master Upload |
189 | CCO | Centralized Clearing Operations |
190 | CCS | Changing Context Service Outlet |
191 | CCST | Close Cash Transactions |
192 | CCUPW | Change Customer Password |
193 | CDCIADM | CDCI Administration |
194 | CDPBFEXT | CDCI PBF Extraction |
195 | CDRTLD | CDCI Rate Details Download |
196 | CDSTUPD | Send CDCI Control Message |
197 | CEOD | Initiate EOD Central |
198 | CFLM | Carry-Forward List Maintenance |
199 | CFLSIBR | Creation of Files for Sending to IBR |
200 | CFTM | Customer Facility Maintenance |
201 | CHBIR | Cheque Book Issued Register |
202 | CHBM | Cheque Book Maintenance |
203 | CHBMAU | Authorizing cheque book Maintenance |
204 | CHCS | Cheques Collection Schedule |
205 | CHGIR | Charges Income Report |
206 | CHQISS | Cheque Book Issue |
207 | CHQUPLD | Cheque Book Details Upload |
208 | CIPPRPT | Customer Interest Pref and Peg Report |
209 | CLBAP | Clearing BAR/Advice Printing |
210 | CLCM | Charge Level Code Maintenance |
211 | CLSEXP | Batch Closure of Export Orders |
212 | CLSLAA | Batch Closure of Loan Accounts |
213 | CLSPCA | Batch Closure of Packing Credit Accounts |
214 | CLUPLD | Clearing Transaction Upload Maintenance |
215 | CLZCM | Clearing Zone Template Maintenance |
216 | CMMI | Common Message Modification Interface |
217 | CMTI | Common Message Translation Interface |
218 | CNCLFWC | Cancellation of Forward Contracts |
219 | CNCM | Country Currency Maintenance |
220 | COLA | Charge Off / Reversal of Loan Account |
221 | COMR | Commission Report |
222 | CONBAP | Consolidated BAR/Advice Printing |
223 | CONSCHK | Consistency Check |
224 | COUNTRYM | Country Code Maintenance |
225 | CRNPOS | Position of Currency |
226 | CRT | Create and Update Reversal Transaction |
227 | CSE | Changing Service Outlet For An Employee |
228 | CSFB | Creation of Sequential File for a Branch |
229 | CSOLOP | Close SOL Operations |
230 | CSPW | Change System Password |
231 | CTCM | Clearing Transaction Code Maintenance |
232 | CTI | Calendar Table Inquiry |
233 | CTM | Calendar Table Maintenance |
234 | CTRA | Credit Transaction Report For An Account |
235 | CTTM | CTT Table Maintenance |
236 | CUACLI | Inquire on Your Account Ledger Entries |
237 | CUBI | Bills Inquiry |
238 | CUIR | Customer Interest Report |
239 | CULAC | Customer Accounts List |
240 | CULI | Customer Unutilized Limit Inquiry |
241 | CUMAILL | List for Mail |
242 | CUMAILM | Mail Maintenance |
243 | CUMI | Customer Master Inquiry |
244 | CUMM | Customer Master Maintenance |
245 | CUMP | Customer Master Print |
246 | CUPW | Change Your Password |
247 | CUS | Customer Selection |
248 | CUSTBALP | Customer Balance Printing |
249 | CUTXTMNT | Text Maintenance |
250 | CVDOR | Changing Value date or Reject Instrument |
251 | CXFT | Close Transfer Transactions |
252 | CYCM | CYC Table Maintenance |
253 | DAM | Deposit Accounts Maintenance |
254 | DCEXPLST | Report on Expiring Documentary Credits |
255 | DCGPR | DC General Purpose Report Printing |
256 | DCLIABRG | Documentary Credits Liability Register |
257 | DCPRINT | DC Printing |
258 | DCQRY | Query on Documentary Credits |
259 | DCQRYM | Query and Modify Documentary Credits |
260 | DCREG | Documentary Credits Register Printing |
261 | DCRM | Documentary Credits Register Maintenance |
262 | DCRPTS | DC Reports and Advices |
263 | DCSTMT | Statement of Documentary Credits |
264 | DCTM | Data Center Calendar Table Maintenance |
265 | DDADV | Entry Advice Date for Ex- Adv Payment |
266 | DDBP | Demand Drafts Batch Printing |
267 | DDC | Cancellation of a DD |
268 | DDD | Issue of duplicate DD |
269 | DDIC | DD Credits Inquiry |
270 | DDID | DD Debits Inquiry |
271 | DDII | Specific DD Issued Inquiry |
272 | DDIP | Specific DD Paid Inquiry |
273 | DDIR | DD Issue Reports |
274 | DDISSUE | DD Issue |
275 | DDLOST | Entry of Reported Lost DDs |
276 | DDMI | Mass Issue Entry |
277 | DDMOD | Modification of Issue/Payment Details |
278 | DDMP | Mass Payment Entry |
279 | DDNPADV | Entry of Receipt of NPA |
280 | DDP | Reports Parameters |
281 | DDP2 | Reports Parameters |
282 | DDPADV | Entry of Payment Advice |
283 | DDPALL | Print all Unprinted DDs |
284 | DDPAY | DD Payment |
285 | DDPRNT | Print a DD |
286 | DDPUPL | DD Payments Upload |
287 | DDR | Rectification / Reversal of DD Transaction |
288 | DDR2 | Rectification / Reversal of DD Transactions |
289 | DDREPRNT | Reprint a DD/ Print advice |
290 | DDREVERT | Revert Stat from RepLost/ NPA Recd |
291 | DDSM | DD Status Maintenance |
292 | DDSUMF | DD Summary in File |
293 | DDT | Transfers from DD Accounts |
294 | DDUPLOAD | DD Upload |
295 | DECUP | Delinquency Cycle Updation Process |
296 | DEFCALC | Deferred Charges Calculation |
297 | DEFPC | Default Packing Credits under WTPCG/PCG |
298 | DENOMMGT | Denomination Management |
299 | DEPMOD | Deposit Modeling |
300 | DLYPCFC | Daily PCFC Report |
301 | DN | Due Notice |
302 | DOCTR | Document Tracking Report |
303 | DOCUPL | Loan Document Detail Upload |
304 | DPDRPT | Delinquency Report Generation |
305 | DPGR | Deferred Payment Guarantee register |
306 | DRP | Deposit Receipts Print |
307 | DSACOMM | DSA Commission Processing and Payment |
308 | DSADOC | DSA Document Link Maintenance |
309 | DSAIP | DSA Inquiry and Printing |
310/td> | DSAMM | DSA Master Maintenance |
311 | DSAPM | DSA Parameter Maintenance |
312 | DSASUB | DSA Subvention Payment |
313 | DSATO | DSA Turnover Processing |
314 | DSFTT | Download Sequential File to Tables |
315 | DSPADM | Despatcher Administration |
316 | DSPLIC | Modules License Information Form |
317 | DSPWFI | Workflow Items Inquiry |
318 | DSPWFQ | Display Pending Workflow Items |
319 | DTCS | Display Tran Code Summary |
320 | DTE | Delete Transactions in Entered Status |
321 | DTM | Deposits Transactions Maintenance |
322 | DTMR | Foreign DD/TT/MT Issued Register |
323 | DTR | Deposit Transactions Report |
324 | DUDEL | Deletion of User Defined Expired Liens |
325 | DUDRP | Deposits Receipt Print [Duplicate] |
326 | EABR | Re-Build End of Day Account Balances |
327 | ECGCPC | ECGC Premium Calculation |
328 | ECGCRPC | ECGC Premium Calculation for RPC Disbursements |
329 | ECHRAC | Enter Cheques Rejected at Counter |
330 | EFI | Employee File Inquiry |
331 | EFM | Employee File Maintenance |
332 | EIO | Encode Instruments |
333 | EIRPTS | EI Reports |
334 | EMAILL | List for E-Mail |
335 | EMAILM | E-Mail Maintenance |
336 | EMIINTR | EMI Loans Interest Details Report |
337 | ERTI | Error Table Inquiry |
338 | ETM | Error Table Maintenance |
339 | ETOSDB | Escape to OS |
340 | EXCDM | Exception Code Maintenance |
341 | EXCHPL | Exchange Profit & Loss |
342 | EXCPRPT | Exceptions Report |
343 | EXECOM | Execute Custom COM Script |
344 | EXPODM | Export Order Details Maintenance |
345 | EXPRPT | Reports of Export Orders |
346 | EXTFWC | Change validity of Forward Contracts |
347 | FABREP | FAB Reports |
348 | FATM | Account Facility Maintenance |
349 | FBACS | Remittances for Agency Commission |
350 | FBADVP | Transaction Advice Printing (Foreign Exchange Bill) |
351 | FBAIC | Advance Interest Calculated |
352 | FBBR | Foreign Bills Balancing Register |
353 | FBCCS | Foreign Cheques Covering Schedule |
354 | FBCS | Foreign Bills Covering Schedule |
355 | FBDISCR | Foreign Bill Discrepancy Report |
356 | FBDLNK | Foreign Bills to be Delinked Statement |
357 | FBECGC | ECGC Charge Details |
358 | FBEF | Bills of Entry Statement |
359 | FBENC | Foreign Bills ENC Statement |
360 | FBER | Export Register Report |
361 | FBERC | Foreign Bills Export Claim Report |
362 | FBFCS | Format C Statement |
363 | FBHI | Foreign Bills History Inquiry |
364 | FBI | Foreign Bills Inquiry |
365 | FBICS | Interest Collected on Foreign Bills |
366 | FBIEC | Issue of Encashment Certificate |
367 | FBIR | Import Register Report |
368 | FBM | Foreign Bills Maintenance |
369 | FBMCM | FEX Bills Message Code Maintenance |
370 | FBMUPL | Foreign Bills Upload |
371 | FBOIB | Statement of Overdue Import Bills |
372 | FBP | Foreign Bills Printing |
373 | FBPADB | List of Pending and Dishonored Bills |
374 | FBPM | Foreign Bill Parameter Maintenance |
375 | FBPMI | FEX Bills Parameter Master Inquiry |
376 | FBPS | Foreign Bills Purchased Subsidiary |
377 | FBRI | FEX Bills Register Inquiry |
378 | FBRM | Foreign Bill Register Maintenance |
379 | FBRPR | Reserve Payment Register |
380 | FBSNC | Foreign Bills SNC Statement |
381 | FBSTAT6 | STAT 6 Report |
382 | FBUBR | Undrawn Balance Register |
383 | FCNPS | Foreign Currency Purchase Sale Report |
384 | FCNR | Foreign Currency Note Issued Report |
385 | FCNRSUB | FCNR Subsidiary Report |
386 | FCTCMR | FCTC Purchase and Sale Monthly Report |
387 | FCTCR | Foreign Currency TC Issued Report |
388 | FCTCSCMR | FCTC Stock-Cum- Movement Register Report |
389 | FCTCSR | Foreign Currency TC Sale Report |
390 | FDD | Flow Amt-wise Distribution of Deposits |
391 | FDLD | Fixed Deposits Linked Details |
392 | FDOCD | Fixed Deposits Opening Closure Details |
393 | FFDBATCH | FFD Batch jobs |
394 | FFDPSP | FFD - Pass Sheet Print |
395 | FI | Fate Inquiry |
396 | FIRCR | Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate |
397 | FLTI | Form Literals Translation Interface |
398 | FORCMTC | IBR Forced Matched Entries Reports |
399 | FPCM | Party Code Maintenance |
400 | FPTI | FEX Period Table Code Inquiry |
401 | FPTM | Fx Period Table Code Maintenance |
402 | FR | Forced Reconciliation |
403 | FSQIRPT | Missing File Sequence Inquiry Report |
404 | FTI | financial Transactions Inquiry |
405 | FTR | financial Transactions Inquiry & Report |
406 | FVTM | Facility Version Maintenance |
407 | FWCCM | Forward Cntrct Message Code Maintenance |
408 | FWCHI | Forward Contract History Inquiry |
409 | FWCLIAB | F/C Liability Register |
410 | FWCNOTE | Forward contract note printing |
411 | FWCODLST | List of overdue and matured F/Cs |
412 | FWCQRY | Query on forward contracts |
413 | FWCREVAL | Forward Contract Revaluation |
414 | FWCRG | Forward booking register printing |
415 | FWCRMND | Reminder to partys about F/C maturity |
416 | FWRM | Forward Contract Register Maintenance |
417 | FXACSTMT | Statement of FX Accounts |
418 | FXIPSTMT | Statement of Interest Paid |
419 | FXPSRG | Purchase / Sale register printing |
420 | FXTR | FOREX Turnover Report |
421 | GCHRG | General Charges |
422 | GDET | General Deposits Details |
423 | GECM | Teller Cash Account Maintenance |
424 | GENADV | Generate Advices Report |
425 | GFTM | General Facility Maintenance |
426 | GI | Guarantee Inquiry |
427 | GILR | Guarantees Issued cum Liabilty Register |
428 | GLSHM | GL Subhead Maintenance |
429 | GLSHR | GL Sub Head Code Replication |
430 | GMLE | Executables Generation Criteria Screen |
431 | GMLF | Forms Generation Criteria Screen |
432 | GMLWF | Web Forms Generation Criteria Screen |
433 | GMM | Guarantee Master Maintenance |
434 | GODCH | Guarantee Overdue Charges |
435 | GOPSD | Generate Outward Payment System Dump |
436 | GP | Guarantee Printing |
437 | GPI | Guarantee Parameters Inquiry |
438 | GPLG | General Purpose Letter Generator |
439 | GPLM | General Purpose Letter Maintenance |
440 | GPM | Guarantee Parameters Maintenance |
441 | GR | Generate Report |
442 | GSPI | General Scheme Parameters Inquiry |
443 | GSPM | General Scheme Parameters Maintenance |
444 | HACCBAL | Balance details of an Account |
445 | HACCDET | General Details |
446 | HACLHI | Limit Details |
447 | HACLI | Transactions Inquiry |
448 | HACTI | Account turnover details |
449 | HASSET | Asset classification |
450 | HCUACC | Accounts of Customer |
451 | HCUCA | Current Account of Customer |
452 | HCUCC | Cash Credit of Customer |
453 | HCUDET | General details of Customer |
454 | HCULA | Loan Accounts of Customer |
455 | HCUMAT | Forthcoming Maturities of Customer |
456 | HCUOD | Overdraft Accounts of Customer |
457 | HCUPSD | Portfolio details of Customer |
458 | HCUSB | Savings Account of Customer |
459 | HCUSBCA | Savings/Current Account of Customer |
460 | HCUSEL | Customer Selection |
461 | HCUSUM | Summary details of Customer |
462 | HCUSWP | Sweep details of Customer |
463 | HCUTD | Term Deposits of Customer |
464 | HCUTI | Turnover Summary of Customer |
465 | HDCDET | Delivery Channel transaction details |
466 | HICI | Inward Cheques Inquiry |
467 | HIGHTRAN | DSA Report on High value Transaction |
468 | HII | Hot Items Inquiry |
469 | HIM | Hot Items Maintenance |
470 | HLAI | Loan Inquiry |
471 | HM | Help Maintenance |
472 | HOCI | Outward Cheques Inquiry |
473 | HOCIP | HOC Inquiry cum BA(R) Print |
474 | HOS | HO Schedules Print |
475 | HOSUMF | HO Summary in File |
476 | HOSUMP | HOC Summary Print |
477 | HTD | Term deposit transaction details |
478 | HTDINT | Term deposit interest details |
479 | HTDTAX | Term deposit tax deduction details |
480 | HTINQ | Hot Items Lookup |
481 | IARM | Interest Adjustment Register Maintenance |
482 | IBADVP | Transaction Advice Printing (IBILL) |
483 | IBCTM | IBR Control Table Maintenance |
484 | IBM | Inward BAR Register Maintenance |
485 | IBRBRADM | IBR Branch Administration |
486 | IBRCNADM | IBR Central Administration |
487 | IBRCR | IBR Control Report |
488 | IBREOD | EOD For IBR Center |
489 | IBRFLCHK | Decrypt received IBR files |
490 | IBRGEN | Create IBR files for branch |
491 | IBRPOST | Automatic posting of selected IBR trans |
492 | IBRPRO | IBR Processing |
493 | IBRPURGE | Purge of tables |
494 | IBRRECON | IBR Reconciled Entries Reports |
495 | IBRREPTS | IBR Reports for Orig/Resp Trans |
496 | IBSTM | Inter Branch Seed Table Maintenance |
497 | ICGR | Insurance Cover Guarantee Report |
498 | ICHB | Issue Chequebooks |
499 | ICHBAU | Issue Chequebooks |
500 | ICRCM | Inward Clearing Rej Code Maintenance |
501 | ICTM | Inward Clearing Transaction Maintenance |
502 | ICZCM | Inward Clearing Zone Template Maint |
503 | IDBARR | ID BAR Report |
504 | IDCM | Inward Documentary Credits Maintenance |
505 | IEARP | Income/Expenditure Analysis Register |
506 | IEMRP | Income/Expenditure Monitoring Report |
507 | IIBRADM | Instant IBR Administration |
508 | IIM | Inventory Item Maintenance |
509 | ILCM | Inventory Location Code Maintenance |
510 | IMAUM | Inventory Movement Auth Maintenance |
511 | IMC | Inventory Movement between Locations |
512 | IMGMNT | Image Maintenance |
513 | IMGVIEW | Image view in FAB |
514 | IMI | Inventory Movement Inquiry |
515 | IMR | Inventory Movement Report |
516 | INI | Identification Number Inquiry |
517 | INQACHQ | Inquire Account Number for a Cheque |
518 | INSTM | Instruments Table Maintenance |
519 | INTSI | Interest Slab Inquiry |
520 | INTTI | Interest Table Inquiry |
521 | INTTM | Interest Table Maintenance |
522 | INWBI | Inward Bill Intimation |
523 | IOCLS | Inquire On Clearing Transaction Sets |
524 | IOGLT | Inquire on GL Transactions |
525 | IOT | Inquire on Transactions |
526 | IPDCR | Interest Paid on Delayed Collection |
527 | IRM | Inward Remittances Maintenance |
528 | IRMUPL | Inward Remittance Upload |
529 | IRRDEP | Irregular Recurring Deposits Report |
530 | ISAR | Inter Sol Audit Report |
531 | ISI | Inventory Inquiry, Split and Merge-EM |
532 | ISIA Inventory | Inquiry, Split and Merge |
533 | ISOLOP | Initiate Service Outlet Operations |
534 | ISOTRF | ISO account balance transfer to HO |
535 | ISR | ISR Inventory Status Report-EM |
536 | ISRA | ISRA Inventory Status Report |
537 | ISTR | ISTR Inter SolTransaction Report |
538 | ITCI | ITCI Interest Table Code Inquiry |
539 | ITI | Instruments Table Inquiry |
540 | ITR | Report for Income Tax |
541 | IVSM | Interest Slab Maintenance |
542 | JTHOLDER | List Joint Holders of an Account |
543 | KILLSRVR | Kill ATM Server Process |
544 | LACAM | Charges Amortization Process |
545 | LADICFEE | Loans DICGC Fee Calculation |
546 | LADISB | Loans Disbursement |
547 | LADML | Loan Disbursement Letter |
548 | LADSP | Loans Demand Satisfaction Process |
549 | LAFACR | Loans Fee Assess, Collect and Refund |
550 | LAFHM | Loans Follow-up History Maintenance |
551 | LAFIRPT | Loan Future Installment/PDC Report |
552 | LAFM | Loans Flow Maintenance |
553 | LAGI | Loans General Enquiry |
554 | LALFAR | Loan Late Fee Assessment and Reversal |
555 | LALIEN | Loans Lien Process |
556 | LAMCM | LA Message Code Maintenance |
557 | LAMP | Loan Account Master Print |
558 | LAODR | Loan Demands Overdue Reminder |
559 | LAOPI | Loans Overdue Position |
560 | LAPAY | Loan Payment Menu |
561 | LAPOSR | Loans Collection and Position Report |
562 | LAPRR1A | Loans Periodical Review Returns |
563 | LAPRR4A | Loans Periodical Review Returns |
564 | LAPRR4B | Loans Periodical Review Returns |
565 | LAPRR4C | Loans Periodical Review Returns |
566 | LAPSP | Loan Account Pass Sheet Print |
567 | LARSH | Loans Repayment Schedule Report |
568 | LAUPLDMD | Loans Upload Demands |
569 | LAUPLOAD | Loan Other Details Upload |
570 | LAWFAI | Loans Waiver of Fee and Interest |
571 | LAXFRINT | Loans Transfer Interest Liability |
572 | LBDR | Local Bill Discounting |
573 | LCCSR | Local Clearing & Cash Remittance Subsidiary Register |
574 | LCDDR | Large Amount Cheques Discounted - Daily Reporting |
575 | LCDMR | Large Amt Chqs Dis - Monthly Reporting |
576 | LDIMG | Image Upload Utility |
577 | LLIR | Limit Liability Inquiry & Report |
578 | LNDI | Limit Node Details Inquiry |
579 | LNHTIR | Limit Node History/Tran Inquiry/Report |
580 | LNI | Limit Node Enquiry |
581 | LNM | Limit Node Maintenance |
582 | LNREV | Limit Node Revaluation |
583 | LSD | List for Signature Display |
584 | LTL | Limit Tree Lookup |
585 | MANRECON | Manual Reconciliation |
586 | MANSAF | Manual SAF Processing |
587 | MAPD | Marking Accounts as PastDue |
588 | MAR | Maturity Analysis Report |
589 | MARKPEND | Mark Pending |
590 | MAT | Midday Archive To Tape |
591 | MATB Manual | ATM/Anywhere Transaction Balancing |
592 | MCLZOH | Maintaining Clearing Zones |
593 | MDD | Maturity Period wise Dist of Deposits |
594 | MEAC | Modify Effective Asset Classification |
595 | MICZ | Maintain Inward Clearing Zone |
596 | MNTFCT | Maintain FOREX Control Table |
597 | MNTFWC | Maintain Forward Contracts |
598 | MNTNTP | Maintain Normal Transit Period |
599 | MNTPST | Maintain PST Table (Modify & Inquiry) |
600 | MNTRTL | Maintain Rate list |
601 | MNTRTLH | Maintain Home Crncy Rate list |
602 | MNTRTM | Maintain Rate Master |
603 | MNTRTSQ | Maintain Rate code Sequence |
604 | MNTWF | Workflow Items Maintenance |
605 | MODSETUP | Module File Maintenance |
606 | MODUSERS | Module Users Maintenance |
607 | MOPTI | Menu Option Translation Interface |
608 | MOR | Message Offset Reconciliation |
609 | MQTDESRP | MQT Despatched Transactions Report |
610 | MQTI | Anywhere / ATM transaction Inquiry |
611 | MQTRPT | MQT Undespatched Transactions Report |
612 | MSGOIRP | Outstanding Items Report |
613 | MSOIRP | Minor Subsidiaries Outstanding Items Rep |
614 | MSTRP | Minor Subsidiaries Transaction Report |
615 | NAMM | Nostro Account Maintenance |
616 | NFTRPT | MQT Non financial Transactions Report |
617 | NNTM | Next Number Table Maintenance |
618 | NOBL | No Objection Letter |
619 | NPA | Non-payment Advice |
620 | NUM | Number Table Upload |
621 | OAAC | Open an Account |
622 | OAACAU | Authorizing an account |
623 | OACR | Office Account Replication |
624 | OCINST | Outward Clearing Instrument Maintenance |
625 | OCM | Offline Charges Maintenance |
626 | OCPTRN | Outward Clearing Part Tran Maintenance |
627 | OCST | Open Cash Transactions |
628 | OCTG | Regularize Outward Clearing Set |
629 | OCTM | Outward Clearing Transaction Maintenance |
630 | OCTR | Release Outward Clearing Set |
631 | OCTV | Clearing Transaction Verification |
632 | ODCM | Outward Documentary Credits Maintenance |
633 | ODCMUPL | Outward Documentary Credits Upload |
634 | OICZ | Open Inward Clearing Zone |
635 | OICZSET | Open Inward Clearing Zone For Set |
636 | OIQ | Outward Clearing Instruments Inquiry |
637 | OPQ | Outward Clg Part Tran Inquiry |
638 | ORM | Outward Remittances Maintenance |
639 | ORMUPL | Outward Remittance Upload |
640 | OXFT | Open Transfer Transactions |
641 | OZO | Open Zone |
642 | PAPW | Protect User Password |
643 | PARTINQ | Inquiry on Partitioned Account |
644 | PAYOFF | Loan Pay Off Process |
645 | PBBANK | Print Profitability/Budget Rpt for Bank |
646 | PBBRAN | Print Profitability/Budget Rpt in Branch |
647 | PBDUMP | Dump Profitability/Budget Rpt for HO |
648 | PBFEXT | PBF Extraction |
649 | PBP | Pass Book Print |
650 | PCARPT | Reports of PCA Accounts |
651 | PCFCBAL | PCFC Balancing Report |
652 | PCINT | Packing Credit Interest Calculation |
653 | PCLIALST | Packing Credit Liability List |
654 | PCLSO | Print Clearing Schedule |
655 | PCYCS | Statement on PCs in Default/Limits |
656 | PDADI | Past Due A/c Details Inquiry And Report |
657 | PDADM | Past Due Accounts Details Maintenance |
658 | PDB | Print Day book |
659 | PDML | Print /Display Media List |
660 | PENDDRP | Pending Deposits Receipt Print |
661 | PHINQ | Inquiry on History of Partition A/c |
662 | PICS | Print Inward Clearing Schedule |
663 | PICW | Print Inward Clearing Waste |
664 | PITM | Public Issue Maintenance |
665 | PLBANK | Print P & L for Entire Bank |
666 | PLBRAN | Print P & L Report for Branch |
667 | PLDUMP | Dump P & L Report Data for HO |
668 | PLIST | Pending Installments List |
669 | PLR | Partywise Liability Register |
670 | PMEMO | Foreign Bills Presentation Memo |
671 | POVDPC | Partywise Overdue Packing Credits |
672 | PPT | Proxy Post Transaction In Entered Status |
673 | PR | Print Reports |
674 | PRGI | Purge Table Inquiry |
675 | PRGMT | Purge Table Maintenance |
676 | PRIBRGEN | Gen. Intermediate IBR files for Branch |
677 | PRR11A | PRR-11A Quarterly Statement of Guarantee |
678 | PRR11B | PRR-11B Monitoring of Guarantees |
679 | PRR11C | Report of guarantees / DPG |
680 | PRR12 | PRR12 (Old PR-12) Certificate |
681 | PRR15 | PRR15 Advances to Sectors |
682 | PRR15B | Sectorwise Overdue PCs Statement - PRR15B |
683 | PRR2 | PRR2 Monthly review of irregular A/c |
684 | PRR25 | PRR25 Report of rejected cheques |
685 | PRR2B | Report on Irregular Packing Credits |
686 | PRR38 | PRR38 Statement of Daily Cash Position |
687 | PRR4B | PRR4B Review of DPG's |
688 | PRR8 | PRR8 Credit and review program |
689 | PRRTL | Ratelist Printing |
690 | PRT | Printer Table Maintenance |
691 | PRTCON | Print Consolidated Report |
692 | PRTINQ | Printer Queue Inquiry & Updation |
693 | PRTMR | Printing Maha Reports |
694 | PSD | Print Subsidiaries |
695 | PSE | Purchase Sale Entry |
696 | PSGL | Print Subsidiaries |
697 | PSP | Pass Sheet Print |
698 | PSR1 | PSR 1: FLASH Report |
699 | PSR11 | PSR11 REPORT |
700 | PSR14 | Statement on Exporters Assisted |
701 | PSR16 | PSR16 Breakup of Dep & Adv-Int Ratewise |
702 | PSR2 | PSR2 Statement of deployment of funds |
703 | PSR29 | PSR29 - Agricultural Loans Return |
704 | PSR32 | PSR32 Sanction Limits For Accounts |
705 | PSR49 | PSR49 Quarterly Statement on Int. A/c |
706 | PSR7 | PSR7 Advances to Specified Communities |
707 | PSTTUM | Pay Sys Transfer Tran Upload Maintenance |
708 | PTM | Post Dated Transactions Maintenance |
709 | PTTM | Part Tran Template Maintenance |
710 | PTW | Print Transfer Waste |
711 | PUACC | Account Purge |
712 | PUCMG | Purge Customer Master table |
713 | PUCXL | Charges Transaction Log Purge |
714 | PUDISB | Batch Purging Of Disbursements |
715 | PUEXP | Batch Purging of Export Orders |
716 | PUGCH | General Charges Purge |
717 | PUIZC | Purge Inward Clearing Zone code table |
718 | PUIZH | Inward Clearing Zone code table |
719 | PULGT | Purge Login log table |
720 | PULN | Limit Node Purge |
721 | PULNTH | Limit Node Transaction / History Purge |
722 | PUOZC | Purge Outward clearing zone code |
723 | PURZO | Purge Outward Zone |
724 | PUSIH | Standing Instructions Purge |
725 | PUSWIFT | Purge Swift Msg History table |
726 | PUTRAN | Transaction Purge |
727 | PUWF | Workflow Audit Purge |
728 | PWMNT | Password Maintenance |
729 | PWO | Print Waste |
730 | QBR | Quick Balancing Report |
731 | RACO | Recovery After Charge Off |
732 | RBSN | Reset Bill Sequence Numbers |
733 | RBTI | Register Table Balance Inquiry |
734 | RDD | Ratewise Distribution of Deposits |
735 | RDM | Report Definition Maintenance |
736 | RECSHF | Shortfall Recovery Process |
737 | REDRP | Reprint Deposits Receipt |
738 | REGFLOW | Deposit Flow Regeneration |
739 | REJREP | Rejected Instruments Report/Advice |
740 | RELACI | Related Accounts Lookup For Deposits |
741 | REMPRINT | Print a Foreign Outward DD |
742 | REPHASEI | Batch Rephasement of EI Loans |
743 | REVAL | Revaluation |
744 | REVPEND | Revoke Pending |
745 | REVSTOP | Revoke stop payment |
746 | RFTDS | Refund TDS |
747 | RINTINQ | Interest Inquiry For RPC Accounts |
748 | RINTRPT | Interest Report For RPC Disbursements |
749 | RISAT | Reconcile Inter SOL ATM Transactions |
750 | RIST | ISO Reconciliation |
751 | RLH | Rebuild Limit History |
752 | RMI | Read Media Input |
753 | RMIM | Restrict Modify Indicator Maintenance |
754 | RMTDS | Remit TDS |
755 | ROTM | Report Option Table Maintenance |
756 | RPCINT | Interest For RPC Disbursements |
757 | RPCRPT | Reports Of RPC Accounts |
758 | RPCTM | RPC Transactions Maintenance |
759 | RPDA | Retransfer Past Due Accounts |
760 | RRCDI | Reference Code Inquiry |
761 | RRCDM | Reference Code Maintenance |
762 | RRCTM | Reporting Range Criteria Maintenance |
763 | RRETURN | R-Return and Schedules Statements |
764 | RRETURN5 | R Return5 Report |
765 | RRTM | Resp Tran Ref Table Maintenance |
766 | RTDSIS | Refresh Table Data to Standin Server |
767 | RTHQRY | Ratelist History Query |
768 | RUM | Report Of Untranslated Messages |
769 | RZFSBO | Regularize Shadow Balance |
770 | RZISBO | Release Zone Into Shadow Balance |
771 | SAC | User Login Maintenance |
772 | SASCL | System Asset Classification |
773 | SBKP | Start Backup of TBABKP tables |
774 | SCFM | System Control File Maintenance |
775 | SCPM | SCP Table Maintenance |
776 | SCRIPT | Execute Script |
777 | SCST | Stop Cash Transactions |
778 | SCWRPT | Shroff Cash Report |
779 | SCWRPTA | Shrof Cash Rpt-All |
780 | SDAI | SQL*DBA Audit Table Inquiry |
781 | SDD | Schemewise Distribution of Deposits |
782 | SDLM | Sol Distribution List Table Maintenance |
783 | SEL | Superceding Expired Limits |
784 | SETM | Set Id Table Maintenance |
785 | SHOWSUMM | Decrypt received IBR files |
786 | SIADVC | Print SI Advice to Customer |
787 | SICL | Print SI Covering Letter to Customer |
788 | SIE | Standing Instructions Execution |
789 | SIETR | SIs Executed Today Report |
790 | SII | Standing Instructions Inquiry |
791 | SIM | Standing Instruction Maintenance |
792 | SIMM | StockInvest Maintenance |
793 | SIR | StockInvest Reports |
794 | SIREGM | StockInvest Register Maintenance |
795 | SIRP | Standing Instructions Register Printing |
796 | SITM | SIT Table Maintenance |
797 | SMI | Swift Messages Inquiry |
798 | SMM | Swift Messages Maintenance |
799 | SOLBOD | Initiate Service Outlet BOD Process |
800 | SOLEOD | Initiate SOL EOD Process |
801 | SOLOFF | Start Sol's Services Offline |
802 | SOLONL | Start Sol's Services Online |
803 | SOLSTAT | Service Outlets Status Inquiry |
804 | SOLVAL | Run Service Outlets Validation Process |
805 | SPMM | SPM Table Maintenance |
806 | SPP | Stop Payment Processing |
807 | SPPAU | Stop Payment Processing |
808 | SPRG | Stop Payment Register |
809 | SPTM | System Pointing Transactions Maintenance |
810 | SPTR | System Pointing Transaction Reversal |
811 | SPWADM | Sparrow Administration |
812 | SQLDBA | SQL*DBA |
813 | SRBBR | Statistical Report on Bills |
814 | SRGPM | Schm/Reg General Parameter Maintenance |
815 | SRL | Security Register Lookup |
816 | SRM | Security Register Maintenance |
817 | SRMRPTS | Security Register Module Reports |
818 | SSRM | Maintenance of SOL SDS Relationship |
819 | SSS | System Substitution of Securities |
820 | SSTM | Set Sol Id Table Maintenance |
821 | STAT10 | Stat 10 Report |
822 | STAT5 | Stat 5 Report |
823 | STAT8 | Stat 8 Report |
824 | STAT9 | Stat 9 Report |
825 | STOPPAY | Stop Payment |
826 | STR11 | STR 11 : RBI Statement |
827 | STR11A | STR 11A : RBI Statement |
828 | STR14 | STR14: Adv to Undertakings under MRTP |
829 | STR19 | STR19 Insurance covered guarantee report |
830 | STR8 | STR8 List of Secured & Unsecured Advance |
831 | SUSPTRAN | Suspect Transactions Report |
832 | SWAB | Start Warm Backup |
833 | SWBALDL | Sparrow Balance Downloading |
834 | SWCARDDL | Sparrow Card Downloading |
835 | SWCM | Card Account Info Maintenance |
836 | SWDESP | Switch transaction despatcher |
837 | SWEEPS | Pool of Funds Maintenance |
838 | SWHOTDL | Sparrow Card Status Downloading |
839 | SWMINDL | Sparrow Mini Statement Downloading |
840 | SWOTU | Switch Offline Transaction Upload |
841 | SWSTATM | Switch Parameter Maintenance |
842 | SWTI | Switch Transaction Inquiry |
843 | SXFT | Stop Transfer Transactions |
844 | SYSADM | System Administration |
845 | TACBSH | Transfer Accounts between Sub-heads |
846 | TCCM | Trans Category Code Maint |
847 | TCPI | Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry |
848 | TCPIA | Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry / All |
849 | TD | Delete Posted Part Transactions |
850 | TDL | Transaction Download |
851 | TDLU | Transaction Download Utilities |
852 | TDSCALC | TDS Calculation |
853 | TDSIP | TDS Inquiry & Printing |
854 | TDSM | TDS Table Maintenance |
855 | TDSREP | Customer Wise TDS Report(A/c Level Tax) |
856 | TEA | Transactions Exceptions Approval |
857 | TEDCS | Terminal Enable/Disable |
858 | TEDDB | Terminal Enable/Disable |
859 | TEI | Transactions Exceptions Inquiry |
860 | TEPM | Transaction Event Parameter Maintenance |
861 | TFCTM | Transaction Filtration Criteria Maint |
862 | TI | Transactions Inquiry |
863 | TIDT | Treasury Interface Data Transfer |
864 | TLR | Transactions List Report |
865 | TM | Transactions Maintenance |
866 | TODCS | TOD Criteria and Selection |
867 | TODM | Account TOD Maintenance |
868 | TODRP | TOD Register Printing |
869 | TPM | Terminal Profile Maintenance |
870 | TRANINQ | Tran Inquiry |
871 | TRANLIST | Tran list display |
872 | TROFSETS | Transfer Of Sets |
873 | TRSTDUSR | Trusted Users Maintenance |
874 | TRSWIFT | Transfer Swift Messages |
875 | TRTRAN | Transfer Transaction |
876 | TRTRI | Treasury Transaction Report and Inquiry |
877 | TRUNHIST | Purge of tables |
878 | TSTC | Treasury Sol Transaction Creation |
879 | TSTM | Treasury Sol Transaction Maintenance |
880 | TTM | Transaction Template Maintenance |
881 | TTUM | Transfer Transaction Upload Maintenance |
882 | TTUMP | Transfer Trans Upload Maint.(Posting) |
883 | TV | Transaction Posting/Verification |
884 | TVSI | Term Deposits Interest Slabs Inquiry |
885 | TVSM | Term Deposit Interest Version Slab Maint |
886 | TXOD | Transfer to Overdue GL Sub-head |
887 | TXTMNT | Text Maintenance |
888 | UBDTR | Usance Bills Discounted - POR7 |
889 | UCS | Update Cheque Status |
890 | UNIVIEW | Unified View Of Accounts |
891 | UNIZ | Unlock Inward Zone |
892 | UNLKZ | Unlock Zone |
893 | UNREC | IBR Open Orig/Resp Entries Reports |
894 | UNRESP | Unresponded Transactions Report(Br) |
895 | UPLATO | Account Turn Over Upload |
896 | UPLCI | Customer Instructions Upload |
897 | UPLDHT | Drawing Power History Upload |
898 | UPLDLH | DSA Document Limit History Upload |
899 | UPLDSA | Upload for DSA Module |
900 | UPLDST | Demand Draft Status Upload |
901 | UPLEAB | EOD Account Balance Upload |
902 | UPLGST | GL Subhead Transaction Upload |
903 | UPLIAR | IAR Upload |
904 | UPLINTVS | Interest Slab Version Upload |
905 | UPLLAM | Loan Master Upload |
906 | UPLLAT | Loan Transaction Upload |
907 | UPLLHT | Limit History Upload |
908 | UPLLIEN | LIEN Upload |
909 | UPLMPT | Memo Pad Upload |
910 | UPLOAD | Customer / Account Master Upload |
911 | UPLOADB | Account Master Balance Upload |
912 | UPLPFT | Pool of Funds Upload |
913 | UPLSI | Standing Instructions Upload |
914 | UPLSPT | Stop Payment Upload |
915 | UPLSRM | Security Register Details Upload |
916 | UPLTAM | Term Deposits Master Upload |
917 | UPLTDS | TDS Upload |
918 | UPLTDS1 | TDS upload - Phase 1 |
919 | UPLTDS2 | TDS Upload - PHASE 2 |
920 | UPLTDT | Term Deposits Transaction Upload |
921 | UPLTOD | Temporary Over Draft Upload |
922 | UPM | User Profile Maintenance |
923 | UPRDNLD | Download User Details |
924 | URT | Un-responded Transactions Report |
925 | VALDTRPT | Outward Clearing Value Date Report |
926 | VAM | Verification Audit Maintenance |
927 | VCHL | Verification Check List |
928 | VCHR | Print DR/CR Voucher |
929 | VTPM | Virtual Terminal Profile Maintenance |
930 | WCUMM | CUMM Workflow |
931 | WDSAMM | Workflow for Direct Selling Agents Mnt. |
932 | WFORM | Work Flow For Outward Remit Maintenance |
933 | WIAAL | What If Analysis of Account Liability |
934 | WRTCTC | Change Test case |
935 | XFCHACAU | Transfer Cheques between Accounts |
936 | XFCHBAC | Transfer Cheques between Accounts |
937 | XOSCHRG | XOS Charge Calculation |
938 | XOSSTMT | XOS Statement |