- Abstraction - the level of technical detail of some representation of software; a cohesive model of data or an algorithmic procedure
- Abstract class - A class that can only be used as a base class for some other class. A class is abstract if it has at least one pure virtual function.
- Abstract data type: Involves an abstract or logical description of both data required by the software and the operation that can be performed on this data.
- Abstract Window Toolkit (AWT): A collection of graphical user interface (GUI) components that were implemented using native-platform versions of the components. These components provide that subset of functionality which is common to all native platforms.
- Accuracy: Degree to which data convey what they are supposed to convey.
- Address: In networking, address is a data structure or logical convention used to identify a unique entity, such as a particular process or a network device. Important addresses include IP address for network routing and MAC address for a hardware device.
- Address Bus: Group of lines that are used to send a memory address or device address from MPU to the memory location or the peripheral.
- Aging: The grouping of like transactions by date. Example - sorting invoices by due date.
- Algorithm: Description of steps or instructions.
- Aliasing: Aliasing means plotting a point other than the true location of pixel in order to fit the point in the raster.
- Bandwidth: Bandwidth refers to the maximum capacity of a network channel. Usually bandwidth is measured in bits per second (bps), kilo-bits per second (Kbps), mega bits per second (Mbps) or gigabits per second (Gbps). For example, Ethernet has a bandwidth of 10-, 100-, 1000 Mbps and 1 and 10 Gbps.
- Beta testing: Testing that is conducted by the user
- Batch processing: In a batch processing system, a job is described by a sequence of control statements stored in a machine read form.
- BAUD RATE: The number of signal changes per second.
- Binary: Binary system is the numbering system characterized by ones and zeros (1 = on, 0 = off). Binary system is used in the computer and digital storage and communications.
- Binary search tree: A binary tree in which each node has a value, left subtree of a node has only value less than or equal to and right side contain only values grater than or equal to node’s value.
- Bit: Bit is the binary digit used in the binary numbering system. A bit is the most basic information unit used in computing and information theory. A single bit is a "one" or a "zero", a "true" or a "false", a "on" or "off", or in general, the quantity of information required to distinguish two mutually exclusive states from each other.
- Bit Rate: Bit Rate, usually measured in bits per second (bps), refers to the speed at which bits are transmitted in digital communication and data processing.
- Boot Strapping: It is used o describe the process of making one entity that create its successor. The method requires keeping only the arrival time of next entity.
- Break: C++ keyword used to specify a statement that is used to break out of a for or while loop or out of a switch statement.
- BMP: Bitmap file; a common image format on Windows computers. Files of this type usually have the suffix ".bmp" as part of their name.
- Call by reference - Passing a pointer to an argument to a function. The function can then change the argument value. See call by value.
- Call by value: Passing a copy of an argument to a function. The function cannot then change the argument value. C and C++ use call by value argument passing. But also see pointer and reference, also call by reference.
- Case: A C++ keyword used to denote an individual element of a switch statement.
- Catch: A Java programming language keyword used to declare a block of statements to be executed in the event that a Java exception, or run time error, occurs in a preceding "try" block.
- CGI: Common Gateway Interface. A method used by WWW pages to communicate with programs run on the web server.
- Cin : In C++ stream I/O, the standard input stream.
- Checksum: Checksum is a method for checking the integrity of transmitted data. A checksum is an integer value computed from a sequence of octets taken through a series of arithmetic operations. The value is recomputed at the receiving end and is compared for verification. Almost every protocol has a checksum field as part of protocol header or trailer.
- Class: In the Java programming language, a type that defines the implementation of a particular kind of object. A class definition defines instance and class variables and methods, as well as specifying the interfaces the class implements and the immediate super class of the class. If the super class is not explicitly specified, the superclass will implicitly be Object.
- Client: An individual computer on a network that runs its own programs and processes information received from a central server.
- CMOS: Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor is in systems requiring low power consumption.
- Cohesion: An informal measure of the degree to which a software component implements a single, focused function
- Clipping: There may be times when only a portion of total picture is to be displayed. In that case, window is used to clip the part of the image. This process is called clipping.
- Compiler: Compiler is used to convert high level language into machine level program.
- Complexity: A quantitative measure of a program's complexity
- DATA:-Raw facts, figures , symbols , etc , that may or may not be useful for as particular task.
- DATA DICTIONARY:-Stores data about data , a central repository of information about the database in a DBMS.
- Data structure:A way of storing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently.
- DATA REDUNDANCY: -Simultaneous use and modification of two or more copies of the same data .
- DATABASE:-Collection of related files stored in a particular format and accessed through database software
- Data Mining: Data mining is a process of extracting patterns from data. Data mining is becoming an increasingly important tool to transform this data into information.
- DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM(DBMS):- Integrated set of programs used to define , update and control databases , backup and recovery.
- Decision making: - Decision making is a process to arrive at a decision, the process by which an individual or organization select one position or action from several alternative.
- Deadlock:A deadlock is a situation wherein two or more competing actions are waiting for the other to finish, and thus neither ever does. In computing, deadlock refers to a specific condition when two or more processes are each waiting for another to release a resource, or more than two processes are waiting for resources in a circular chain. Deadlocks are a common problem in multiprocessing where many processes share a specific type of mutually exclusive resource known as a software.
- EFFICIENCY:- Ration between the output and inputs for a particular task , regardless of whether the task itself is the right task to perform.
- Effort - the work-time product (e.g., person-days) associated with a project
- Encapsulation :The localization of knowledge within a module. Because objects encapsulate data and implementation, the user of an object can view the object as a black box that provides services. Instance variables and methods can be added, deleted, or changed, but as long as the services provided by the object remain the same, code that uses the object can continue to use it without being rewritten.
- Encoder:An encoder is a device that converts information from one format or code to another.
ENCRYPTION:Encryption is the process whereby data is scrambled so that only the sender and the receiver computer are able to unscramble and make use of the information.
- Final :A Java programming language keyword. You define an entity once and cannot change it or derive from it later. More specifically: a final class cannot be subclassed, a final method cannot be overridden and a final variable cannot change from its initialized value.
- Finally :A Java programming language keyword that executes a block of statements regardless of whether a Java Exception, or run time error, occurred in a block defined previously by the "try" keyword.
- FIFO: First-in, first-out:First-in, first-out (FIFO) in computer networking refers to a buffering scheme where the first byte of data entering the buffer is the first byte retrieved by the CPU. In telephony, FIFO refers to a queueing scheme where the first calls received are the first calls processed.
- Flood-Fill: The purpose of flood fill algorithm is to color the entire area of connected pixels with the same color.
- Float - A C++ keyword used to declare a floating point type.
- Flow chart: a graphic picture of the logical steps and sequence involved in a program.
- Fragmentation: A relation may be divided into different fragments that are to be distributed to different locations.
- FTP :File Transfer Protocol. The Internet protocol that permits you to transfer files between your system and another system.
- GIF (Graphics Interchange Format):A compressed format for storing images developed by CompuServe. One of the most common image formats on the Internet.
- GUI :Graphical User Interface. Refers to the techniques involved in using graphics, along with a keyboard and a mouse, to provide an easy-to-use interface to some program.
- Goto statement: - Goto statement is manly use to transfer the control of the program for some specific place. Label is use with in the goto statement.
- Global variable - A variable that is accessible throughout the whole program,whose lifetime is that of the program.
- Handshaking: The initial negotiation period immediately after a connection is established between two modems. This is when the modems agree about how the data will be transmitted (e.g., error correction, packet size, etc.). The set of rules they agree on is called the protocol.
- HIGH LEVEL LANGUAGE:A medium of communication that is inpendent of given computer. Programs are written in English like word
- Header file - A file containing class declarations, preprocessor directives,and so on, and included in a translation unit. It is expanded by the preprocessor.
- Host:Host refers to a computer system on a network. Host is similar to node in some sense, except that host usually implies only computer systems, whereas node generally applies to any networked devices, including access devices and routers.
- HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol):The standard set of rules for sending text files across the Internet. It requires an HTTP client program at one end, and an HTTP server program at the other end.
- HTTPS (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure):Same as HTTP but provides secure Internet communication using SSL.
- Hyperlink:A pointer to another document. Most often a pointer to another web page. A hyperlink is a synonym for a hotlink or a link, and sometimes called a hypertext connection to another document or web page.
- Hypertext:Hypertext is text that is cross-linked to other documents in such a way that the reader can read related documents by clicking on a highlighted word or symbol. (see also hyperlink)
- IAB (Internet Architecture Board):council that makes decisions about Internet standards.
- IEEE: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a professional organization and standards body. - If:A Java programming language keyword used to conduct a conditional test and execute a block of statements if the test evaluates to true.
- Identifier: - The name that is given to the various programming element are known as identifier. These variables make include variable name, function name, array name etc.
- Implements :A Java programming language keyword optionally included in the class declaration to specify any interfaces that are implemented by the current class
- Import :A Java programming language keyword used at the beginning of a source file that can specify classes or entire packages to be referred to later without including their package names in the reference.
- Inheritance :The concept of classes automatically containing the variables and methods defined in their super types.
- Inline - C++ keyword used to declare an inline function.
- Instance :An object of a particular class. In programs written in the Java programming language, an instance of a class is created using the new operator followed by the class name.
- Interface :A Java programming language keyword used to define a collection of method definitions and constant values. It can later be implemented by classes that define this interface with the "implements" keyword.
- Interrupt I/O: Is a way of controlling input/output activity in which a peripheral or terminal that needs to make or receive a data transfer sends a signal that causes a program interrupt to be set
- ISP: Internet Service Provide,An Internet Service Provider (ISP) is a company that provides Internet connectivity services to home and business customers. ISPs support one or more forms of Internet access, including modem dial-up, DSL access, cable modem broadband service, dedicated T1/T3 lines and wireless access.
- JPEG (Joint Photographic Expert Group):The organization that promotes the JPG and JPEG graphic formats for storing compressed images.
- Just-in-Time: A system where items are produced or received just in time to be used or sold.
- Java Development Kit (JDK) :A software development environment for writing applets and applications in the Java programming language. Technically, the JDK is the correct name for all versions of the Java platform from to 1.1.x
- Key: The identifying field of a record.
- Keyboard: It is an input device that is used to send textual or control information to the processor.
- Keyword: - The word that have special meaning and that are already available in c language is known as keyword. In the other words we may say that “the word that has special meaning in c language is known as keyword.
- kilobyte (K, KB, or Kb): 1,024 (2 to the 10th power) bytes; often used to represent one thousand bytes. Example: a 720K diskette can hold approximately 720,000 bytes
- (or characters).
- LAN: Local Area Network:Local Area Network (LAN) is a data communications network connecting terminals, computers and printers within a building or other geographically limited areas. These devices could be connected through wired cables or wireless links. Ethernet, Token Ring and Wireless LAN are examples of standard LAN technologies.
- Laser printer: A type of printer that produces exceptionally high quality copies. It works on the same principle as a photocopier, placing a black powder onto paper by using static charge on a rolling drum.
- Linked list: an ordered collection of data in which each element contains the location of the next element.
- Loader :loader is system software that loads on object program in the main memory and makes it ready for execution
- Linear search: Compares the given element against each element until match is found.
- Library function:- Library function are those function which is already available in the c compiler. These definitions are stored in their related header file.
- Linking :It links the program to the called module of variables that are external to the program
- Linker “linker is used to link the various parts of program to make in an executable form.
- MACHINE CYCLE:The time required to complete one operation of accessing memory,I/O, or acknowledging an external request.
- MACHINE LANGUAGE:The binary medium of communication with a computer through adesigned set of instructions specific to each computer.
- Macro expansion :It is the process of replacing a macro call statement by sequence of assembly language statements enclosed in a macro definition.
- Macro call:A macro call is a statement written to invoke the expansion of a macro.
- Main memory: The amount of memory physically installed in your computer. Also referred to as "RAM".
- Member function - A function that is an element of a class and that operates on objects of that class via the this pointer to the object.
- Memory address map:A pictorial representation of assigned address space for each chip in the system.
- MAN:A metropolitan-area network could link buildings within a city.
- Malware:Software programs designed to damage or do other unwanted actions on a computer; common examples of malware include viruses, worms, trojan horses, and spyware.
- Mapping: The transformation of the from the instruction code bits to an address in control memory where the routine is located.
- MICROPROCESSOR:A semiconductor device manufactured by using the LSI technology. It includes the ALU, register array, and control circuits on a single chip.
- Modem: Hardware equipment to connect a computer to a telephone network Typically used to connect to the Internet via a telephone line.
- Mouse : It is an input device hat is used to select option from a set of menus. It also controls the cursor position on the screen.
- MPEG (Moving Picture Expert Group):An ISO standard codec for computer audio and video.
- MSI:Medium scale integration(MSI)-the process of designing more than a hundred gates on a single chip.
- Multi tasking:It allows more than one program to run concurrently.
- Multi threading:It allows different parts of a single program to run concurrently.
- Multi user:It allows two or more users to run programs at the same time
- MULTIPLEXING:Number of hardware chips needed for multiple digits display can
- be minimized by using the technique called multiplexing.
- NETWORK:A network, in simplest term, is a communication path between two or more systems.
- Nameserver: A computer that runs a program for converting Internet domain names into the corresponding IP addresses and vice versa.
- Namespace - A C++ keyword used to declare a namespace, which is a collection of names such as function declarations, classes, and so on.
- NAT: Network Address Translation:Network Address Translation (NAT) is a method by which IP addresses are mapped from one group to another, transparent to end users. NAT allows an Internet Protocol (IP) network to maintain public IP addresses separately from private IP addresses. NAT is a popular technology for Internet connection sharing. It is also sometimes used in server load balancing applications on corporate networks.
- Network Topology”Network Topology is the specific physical, logical, or virtual, arrangement of the network components and devices (nodes). Network topology is determined only by the configuration of connections between nodes. Distances between nodes, physical interconnections, transmission rates, and/or signal types are not effects in a network topology.
- new :A Java programming language keyword used to create an instance of a class.
- NIBBLE:A group of four bits
- Normalization: Techniques for eliminating redundancies from the tables in a relational database and pairing them down to their simplest form.
- Operands: Instructions specifies the item to be proceeding.
- Operating system: It is an integrated set of programs whose main purpose is to make the computer easier to use.
- Operation Research : Operation Research is a scientific method of providing executive departments with a quantitative bases for decisions regarding the operations under their controls.
- Ordered tree: A tree on which an ordered is imposed.
- O.R. Model: A Model is representation of reality. A model is a general term denoting any idealized representation or abstraction of a real life system.
- Package: A group of types. Packages are declared with the package keyword.
- Packet: A unit of transmission in data communications. The TCP/IP protocol breaks large data files into smaller chunks for sending over a network so that less data will have to be re-transmitted if errors occur.
- Paging: It is a memory management scheme that permits the physical address space of a process to be non contiguous.
- Parallel Projection: In this projection, centre of projection is located at infinity, because of all the projections are parallel to each other.
- Persistence: It is defined as how long a phosphorus can continue to emit light. It can also be defined as a time it takes the emitted light to decay to one-tenth of its original intensity.
- PHP : A technology allowing the insertion of server executable scripts in web pages. Mostly for Unix, Linux and Solaris platforms.
- Polymorphism: The ability to call a variety of member functions for a given
- class object using an identical interface in each case.
- POP: Post Office Protocol; a method of handling incoming electronic mail. Example: E-mail programs may use this protocol for storing your incoming messages on a special cluster of servers called pop.service.ohio-state.edu and delivering them when requested.
- Pixel: Each screen point is referred to as pixel or pel. it is also referred to as picture element.
- Piggybacking: Piggybacking in networking refers to the process of carrying acknowledgments within a data packet to save network bandwidth.
- Pointer: Pointer is derived data type in c. pointer contain memory address as their value. Since these memory address are the location in the computer memory where
- PNG (Portable Network Graphics): A format for encoding a picture pixel by pixel and sending it over the web. A W3C recommendation for replacing GIF.
- program instruction and data type stored, pointer can be use to access and manipulate data stored in memory.
- PPP: Point-to-Point Protocol; a type of connection over telephone lines that gives you the functionality of a direct ethernet connection.
- Primary key: The key which is uniquely, self sufficient enough to determine the record in a file.
- Primary storage: Main storage of the computer used for instructions and data.
- Printer: These are the output devices that are used to take output of a particular page or a set of pages on the system.
- Private: A C++ keyword used to specify that a class member can only be accessed
- from member functions and friends of the class. See access control, protected,
- and public.
- Program status word: The collection of all status bit conditions in the cpu is sometimes called PSW.
- Projection: The projection of 3-D object is defined by straight Projection rays called projection emanating form center of the projection, passing through each point of the object and intersecting a projection plane to form the projection.
- Protected: A C++ keyword used to specify that a class member can only be
- accessed by member functions and friends of its own class and by member functions
- and friends of classes derived from this class. See private, public, and
- access control.
- Protection: This is any mechanism for controlling the access of processes or users to the resource defined by a computer system.
- Protocol: A set of rules that regulate how computers exchange information. Example: error checking for file transfers or POP for handling electronic mail.
- Proxy Server: An Internet server dedicated to improve Internet performance.
- Public: A C++ keyword used to specify that class members are accessible
- from any (non-member) function. See access control, protected, and private.
- Queue: Abstract data type in which insertion occurs at one end and deletion occurs at other end.
- RAM (Random-Access Memory): This is the memory where the software resides while it is running along with the data it is using. RAM is used by both OS and application software.
- Refresh Rate: Refresh rate is defined as the rate at which picture is again drawn on the monitor. It is measured in cycles per second.
- Register: C++ keyword used as a hint to the compiler that a particular local variable
- should be placed in a machine register.
- Register address: A register address is a binary number of k bits that specifies the operands residing in register.
- Rear: Part of queue where insertion operation occurs.
- Real time system: It is acomputer system that requires not only that the computer results be”corrct”but also that the results be produces within the specified deadline.
- Record: A collection of aggregates or related items of data treated as a unit.
- Redundancy: A situation in which two or more pieces of information in a file are the same.
- Recursion function: When function calls itself repeat until some specific condition is met, and then process is called recursion
- Reflection: It is the process of generating a symmetric image of the object in a direction opposite to same object.
- Rollback: It defines that all the changes are aborted and the database is rolled back to the previous consistent state if the database.
- ROM (Read-Only Memory): A form of data storage. This type of memory keeps the saved data even if the device power is off. The data on the ROM can be loaded into the RAM if needed.
- Rotation: Rotation is an important property of graphics system, it causes the viewer to see an object from different directions.
- Route: Route in networking refers to a logic path within network in which a packet is travelling through from a sender to a receiver.
- Remote login: An interactive connection from your desktop computer over a network or telephone lines to a computer in another location (remote site).
- Relocation: Adjusting the values of the address dependent locations like address constant, according to the change in the memory locations
- Return: C++ keyword used for returning values from a function.
- Scheduler: It is a special DBMS program that establishes the order in which the
- operations within concurrent transactions are executed.
- Scope: The region of a program where a name has visibility.
- Scaling: Scaling transformation allows an object change by expanding or contracting its dimension i.e. it is a process of expanding or compressing the dimensions of the object.
- Semaphore: An integer counter and an associated thread-wait queue. When initialized, the semaphore counter receives a user-defined positive or null value.
- Sequential access: It is a access method in which information is processed in order, one record after the other.
- Serial port: An interface on a computer that supports transmission of a single bit at a time; can be used for connecting almost any type of external device including a mouse, a modem, or a printer.
- Source code: A program written either in mnemonics of an assembly language or in English like statements of high level language.
- Sorting: Arranging elements in some order.
- Sizeof: C++ keyword for taking the size of an object or type.
- Spool: A spool is a buffer that holds output for a device, such as printer that cannot accept interleaved data streams.
- Stack: A group of memory locations in the R/W memory that is used for temporary storage of binary information during the execution of the program.
- Static variable: As the name suggest the value of the static variable persists until the end of the programme. A variable can be use until declaring the keyword static. Static variable internal type or external type depends upon the declaration.
- Static: A Java programming language keyword used to define a variable as a class variable. Classes maintain one copy of class variables regardless of how many instances exist of that class. "static" can also be used to define a method as a class method. Class methods are invoked by the class instead of a specific instance, and can only operate on class variables.
- Subroutine: A group of instructions that performs a subtask of repeated occurrence.
- This - C++ keyword used in a member function to point at the object currently
- being operated on.
- Thread: The basic unit of program execution. A process can have several threads running concurrently, each performing a different job, such as waiting for events or performing a time-consuming job that the program doesn't need to complete before going on. When a thread has finished its job, the thread is suspended or destroyed.
- Telnet: A generic term that refers to the process of opening a remote interactive login session regardless of the type of computer you're connecting to.
- URL(Uniform Resource Locator): A web address. The standard way to address web documents (pages) on the Internet (like:
- Variable: A measurable quantity that has a definite numerical value at every instant.
- View port: Sometimes, we want to display different portions of image in different regions of screen. A rectangular region of display device where contents of windows are displayed is called viewport.
- Virtual function: A member function whose interpretation when called depends
- on the type of the object for which it is called; a function for an object
- of a derived class will override a function of its base class.
- Void: A Java programming language keyword used in method declarations to specify that the method does not return any value. "void" can also be used as a non functional statement.
- WAN: A wide area network usually links buildings, cities or countries.
- Web Server: A server is a computer that delivers services or information to other computers. In web terms: A server that delivers web content to web browsers.
- While: A Java programming language keyword used to declare a loop that iterates a block of statements. The loop's exit condition is specified as part of the while statement.
- zip: A common file compression format for IBM PC or compatibles; the utility WinZip is used for compressing and decompressing files. Zipped files usually end with a ".zip" file extension. A special kind of zipped file is self-extracting and ends with a ".exe" extension.
Thursday, 27 March 2014
Project Report of Tuition Center Management System In Java
This is to certify that the project entitled “Knowledge Bytes” has been developed by Name and Class who is bonafide student of College name. This project is submitted to University Name in the Partial Fulfillment for the requirement of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engg. This project has been developed under the guidance of Director and Institute Name.
No work of significance can be claimed on a result of an individual’s efforts and some holds true for this project as well. Though it carries my name, but the energy of many has been contributed in no small measure in completion of this project.
I would like to thank “HOD Name” Head of Department for providing all the necessary equipment and material required.
I am very thankful to our project guide Name. It is only through their efforts, constant encouragement and guidance that this has been accomplished.
I also very thankful to the all professors of project committee and staff of the Department of computer Science, College Name who helped me to do my project by providing me various facilities and guidance to complete this project.
v Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 4
Ø Project overview ……………………………………………………… 4
Ø Proposed System……………………………………………………… 4
Ø Features of proposed system………………………………………….. 4
v Development Tools Used ………………………………………………… 5
Ø Back End……………………………………………………………… 5
§ Introduction to Ms Access ……………………………………….. 5
§ Software requirement of MS Access……………………………… 5
§ Components of Access……………………………………………. 6
Ø Front End…………………………………………………………….. 7
§ Introduction of Java………………………………………………. 7
§ Features of Java…………………………………………………… 7
§ Introduction to JDBC……………………………………………… 9
§ Java Virtual Machine……………………………………………… 9
v Problem Analysis………………………………………………………… 12
v Requirement Analysis…………………………………………………… 13
v Feasibility Study………………………………………………………… 14
v System Design…………………………………………………………… 15
Ø Database Design……………………………………………………… 16
Ø Form’s Design………………………………………………………... 17
v Testing Phase……………………………………………………………… 20
Ø Level’s of Testing……………………………………………………. 20
Ø Testing Strategies……………………………………………………… 21
Ø Overview of testing…………………………………………………… 25
v System Implementation…………………………………………………… 30
v Maintenance. ……………………………………………………………... 35
v Project Legacy…………………………………………………………….. 36
v Scope of Project…………………………………………………………… 37
Ø Future Enhancement
v Bibliography…………………………………………………………….. 38
The name of project is Knowledge Byte as name suggest, it is concerned with working of a Tuition Center that provides tuitions of various subjects to students doing different types of courses. It involves management of records, fee structure, and payment system. This software is easy to use and understand. The main objective behind making this project is to manage tuition center records easily.
Proposed system
The proposed system is to automate the existing manual system. once the system gets computerized it will not only save the time but also ensure reliability accuracy etc. The system uses Microsoft access to store the data and a very user friendly graphical interface.
Features of proposed system
User-friendly package
Efficient retrieval time
Efficient linkage of information
Validation check to ensure query
Rewards of proposed system
The proposed system is being designed so that the working will become easier, faster, and more reliable than before.
Reports of students and teachers can be easily generated
Redundancy is minimized
User friendly
It will save lot of money and time
In the development of this project we have used MS-Access as the back end and developer 2000 forms 6.0 as the front end. Description of the both back end and front end is given as follows.
Microsoft (MS) Access is a relationship database management system (RDBMS) used to store and manipulate large collection of information of any kind. Here RDBMS refers to the organization of the data in a series and columns is such a manner that any specific piece of information is available with the click of the mouse and a few key strokes, MS Access has tools which are easy to use and provide a powerful development environment, making it an appropriate choice for novices as well as professional.
For e.g Access can be used to enter and maintain student awards, inventory records of a warehouse, telephone numbers. Once a record is stored, any type of queries can be asked, reports can be created and type entry forms can be designed. At the advanced level Access can be used for developing custom database applications by employing Access basic and a distribution kit for compiling application.
Access is a window 98/2KXP based program so Microsoft window 945/2K/XP
should be installed on target computer. A computer may have 80386,80846 or PENTIUM based processor with a minimum 8MB of RAM;VGA Graphics display and a mouse.
1. Database window: Here all objects of a database are stored in a stored in a single file having extension MDB. The objects are managed through the database window as shown in figure.
2. Database and Tables: Database is a collection of information retained in the form of tables. Table of rows and columns. Each table stores information about one entity such as account no, customer name, phone no
3. Each row in the table represents a single record of an entity. Each column contains discrete element of information called a field. A field can be a customer name and phone no.. To illustrate the concept of a table, record, field is used which uses different tables to stores:
· Student table(roll no, name, father’s name, class of students)
Java is a general purpose, object oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems of USA in 1991.Originally called OAK by JAMES GOSTLING, one of the inventors of the language, and java was designed for development of software . The goal had a strong impact on the development team to make the language simple, portable and highly reliable.
Features of java
· Compiled and interpreted
· Platform independent and portable
· Object oriented
· Robust and secure
· Familiar, simple and small
· Multithreaded and interactive
· High performance
· Dynamic and extensible
Ø Compiled and interpreted:- java combines both these approaches that are 3 compiled and interpreted. First, java compiler translates source code into byte code instructions. Byte codes are not machine instructions and java interpreter generates machine code that can be directly executed by the machine that is running the java program. We can thus; say that java is both a compiled and interpreted language.
Ø Platform independent and portable:-The most significant contribution of java over other language is its portability. Java programs can be easily moved from one system to another, anywhere and anytime. Java ensures portability in two ways. First, java complier generates byte code instruction that can be implemented in any machine. Secondly, the sizes of the permitted data types are machine independent.
Ø Object oriented: - java is a true object oriented language. Almost everything in java is an object. All program codes and data resides within objects and classes. Java comes with an extensive set of classes, arrange in packages that we can use in our program by inheritance. The object model in java is simple and easy to extend.
Ø Robust and secure:-java is a robust language. It provides many safeguards to ensure reliable code. It has strict compile time and run time checking for data types. Security becomes an important issue for a language that is used for programming on internet.
Ø Familiar, simple and small:- java is a simple and small language. Many feature of c and c++ that are either redundant or sources of unreliable code are not part of java. Familiarity is another striking feature of java. To make the language look familiar to the existing programmers, it was modeled on c and c++ languages. Java uses many construct of c and c++ and therefore, java code look like c++ code
Ø Multithreaded and interactive:- Multithreading means handling multiple tasks simultaneously. Java supports multithreaded programs. This means that we need not wait for the application to finish one task before beginning other. This feature greatly improves the interactive performance of the graphical application.
Ø High performance:- Java performance is impressive for an interpreted language mainly due to the main use of intermediate byte code. According to SUN, java speed is comparable to the native c/c++. Java architecture is also designed to reduce overheads during runtime. Further the incorporation of multithreading enhances the overall execution speed of java programs.
Ø Dynamic and extensible: - Java is a dynamic language. Java is capable of dynamically linking in new class libraries, methods, objects. Java can also determine the type of the class through a query making it possible to either dynamically link or abort the program, depending on the response.
JDBC stands for java database connectivity. It was developed by java soft and is part of java enterprise API.JDBC is first standardized API that allows the user to develop database front ends without continuously rewriting their code. JDBC provides ability to create robust platform independent applications and web based applets, which can access any database through a DBMS independent mechanism.
How JDBC works
A set of JDBC object and method , defined in JDBC are used to interact with underlying database .At beginning of process ,a java program opens a connection to database .Then , it creates statement object passes sequel statement to underlying DBMS through statement object and retrieves the result and information about result set.
· Locating an appropriate database driver.
Locating DBMS on hard disk
· Establishing a connection.
· Creating and firing SQL queries against database.
· Creating record set objects.
· Terminate the connection.
All language compilers translate source code into machine code for specific computers. Java compiler also does the same thing. Then, how does java achieve neutrality? The answer is that the java compiler produce an intermediate code known as byte code for a machine that does not exist only inside the computer memory. It is simulated computer within the computer and does all major function of a real computer.
This figure shows the process of compiling a java program into byte code which is also referred to as virtual machine code.
Process of complication
The virtual machine code is not machine specific. The machine specific code (known as machine code) is generated by the java interpreter by acting as an intermediatiary between the virtual machine the real machine as shown in figure.
Process of converting byte code to machiene code
This figure illustrates how java works on a typical computer. The java object framework acts as the intermediary between the user programs and the virtual machine which is turn acts as the intermediary between the operating system and java object framework
Layers of interactions of java prog.
Java API provides a large number of classes grouped into different packages according to functionality. Most of the time we use the package available with the java API. This figure shows the functional break down of package that is frequently used in the programs.
Frequently used API packages
· Language Support package: A collection of classes and method required for implementing basis feature of java
· Utilities Package: A collection of classes to provide utility function such as date and time function.
· Input/Output Packages: A collection of classes required for input/output manipulation
· Networking Packages: A collection of classes for communicating with other computers via internet
· AWT Package: The Abstract window toolkit package contain classes that implements platform independent graphical user interface.
· Applet Package: This includes a set of classes that allow us to create java applet.
The project provides a secure, reliable and user friendly human resource management system for the administration of any company. It helps to overcome the cumbersome task of maintaining employee data in efficient and easy way using database.
It is user friendly as makes use of graphical user interface. Also appropriate combo box,check box ,menu bar make the page look more attractive and easier to use by linking data to database.
The project is very secure as only the valid administrators can access the information of employee and update the information. As username and password is available only to authenticate user who have been provided right to access and modify. Delete and view data.
Problem might lead to system failure or system crash in case the database exceeds it’s size or overflow of information takes place. It might also lead to unpredictable results .Though all measures have been taken to keep check on all such errors and exception by making appropriate use of exception handling wherever appropriate and essential and such exceptions have been caught in the catch blocks yet to nothing is perfect and impeccable.
In the project appropriate and has been made use of. One database is regarding all the information of the employee like id, name, salary, benefits, a address etc .All can be accessed with much ease as they are in database to be viewed, deleted, modified. Also database for training both for freshers and existing employees is there making data storage very reliable.
Hardware Requirement
Minimum: 600 megahertz (MHz) Pentium processor
Recommended: 1 gig hertz (GHz) Pentium processor
Minimum: 192 megabytes (MB)
Recommended: 256 MB
Hard Disk
2 GB of available space required on installation drive
1 GB of available space required on system drive
Minimum: 800 x 600 256 colors
Recommended: 1024 x 768 High Color - 16-bit
Software Requirement
Java runtime environment
Microsoft Windows XP / higher version of Windows OS required.
An initial investigation culminates in a proposal that determines whether an alternative system is feasible and if the proposal initiates Feasibility Study. Basically a Feasibility Study is prepared to present an in depth techno-commercial analysis
Economic Feasibility
Economic Analysis is the most frequent used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a project. It is procedure to determine the benefits and the saving that are expected from a project and compare with it cost.
Our project is economically feasible due to certain reasons.
· It is cost effective and will maximize the returns.
· Cost of staff cut off
Technical feasibility
Technical feasibility Centers on the existing system and to what extent it can support the proposal addition the hardware and are technically viable.
Our project is technically or operationally feasible due to certain factors:
· As the system is used friendly though it is likely approved by users showing no resistance what so user and if the user wants more facilities then that can be provided to him.
· After the system is implemented the user will need no changes as the system is developed by keeping the user requirement in mind.
- System analysis (DFD and Flow Chart)
System design is the process of developing specifications for a candidate system that meet the criteria established in the system analysis. Major step in system design is the preparation of the input forms and the output reports in a form applicable to the user.
The main objective of the system design is to make the system user friendly. System design involves various stages as:
1. Data Entry
2. Data Correction
3. Data Deletion
4. Processing
5. Sorting and Indexing
6. Report Generation
System design is the creative act of invention, developing new inputs, a database, offline files, procedures and output for processing business to meet an organization objective. System design builds information gathered during the system analysis
Characteristics Of A Well Defined System
In design an efficient and effective system is of great importance to consider the human factor and equipment that these will require to use. System analyst must evaluate the capabilities and limitations of the personal and corresponding factors of the equipment itself.
The characteristics associated with effective system operations are:
I. Accessibility
II. Decision Making Ability
V. Reliability
VI. Simplicity
Success is a new system pivots on its acceptance or non-acceptance by the organization
Teacher Table
Login Table
Members Table
Course Table
Welcome Form
Login Form
Member’s Information Form Coding
Teacher’s Information Form
Course Information Form
The basic goal of the software development process is to produce software that has no errors or very few errors. In an effort to detect errors soon after they are introduced, each phase ends with verification activity such as a review.
As testing is the last phase before the final software is delivered, it has the enormous responsibility of detecting any type of error that may in the software. A software typically undergoes changes even after it has been delivered. And to validate that a change has not affected some old functionality of software regression testing is performed
Levels Of Testing:
The basic levels of testing are unit testing, integration testing and system and acceptance testing. These different levels of testing attempt to detect different types of faults.
Levels of testing
Code/Unit Testing:
Code testing and implementation is a critical process that can even consume more than sixty percent of the development time.
The system development life cycle involves the phases of testing and debugging after the requirement analysis, designing and coding. The project in question was tested , debugged and implemented successfully.
Two strategies of software testing adopted for the new system are as follows:
1. Code testing
2. Specification testing
Code testing:
Code testing was carried out to see the correctness of the logic involved and the correctness of the modules. Tests were conducted based upon sample and live data as well. All the modules are checked separately for assuming correctness and accuracy in all the calculations.
Specification testing:
It examines the specification stating about what program should do and how it performs under various conditions. This testing strategy is better strategy since it focuses on the way the software is expected to work.
Unit Testing:
During the phase of unit testing different constituent modules were testing against the specifications produced during the design for the modules. Unit testing is essentially for the verification of the code produced during the coding the phase, and goal is to test the internal logic of the modules. The modules once tested were then considered for integration and use by others.
1.White Box Testing Done
During this phase of the testing phase SDLC, server developed was tested while considering a valid value corresponding to each of variable defined and corresponding to each function defined. During this phase values corresponding to each variable viz. URL filtering, word filtering and scheduling was done and desired results were obtained.
2.Black Box Testing Done
This phase of testing deals with input/output testing. Black box testing was performed on the software developed, corresponding to valid inputs provided desired outputs were obtained.
Integration Testing:
The next level testing that was performed is often referred to as integration testing. During this phase many unit tested modules were combined into subsystems, which were then tested. The goal here was to see if modules can be integrated properly. Here the emphasis was on testing interfaces between different constituent modules of system.
Functionality Testing:
Here the entire software system was tested. The reference document for this process is the requirements document, and the goal was to see if software solution meets its requirements.
This level of testing is essentially a validation exercise, and in many situation it is the only validation activity.
Stress Testing:
Proxy server developed for the specified purpose was testing under heavy load, i.e. a large no. of clients were made to sit in lab and were asked to send requests for loging in and then were asked to request for text on internet. System responded to request as desired.
Acceptance Testing:
Acceptance was performed in the real environment with realistic data of the client to demonstrate if the software developed is working satisfactorily. Here the main focus was on the external behavior of the system; the internal logic of the program was not emphasized.
Test Data and Test Cases:
The primary objective of test case design is to derive a set of tests that have the highest likelihood of uncovering errors in software. The test case specification is the major activity in the testing process. Careful selection of test cases that satisfy the criterion on approach specified is essential for proper testing. Various characteristics of test cases that are required for portal are:
1.A good test has a high probability of finding an error.
2. A good test is not redundant.
3. A good test should be “Best of Breed”.
4. A good test should be neither too simple not too complex.
Test Data For This Application:
1. Member Details like Name, Address, Ticket details etc.
2. Project Details like Ticket Status, Country Dropdowns, States Dropdowns, telephone and unique E-Mail Ids etc.
3. Content to be displayed on the site.
Test plan
Testing commences with a test plan and terminates with acceptance testing. A test plan is a general document for the entire project that defines the scope, approach to be taken and schedule of testing as well as identifies the test item for the entire testing process and the personnel responsible for the different activities of testing.
Overview of Testing
1. Testing: Testing involves executing the program (or part of it) using sample data and inferring from the output whether the software performs correctly or not. This can be done either during module development (unit testing) or when several modules are combined (system testing).
2. Defect Testing: Defect testing is testing for situation where the program does not meet its functional specification. Performance testing tests a system's performance or reliability under realistic loads. This may go some way to ensuring that the program meets its non-functional requirements.
2.Debugging: Debugging is a cycle of detection, location, repair and test. Debugging is a hypothesis testing process. When a bug is detected, the tester must form a hypothesis about the cause and location of the bug. Further examination of the execution of the program (possible including many returns of it) will usually take place to confirm the hypothesis. If the hypothesis is demonstrated to be incorrect, a new hypothesis must be formed. Debugging tools that show the state of the program are useful for this, but inserting print statements is often the only approach. Experienced debuggers use their knowledge of common and/or obscure bugs to facilitate the hypothesis testing process. After fixing a bug, the system must be reset to ensure that the fix has worked and that no other bugs have been introduced. This is called regression testing. In principle, all tests should be performed again but this is often too expensive to do.
Test Planning
Testing needs to be planned, to be cost and time effective. Planning is setting out standards for tests. Test plans set out the context in which individual engineers can place their own work. Typical test plan contains:
Overview of testing process
1. Requirements trace ability (to ensure that all requirements are tested)
2. List of item to be tested
3. Schedule
4. Recording procedures so that test results can be audited
5. Hardware and software requirements
6. Constraints
Overview of Testing Strategies
Large systems are usually tested using a mixture of strategies. Different strategies may be needed for different parts of the system or stages of the process.
1. Top-down testing: This approach tests high levels of system before detailed components. This is appropriate when developing the system top-down and is likely to show up structural design errors early (and therefore cheaply). But this often has advantage that a limited, working system is available early on. Validation (as distinct from verification) can begin early. Its disadvantage is that stubs need to be generated (extra effort) and might be impracticable if component is complex (e.g. converting an array into a linked list; unrealistic to generate random list; therefore end up implementing unit anyway). Test output may be difficult to observe (needs creation of artificial environment). This is not appropriate for OO systems (except within a class).
2. Bottom-up testing: This is opposite of top-down testing. This tests low-level units then works up the hierarchy. Its advantages and disadvantages mirror those of top-down testing. In this testing there is need to write test drivers for each unit. These are as reusable as the unit itself. Combining top-down development with bottom-up testing means that all parts of system must be implemented before testing can begin, which does not accord with incremental approach discussed above. Bottom-up testing is less likely to reveal architectural faults early on. However, bottom-up testing of critical low-level components is almost always necessary. Appropriate for OO systems.
3. Stress testing: Tests system's ability to cope with a specified load (e.g. transactions per second). Tests should be planned to increase load incrementally. This type of testing goes beyond design limit until system fails (this test is particularly important for distributed systems like checking degradation of performance a s network traffic increases).
4. Back-to-back testing: Comparison of test results from different versions of the system (e.g. compare with prototype, previous version or different configuration). Process – Run first system, saving test case results. Run second system, again saving its results. Compare result files. The key point to be noted is that no difference does not mean no bugs. Both systems may have made the same mistake.
5. Defect testing: A successful defect test is a test that causes the system to behave incorrectly. Defect testing is not intended to show that a program meets its specification. If tests do not show up defects it may mean that the tests are not exhaustive enough. Exhaustive testing is not always practically applicable. Subset has to be defined (this should be part of the test plan, not left to the individual programmer).
Possible Methods:
1. Usual method is to ensure that every line of code is executed at least once.
2. Test capabilities rather than components (e.g. concentrate on tests for data loss over ones for screen layout).
3. Test old in preference to new (users less affected by failure of new capabilities).
4. Test typical cases rather than boundary ones (ensure normal operation works properly).
There are three approaches to defect testing. Each one suits different types of component. Studies show that black box testing is more effective in discovering faults than white-box testing. However, the rate of fault detection (faults detected per unit time) was similar for each approach. Also showed that static code reviewing is more effective and less expensive than defect testing.
1. Black-box (Functional) Testing: Testing against specification of system or component. Study it by examining its inputs and related outputs. Key is to devise inputs that have a higher likelihood of causing outputs that reveal the presence of defects. Use experience and knowledge of domain to identify such test cases. Failing this, a systematic approach may be necessary. Equivalence partitioning is where the input to a program falls into a number of classes. E.g. positive numbers vs. negative numbers. Programs normally behave the same way for each member of a class. Partitions exist for both input and output. Partitions may be discrete or overlap. Invalid data (i.e. outside the normal partitions) is one or more partitions that should be tested. Test cases are chosen to exercise each portion. Also test boundary cases (typical, extreme, zero) since these frequently show up defects. For completeness, test all combinations of partitions. Black box testing is rarely exhaustive (because one doesn't test every value in an equivalence partition) and sometimes fails to reveal corruption defects caused by "weird" combination of inputs. Black box testing should not be used to try and reveal corruption defects caused, for example, by assigning a pointer to point to an object of the wrong type. Static inspection (or using a better programming language) is preferable for this.
2. White-box (Structural) Testing: Testing based on knowledge of structure of component (e.g. by looking at source code). Advantage is that structure of code can be used to find out how many test cases need to be performed. Knowledge of the algorithm (examination of the code) can be used to identify the equivalence partitions. Path testing is where the tester aims to exercise every independent execution path through the component. All conditional statements are tested for both true and false cases. If a unit has n control statements, there will be up to 2n possible paths through it. This demonstrates that it is much easier to test small program units than large ones. Flow graphs are a pictorial representation of the paths of control through a program (ignoring assignments, procedure calls and I/O statements). Use flow graph to design test cases that execute each path. Static tools may be used to make this easier in programs that have a complex branching structure. Tools like Dynamic program analyzers instrument a program with additional code. Typically this will count how many times each statement is executed. At the end, a print out report shows which statements had executed and which had not been executed.
Problems With Flow Graph Derived Testing:
1.Data complexity not taken into account.
2.Does not test all paths in combination.
3.Practically possible at unit and module testing stages because beyond that complexity is too high.
Interface testing: Usually done at integration stage when modules or sub-systems are combined. Objective is to detect errors or invalid assumptions about interfaces between modules. Reason these are not shown in unit testing is that test case may perpetuate same incorrect assumptions made by module designer. Particularly important when OO development has been used.
Four Types Of Interface:
1. Parameter: data (or occasionally function references) passed from one unit to another.
2. Shared memory: block of memory shared between units (e.g. global variable) .One places data there and the other retrieves it.
3.Procedural: Object-Oriented or abstract data type form of interface, encapsulating several procedures.
4. Message passing: one sub-system requests a service by passing a message. Client-server interface also used by some OO architectures.
Three Common Kinds Of Interface Error:
1. Interface misuse: Caller gives wrong number/types/order of parameters or sends invalid message.
2. Interface misunderstanding: Caller misunderstanding specification of called component and provides or receives data in legal but unexpected form.
3. Timing errors: Producer/consumer of data operates at different speeds and data is accessed before being ready. "Race conditions".
Common manifestations are when each unit assumes the other one is checking for invalid data (failure to check return status) and the consequences of when such a fault is propagated to other units. Best testing process is to test each subsystem separately, as we have done in this project. Best done during implementation i.e. done after implementation of small sub-steps rather than large chunks. Once each lowest level unit has been tested, units are combined with related units and retested in combination. This proceeds hierarchically bottom-up until the entire system is tested as a whole.
Typical levels of testing:
1.Unit -procedure, function, method
2.Module-package, abstract data type, class
3.Sub-system - collection of related modules, cluster of classes, method-message paths
4.Acceptance testing - whole system with real data (involve customer, user, etc)
5.Alpha testing is acceptance testing with a single client (common for bespoke systems).
6.Beta testing involves distributing system to potential customers to use and provide feedback.
In, this project, Beta testing has been followed. This exposes system to situations and errors that might not be anticipated by us.
Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into the working system and is giving confidence to the new system for the users i.e. will work efficiently and effectively. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints on implementation, design of method to achieve the change over, an evaluation, of change over methods. A part from planning major task of preparing the implementation is education of users. The more complex system is implemented, the more involved will be the system analysis and design effort required just for implementation. An implementation coordinating committee based on policies of individual organization has been appointed. The implementation process begins with preparing a plan for the implementation for the system. According to this plan, the activities are to be carried out, discussions may regarding the equipment has to be acquired to implement the new system
Implementation is the final and important phase. The most critical stage is in achieving a successful new system and in giving the users confidence that the new system will work and be effective. The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it found to working according to the specification. This method also offers the greatest security since the old system can take over if the errors are found or inability to handle certain types of transaction while using the new system.
The major elements of implementation plan are test plan, training plan, equipment installation plan, and a conversion plan.
Implementation Tools:
1. Training personnel
2. Conversion Procedures
3. Post-implementation review
Training of Personnel involved with system
Even well designed system can succeed or fail because of the way they are operated and used. Therefore, the quality of training received by the personal involved with the system in various capacities helps or hinders and may even prevent the successful implementation of management information system.
System Operators Training
Running of the system successfully depend on the personnel working in the Computer Centre. They are Responsible for providing the necessary support. Their training must ensure that they are able to handle all possible operations, both routine and extra-ordinary in nature.
If the system calls for the installation of new equipment, such as new computer system, special terminals or different data entry machines, the operators training should include such fundamentals as how to turn the equipment on and use it, how to power off and a knowledge of what constitutes normal operations. The operators should also be trained on different type of malfunctioning, how to recognize them and what steps should also be taken whenever they arise.
User Training
User may be trained on use equipment, particularly in the case where, e.g. a micro computer is in use and individual involved is both operator and user. In such cases, user must be given training on how to operate and user. In such cases, user must be given training on how to operator the system also. Questions that may be trivial to the analyst, such as how to turn on a terminal, how to insert a diskette into a micro-computer or when it is safe to turn off equipment with out danger of data loss are significant problems to new users who are not familiar.
Inmost of the cases user training deals with the operation of the system itself, with proper attention given to data handling techniques. It is imperative that users be properly trained in methods of entering transaction, editing data, formulating inquiries, deleting and inserting of records. No training is complete without familiarizing users with simple systems maintenance activities. Weakness in any aspect of training may lead of awkward situation that creates user frustration and error.
Conversion Methods
A conversion is the process of changing from the old system to the new one. It must be properly planned and executed. Four methods are common in use. They are Parallel Systems, Direct Conversion, Pilot System and Phase In method. Each method should be considered in the light of the opportunities that it offers and problems that it may create. In general, system conversion should be accomplished in shortest possible time. Long conversion periods create problems for all persons involved including both analysts and users.
Parallel Systems:
The most secure method of converting from an old to new system is to run both systems in parallel. This method is safest one because it ensures that in case of any problem in using new system, the organization can still fall back to the old system without the loss of time and money.
The Disadvantages Of Parallel Systems Approach Are:
1. It doubles operating costs.
2. The new system may not get fair trial.
Direct conversion:
This method converts from the old system to new system abruptly, sometimes over a weekend or even overnight. The old system is used until a planned conversion day, when it is replaced by the new system.
Pilot System:
Pilot approach is often preferred in the case of the new system which involves new techniques or some drastic changes in organization performance. In this method, a working version of the system is implemented in one part of the organization, such as a single work area or department.
Phase –IN- Method:
This method is used when it is not possible to install a new system throughout an organization all at once. The conversion of files, training of personnel or arrival of equipment may force the staging of the implementation over a period of time, ranging from weeks to months.
Post Implementation Review
After the system is implemented and conversion is complete, a review should be conducted to determine whether the system is meeting expectations and where improvements are needed. A post implementation review measures the systems performance against predefined requirement. It determines how well the system continues to meet the performance specifications.
Once the website is launched, it enters the maintenance phase. All systems need maintenance. Maintenance is required because there are often some residual errors remaining in the system that must be removed as they are discovered. Maintenance involves understanding the effects of the change, making the changes to both the code and the documents, testing the new parts and retesting the old parts that were not changed. Maintenance is mainly of two types:
1. Corrective Maintenance
2. Adaptive Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance:
Almost all software that is developed has residual errors or bugs in them. Many of these surfaces only after the system have been in operation, sometimes for a long time. These errors once discovered need to be removed, leading to the software to be changed. This is called Corrective Maintenance.
Adaptive Maintenance:
Even without bugs, software frequently undergoes change. The software often must be upgraded and enhanced to include more features and provide more services. This requires modification of the software. This type of maintenance is known as the Adaptive Maintenance
Starting from the problem statement ,this project is designed to provide a Route Map of Chandigarh used by administrators in any company.
Almost all employees belong to a work unit. To some degree, the work performance depends on the ability to effectively interact with team members and the team leader. The training period has underlined the importance of how to a better listener, how to communicate ideas more clearly and now to be a more effective team player as a result of improving the overall interpersonal skills.
There is a continuous performance appraisal carried out by the team leader. The expectancy model of the motivation offers one the best explanations of what of what influences the amount of effort an influences the amount of effort an individual will exert on her job. A vital component of this motivation , the company gives a clear perception that the efforts exerted leading to a favorable performance evaluation will lead to rewards.
The first 10 days of the training included a general introduction to the basic tools of JAVA.
During the second week the project was assigned and application of various tools were taught side by side. Integration of the various tools required for the project is the most powerful feature being used at advanced center and I consider myself fortunate that I could be a part of it.
Present Scope:
Now a day’s digital world every thing is getting computerized and proceeds very fast execution. Using fast way computerized system for manipulation of data related to project saves time papers and manpower which will further help in providing better services to society.
The projects I have developed have a very wider scope because as we know that now these days business in the area of study is booming so the IT market is having a very vast scope in it. As we know the more and more tuition centers and institutes are coming in the market they have to need software for handling their records.
My project fulfill all the needs of any type of institute like handling
This software can satisfy needs of only one institute but if we want to connect multiple branches of any institute then we can use networking and we can access data of every institute from any branch if we have proper access privileges. I am installing these features in next version. So keep waiting
This is to certify that the project entitled “Knowledge Bytes” has been developed by Name and Class who is bonafide student of College name. This project is submitted to University Name in the Partial Fulfillment for the requirement of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engg. This project has been developed under the guidance of Director and Institute Name.
No work of significance can be claimed on a result of an individual’s efforts and some holds true for this project as well. Though it carries my name, but the energy of many has been contributed in no small measure in completion of this project.
I would like to thank “HOD Name” Head of Department for providing all the necessary equipment and material required.
I am very thankful to our project guide Name. It is only through their efforts, constant encouragement and guidance that this has been accomplished.
I also very thankful to the all professors of project committee and staff of the Department of computer Science, College Name who helped me to do my project by providing me various facilities and guidance to complete this project.
v Introduction ………………………………………………………………. 4
Ø Project overview ……………………………………………………… 4
Ø Proposed System……………………………………………………… 4
Ø Features of proposed system………………………………………….. 4
v Development Tools Used ………………………………………………… 5
Ø Back End……………………………………………………………… 5
§ Introduction to Ms Access ……………………………………….. 5
§ Software requirement of MS Access……………………………… 5
§ Components of Access……………………………………………. 6
Ø Front End…………………………………………………………….. 7
§ Introduction of Java………………………………………………. 7
§ Features of Java…………………………………………………… 7
§ Introduction to JDBC……………………………………………… 9
§ Java Virtual Machine……………………………………………… 9
v Problem Analysis………………………………………………………… 12
v Requirement Analysis…………………………………………………… 13
v Feasibility Study………………………………………………………… 14
v System Design…………………………………………………………… 15
Ø Database Design……………………………………………………… 16
Ø Form’s Design………………………………………………………... 17
v Testing Phase……………………………………………………………… 20
Ø Level’s of Testing……………………………………………………. 20
Ø Testing Strategies……………………………………………………… 21
Ø Overview of testing…………………………………………………… 25
v System Implementation…………………………………………………… 30
v Maintenance. ……………………………………………………………... 35
v Project Legacy…………………………………………………………….. 36
v Scope of Project…………………………………………………………… 37
Ø Future Enhancement
v Bibliography…………………………………………………………….. 38
The name of project is Knowledge Byte as name suggest, it is concerned with working of a Tuition Center that provides tuitions of various subjects to students doing different types of courses. It involves management of records, fee structure, and payment system. This software is easy to use and understand. The main objective behind making this project is to manage tuition center records easily.
Proposed system
The proposed system is to automate the existing manual system. once the system gets computerized it will not only save the time but also ensure reliability accuracy etc. The system uses Microsoft access to store the data and a very user friendly graphical interface.
Features of proposed system
User-friendly package
Efficient retrieval time
Efficient linkage of information
Validation check to ensure query
Rewards of proposed system
The proposed system is being designed so that the working will become easier, faster, and more reliable than before.
Reports of students and teachers can be easily generated
Redundancy is minimized
User friendly
It will save lot of money and time
In the development of this project we have used MS-Access as the back end and developer 2000 forms 6.0 as the front end. Description of the both back end and front end is given as follows.
Microsoft (MS) Access is a relationship database management system (RDBMS) used to store and manipulate large collection of information of any kind. Here RDBMS refers to the organization of the data in a series and columns is such a manner that any specific piece of information is available with the click of the mouse and a few key strokes, MS Access has tools which are easy to use and provide a powerful development environment, making it an appropriate choice for novices as well as professional.
For e.g Access can be used to enter and maintain student awards, inventory records of a warehouse, telephone numbers. Once a record is stored, any type of queries can be asked, reports can be created and type entry forms can be designed. At the advanced level Access can be used for developing custom database applications by employing Access basic and a distribution kit for compiling application.
Access is a window 98/2KXP based program so Microsoft window 945/2K/XP
should be installed on target computer. A computer may have 80386,80846 or PENTIUM based processor with a minimum 8MB of RAM;VGA Graphics display and a mouse.
1. Database window: Here all objects of a database are stored in a stored in a single file having extension MDB. The objects are managed through the database window as shown in figure.
2. Database and Tables: Database is a collection of information retained in the form of tables. Table of rows and columns. Each table stores information about one entity such as account no, customer name, phone no
3. Each row in the table represents a single record of an entity. Each column contains discrete element of information called a field. A field can be a customer name and phone no.. To illustrate the concept of a table, record, field is used which uses different tables to stores:
· Student table(roll no, name, father’s name, class of students)
Java is a general purpose, object oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems of USA in 1991.Originally called OAK by JAMES GOSTLING, one of the inventors of the language, and java was designed for development of software . The goal had a strong impact on the development team to make the language simple, portable and highly reliable.
Features of java
· Compiled and interpreted
· Platform independent and portable
· Object oriented
· Robust and secure
· Familiar, simple and small
· Multithreaded and interactive
· High performance
· Dynamic and extensible
Ø Compiled and interpreted:- java combines both these approaches that are 3 compiled and interpreted. First, java compiler translates source code into byte code instructions. Byte codes are not machine instructions and java interpreter generates machine code that can be directly executed by the machine that is running the java program. We can thus; say that java is both a compiled and interpreted language.
Ø Platform independent and portable:-The most significant contribution of java over other language is its portability. Java programs can be easily moved from one system to another, anywhere and anytime. Java ensures portability in two ways. First, java complier generates byte code instruction that can be implemented in any machine. Secondly, the sizes of the permitted data types are machine independent.
Ø Object oriented: - java is a true object oriented language. Almost everything in java is an object. All program codes and data resides within objects and classes. Java comes with an extensive set of classes, arrange in packages that we can use in our program by inheritance. The object model in java is simple and easy to extend.
Ø Robust and secure:-java is a robust language. It provides many safeguards to ensure reliable code. It has strict compile time and run time checking for data types. Security becomes an important issue for a language that is used for programming on internet.
Ø Familiar, simple and small:- java is a simple and small language. Many feature of c and c++ that are either redundant or sources of unreliable code are not part of java. Familiarity is another striking feature of java. To make the language look familiar to the existing programmers, it was modeled on c and c++ languages. Java uses many construct of c and c++ and therefore, java code look like c++ code
Ø Multithreaded and interactive:- Multithreading means handling multiple tasks simultaneously. Java supports multithreaded programs. This means that we need not wait for the application to finish one task before beginning other. This feature greatly improves the interactive performance of the graphical application.
Ø High performance:- Java performance is impressive for an interpreted language mainly due to the main use of intermediate byte code. According to SUN, java speed is comparable to the native c/c++. Java architecture is also designed to reduce overheads during runtime. Further the incorporation of multithreading enhances the overall execution speed of java programs.
Ø Dynamic and extensible: - Java is a dynamic language. Java is capable of dynamically linking in new class libraries, methods, objects. Java can also determine the type of the class through a query making it possible to either dynamically link or abort the program, depending on the response.
JDBC stands for java database connectivity. It was developed by java soft and is part of java enterprise API.JDBC is first standardized API that allows the user to develop database front ends without continuously rewriting their code. JDBC provides ability to create robust platform independent applications and web based applets, which can access any database through a DBMS independent mechanism.
How JDBC works
A set of JDBC object and method , defined in JDBC are used to interact with underlying database .At beginning of process ,a java program opens a connection to database .Then , it creates statement object passes sequel statement to underlying DBMS through statement object and retrieves the result and information about result set.
· Locating an appropriate database driver.
Locating DBMS on hard disk
· Establishing a connection.
· Creating and firing SQL queries against database.
· Creating record set objects.
· Terminate the connection.
All language compilers translate source code into machine code for specific computers. Java compiler also does the same thing. Then, how does java achieve neutrality? The answer is that the java compiler produce an intermediate code known as byte code for a machine that does not exist only inside the computer memory. It is simulated computer within the computer and does all major function of a real computer.
This figure shows the process of compiling a java program into byte code which is also referred to as virtual machine code.
Process of complication
The virtual machine code is not machine specific. The machine specific code (known as machine code) is generated by the java interpreter by acting as an intermediatiary between the virtual machine the real machine as shown in figure.
Process of converting byte code to machiene code
This figure illustrates how java works on a typical computer. The java object framework acts as the intermediary between the user programs and the virtual machine which is turn acts as the intermediary between the operating system and java object framework
Layers of interactions of java prog.
Java API provides a large number of classes grouped into different packages according to functionality. Most of the time we use the package available with the java API. This figure shows the functional break down of package that is frequently used in the programs.
Frequently used API packages
· Language Support package: A collection of classes and method required for implementing basis feature of java
· Utilities Package: A collection of classes to provide utility function such as date and time function.
· Input/Output Packages: A collection of classes required for input/output manipulation
· Networking Packages: A collection of classes for communicating with other computers via internet
· AWT Package: The Abstract window toolkit package contain classes that implements platform independent graphical user interface.
· Applet Package: This includes a set of classes that allow us to create java applet.
The project provides a secure, reliable and user friendly human resource management system for the administration of any company. It helps to overcome the cumbersome task of maintaining employee data in efficient and easy way using database.
It is user friendly as makes use of graphical user interface. Also appropriate combo box,check box ,menu bar make the page look more attractive and easier to use by linking data to database.
The project is very secure as only the valid administrators can access the information of employee and update the information. As username and password is available only to authenticate user who have been provided right to access and modify. Delete and view data.
Problem might lead to system failure or system crash in case the database exceeds it’s size or overflow of information takes place. It might also lead to unpredictable results .Though all measures have been taken to keep check on all such errors and exception by making appropriate use of exception handling wherever appropriate and essential and such exceptions have been caught in the catch blocks yet to nothing is perfect and impeccable.
In the project appropriate and has been made use of. One database is regarding all the information of the employee like id, name, salary, benefits, a address etc .All can be accessed with much ease as they are in database to be viewed, deleted, modified. Also database for training both for freshers and existing employees is there making data storage very reliable.
Hardware Requirement
Minimum: 600 megahertz (MHz) Pentium processor
Recommended: 1 gig hertz (GHz) Pentium processor
Minimum: 192 megabytes (MB)
Recommended: 256 MB
Hard Disk
2 GB of available space required on installation drive
1 GB of available space required on system drive
Minimum: 800 x 600 256 colors
Recommended: 1024 x 768 High Color - 16-bit
Software Requirement
Java runtime environment
Microsoft Windows XP / higher version of Windows OS required.
An initial investigation culminates in a proposal that determines whether an alternative system is feasible and if the proposal initiates Feasibility Study. Basically a Feasibility Study is prepared to present an in depth techno-commercial analysis
Economic Feasibility
Economic Analysis is the most frequent used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a project. It is procedure to determine the benefits and the saving that are expected from a project and compare with it cost.
Our project is economically feasible due to certain reasons.
· It is cost effective and will maximize the returns.
· Cost of staff cut off
Technical feasibility
Technical feasibility Centers on the existing system and to what extent it can support the proposal addition the hardware and are technically viable.
Our project is technically or operationally feasible due to certain factors:
· As the system is used friendly though it is likely approved by users showing no resistance what so user and if the user wants more facilities then that can be provided to him.
· After the system is implemented the user will need no changes as the system is developed by keeping the user requirement in mind.
- System analysis (DFD and Flow Chart)
System design is the process of developing specifications for a candidate system that meet the criteria established in the system analysis. Major step in system design is the preparation of the input forms and the output reports in a form applicable to the user.
The main objective of the system design is to make the system user friendly. System design involves various stages as:
1. Data Entry
2. Data Correction
3. Data Deletion
4. Processing
5. Sorting and Indexing
6. Report Generation
System design is the creative act of invention, developing new inputs, a database, offline files, procedures and output for processing business to meet an organization objective. System design builds information gathered during the system analysis
Characteristics Of A Well Defined System
In design an efficient and effective system is of great importance to consider the human factor and equipment that these will require to use. System analyst must evaluate the capabilities and limitations of the personal and corresponding factors of the equipment itself.
The characteristics associated with effective system operations are:
I. Accessibility
II. Decision Making Ability
V. Reliability
VI. Simplicity
Success is a new system pivots on its acceptance or non-acceptance by the organization
Teacher Table
Login Table
Members Table
Course Table
Welcome Form
Login Form
Member’s Information Form Coding
Teacher’s Information Form
Course Information Form
The basic goal of the software development process is to produce software that has no errors or very few errors. In an effort to detect errors soon after they are introduced, each phase ends with verification activity such as a review.
As testing is the last phase before the final software is delivered, it has the enormous responsibility of detecting any type of error that may in the software. A software typically undergoes changes even after it has been delivered. And to validate that a change has not affected some old functionality of software regression testing is performed
Levels Of Testing:
The basic levels of testing are unit testing, integration testing and system and acceptance testing. These different levels of testing attempt to detect different types of faults.
Client Needs | Acceptance Testing |
Requirements | System Testing |
Design | Integration Testing |
Code | Unit Testing |
Levels of testing
Code/Unit Testing:
Code testing and implementation is a critical process that can even consume more than sixty percent of the development time.
The system development life cycle involves the phases of testing and debugging after the requirement analysis, designing and coding. The project in question was tested , debugged and implemented successfully.
Two strategies of software testing adopted for the new system are as follows:
1. Code testing
2. Specification testing
Code testing:
Code testing was carried out to see the correctness of the logic involved and the correctness of the modules. Tests were conducted based upon sample and live data as well. All the modules are checked separately for assuming correctness and accuracy in all the calculations.
Specification testing:
It examines the specification stating about what program should do and how it performs under various conditions. This testing strategy is better strategy since it focuses on the way the software is expected to work.
Unit Testing:
During the phase of unit testing different constituent modules were testing against the specifications produced during the design for the modules. Unit testing is essentially for the verification of the code produced during the coding the phase, and goal is to test the internal logic of the modules. The modules once tested were then considered for integration and use by others.
1.White Box Testing Done
During this phase of the testing phase SDLC, server developed was tested while considering a valid value corresponding to each of variable defined and corresponding to each function defined. During this phase values corresponding to each variable viz. URL filtering, word filtering and scheduling was done and desired results were obtained.
2.Black Box Testing Done
This phase of testing deals with input/output testing. Black box testing was performed on the software developed, corresponding to valid inputs provided desired outputs were obtained.
Integration Testing:
The next level testing that was performed is often referred to as integration testing. During this phase many unit tested modules were combined into subsystems, which were then tested. The goal here was to see if modules can be integrated properly. Here the emphasis was on testing interfaces between different constituent modules of system.
Functionality Testing:
Here the entire software system was tested. The reference document for this process is the requirements document, and the goal was to see if software solution meets its requirements.
This level of testing is essentially a validation exercise, and in many situation it is the only validation activity.
Stress Testing:
Proxy server developed for the specified purpose was testing under heavy load, i.e. a large no. of clients were made to sit in lab and were asked to send requests for loging in and then were asked to request for text on internet. System responded to request as desired.
Acceptance Testing:
Acceptance was performed in the real environment with realistic data of the client to demonstrate if the software developed is working satisfactorily. Here the main focus was on the external behavior of the system; the internal logic of the program was not emphasized.
Test Data and Test Cases:
The primary objective of test case design is to derive a set of tests that have the highest likelihood of uncovering errors in software. The test case specification is the major activity in the testing process. Careful selection of test cases that satisfy the criterion on approach specified is essential for proper testing. Various characteristics of test cases that are required for portal are:
1.A good test has a high probability of finding an error.
2. A good test is not redundant.
3. A good test should be “Best of Breed”.
4. A good test should be neither too simple not too complex.
Test Data For This Application:
1. Member Details like Name, Address, Ticket details etc.
2. Project Details like Ticket Status, Country Dropdowns, States Dropdowns, telephone and unique E-Mail Ids etc.
3. Content to be displayed on the site.
Test plan
Testing commences with a test plan and terminates with acceptance testing. A test plan is a general document for the entire project that defines the scope, approach to be taken and schedule of testing as well as identifies the test item for the entire testing process and the personnel responsible for the different activities of testing.
Overview of Testing
1. Testing: Testing involves executing the program (or part of it) using sample data and inferring from the output whether the software performs correctly or not. This can be done either during module development (unit testing) or when several modules are combined (system testing).
2. Defect Testing: Defect testing is testing for situation where the program does not meet its functional specification. Performance testing tests a system's performance or reliability under realistic loads. This may go some way to ensuring that the program meets its non-functional requirements.
2.Debugging: Debugging is a cycle of detection, location, repair and test. Debugging is a hypothesis testing process. When a bug is detected, the tester must form a hypothesis about the cause and location of the bug. Further examination of the execution of the program (possible including many returns of it) will usually take place to confirm the hypothesis. If the hypothesis is demonstrated to be incorrect, a new hypothesis must be formed. Debugging tools that show the state of the program are useful for this, but inserting print statements is often the only approach. Experienced debuggers use their knowledge of common and/or obscure bugs to facilitate the hypothesis testing process. After fixing a bug, the system must be reset to ensure that the fix has worked and that no other bugs have been introduced. This is called regression testing. In principle, all tests should be performed again but this is often too expensive to do.
Test Planning
Testing needs to be planned, to be cost and time effective. Planning is setting out standards for tests. Test plans set out the context in which individual engineers can place their own work. Typical test plan contains:
Overview of testing process
1. Requirements trace ability (to ensure that all requirements are tested)
2. List of item to be tested
3. Schedule
4. Recording procedures so that test results can be audited
5. Hardware and software requirements
6. Constraints
Overview of Testing Strategies
Large systems are usually tested using a mixture of strategies. Different strategies may be needed for different parts of the system or stages of the process.
1. Top-down testing: This approach tests high levels of system before detailed components. This is appropriate when developing the system top-down and is likely to show up structural design errors early (and therefore cheaply). But this often has advantage that a limited, working system is available early on. Validation (as distinct from verification) can begin early. Its disadvantage is that stubs need to be generated (extra effort) and might be impracticable if component is complex (e.g. converting an array into a linked list; unrealistic to generate random list; therefore end up implementing unit anyway). Test output may be difficult to observe (needs creation of artificial environment). This is not appropriate for OO systems (except within a class).
2. Bottom-up testing: This is opposite of top-down testing. This tests low-level units then works up the hierarchy. Its advantages and disadvantages mirror those of top-down testing. In this testing there is need to write test drivers for each unit. These are as reusable as the unit itself. Combining top-down development with bottom-up testing means that all parts of system must be implemented before testing can begin, which does not accord with incremental approach discussed above. Bottom-up testing is less likely to reveal architectural faults early on. However, bottom-up testing of critical low-level components is almost always necessary. Appropriate for OO systems.
3. Stress testing: Tests system's ability to cope with a specified load (e.g. transactions per second). Tests should be planned to increase load incrementally. This type of testing goes beyond design limit until system fails (this test is particularly important for distributed systems like checking degradation of performance a s network traffic increases).
4. Back-to-back testing: Comparison of test results from different versions of the system (e.g. compare with prototype, previous version or different configuration). Process – Run first system, saving test case results. Run second system, again saving its results. Compare result files. The key point to be noted is that no difference does not mean no bugs. Both systems may have made the same mistake.
5. Defect testing: A successful defect test is a test that causes the system to behave incorrectly. Defect testing is not intended to show that a program meets its specification. If tests do not show up defects it may mean that the tests are not exhaustive enough. Exhaustive testing is not always practically applicable. Subset has to be defined (this should be part of the test plan, not left to the individual programmer).
Possible Methods:
1. Usual method is to ensure that every line of code is executed at least once.
2. Test capabilities rather than components (e.g. concentrate on tests for data loss over ones for screen layout).
3. Test old in preference to new (users less affected by failure of new capabilities).
4. Test typical cases rather than boundary ones (ensure normal operation works properly).
There are three approaches to defect testing. Each one suits different types of component. Studies show that black box testing is more effective in discovering faults than white-box testing. However, the rate of fault detection (faults detected per unit time) was similar for each approach. Also showed that static code reviewing is more effective and less expensive than defect testing.
1. Black-box (Functional) Testing: Testing against specification of system or component. Study it by examining its inputs and related outputs. Key is to devise inputs that have a higher likelihood of causing outputs that reveal the presence of defects. Use experience and knowledge of domain to identify such test cases. Failing this, a systematic approach may be necessary. Equivalence partitioning is where the input to a program falls into a number of classes. E.g. positive numbers vs. negative numbers. Programs normally behave the same way for each member of a class. Partitions exist for both input and output. Partitions may be discrete or overlap. Invalid data (i.e. outside the normal partitions) is one or more partitions that should be tested. Test cases are chosen to exercise each portion. Also test boundary cases (typical, extreme, zero) since these frequently show up defects. For completeness, test all combinations of partitions. Black box testing is rarely exhaustive (because one doesn't test every value in an equivalence partition) and sometimes fails to reveal corruption defects caused by "weird" combination of inputs. Black box testing should not be used to try and reveal corruption defects caused, for example, by assigning a pointer to point to an object of the wrong type. Static inspection (or using a better programming language) is preferable for this.
2. White-box (Structural) Testing: Testing based on knowledge of structure of component (e.g. by looking at source code). Advantage is that structure of code can be used to find out how many test cases need to be performed. Knowledge of the algorithm (examination of the code) can be used to identify the equivalence partitions. Path testing is where the tester aims to exercise every independent execution path through the component. All conditional statements are tested for both true and false cases. If a unit has n control statements, there will be up to 2n possible paths through it. This demonstrates that it is much easier to test small program units than large ones. Flow graphs are a pictorial representation of the paths of control through a program (ignoring assignments, procedure calls and I/O statements). Use flow graph to design test cases that execute each path. Static tools may be used to make this easier in programs that have a complex branching structure. Tools like Dynamic program analyzers instrument a program with additional code. Typically this will count how many times each statement is executed. At the end, a print out report shows which statements had executed and which had not been executed.
Problems With Flow Graph Derived Testing:
1.Data complexity not taken into account.
2.Does not test all paths in combination.
3.Practically possible at unit and module testing stages because beyond that complexity is too high.
Interface testing: Usually done at integration stage when modules or sub-systems are combined. Objective is to detect errors or invalid assumptions about interfaces between modules. Reason these are not shown in unit testing is that test case may perpetuate same incorrect assumptions made by module designer. Particularly important when OO development has been used.
Four Types Of Interface:
1. Parameter: data (or occasionally function references) passed from one unit to another.
2. Shared memory: block of memory shared between units (e.g. global variable) .One places data there and the other retrieves it.
3.Procedural: Object-Oriented or abstract data type form of interface, encapsulating several procedures.
4. Message passing: one sub-system requests a service by passing a message. Client-server interface also used by some OO architectures.
Three Common Kinds Of Interface Error:
1. Interface misuse: Caller gives wrong number/types/order of parameters or sends invalid message.
2. Interface misunderstanding: Caller misunderstanding specification of called component and provides or receives data in legal but unexpected form.
3. Timing errors: Producer/consumer of data operates at different speeds and data is accessed before being ready. "Race conditions".
Common manifestations are when each unit assumes the other one is checking for invalid data (failure to check return status) and the consequences of when such a fault is propagated to other units. Best testing process is to test each subsystem separately, as we have done in this project. Best done during implementation i.e. done after implementation of small sub-steps rather than large chunks. Once each lowest level unit has been tested, units are combined with related units and retested in combination. This proceeds hierarchically bottom-up until the entire system is tested as a whole.
Typical levels of testing:
1.Unit -procedure, function, method
2.Module-package, abstract data type, class
3.Sub-system - collection of related modules, cluster of classes, method-message paths
4.Acceptance testing - whole system with real data (involve customer, user, etc)
5.Alpha testing is acceptance testing with a single client (common for bespoke systems).
6.Beta testing involves distributing system to potential customers to use and provide feedback.
In, this project, Beta testing has been followed. This exposes system to situations and errors that might not be anticipated by us.
Implementation is the stage in the project where the theoretical design is turned into the working system and is giving confidence to the new system for the users i.e. will work efficiently and effectively. It involves careful planning, investigation of the current system and its constraints on implementation, design of method to achieve the change over, an evaluation, of change over methods. A part from planning major task of preparing the implementation is education of users. The more complex system is implemented, the more involved will be the system analysis and design effort required just for implementation. An implementation coordinating committee based on policies of individual organization has been appointed. The implementation process begins with preparing a plan for the implementation for the system. According to this plan, the activities are to be carried out, discussions may regarding the equipment has to be acquired to implement the new system
Implementation is the final and important phase. The most critical stage is in achieving a successful new system and in giving the users confidence that the new system will work and be effective. The system can be implemented only after thorough testing is done and if it found to working according to the specification. This method also offers the greatest security since the old system can take over if the errors are found or inability to handle certain types of transaction while using the new system.
The major elements of implementation plan are test plan, training plan, equipment installation plan, and a conversion plan.
There are three types of implementation:
1. Implementation of a computer system to replace a manual system.
2. Implementation of a new computer system to replace an existing system.
3. Implementation of a modified application to replace an existing one, using the same computer.
Successful implementation may not guarantee improvement in the organization using the new system, but improper installation will prevent it. It has been observed that even the best system cannot show good result if the analysts managing the implementation do not attend to every important detail. This is an area where the systems analysts need to work with utmost care.Implementation Tools:
1. Training personnel
2. Conversion Procedures
3. Post-implementation review
Training of Personnel involved with system
Even well designed system can succeed or fail because of the way they are operated and used. Therefore, the quality of training received by the personal involved with the system in various capacities helps or hinders and may even prevent the successful implementation of management information system.
System Operators Training
Running of the system successfully depend on the personnel working in the Computer Centre. They are Responsible for providing the necessary support. Their training must ensure that they are able to handle all possible operations, both routine and extra-ordinary in nature.
If the system calls for the installation of new equipment, such as new computer system, special terminals or different data entry machines, the operators training should include such fundamentals as how to turn the equipment on and use it, how to power off and a knowledge of what constitutes normal operations. The operators should also be trained on different type of malfunctioning, how to recognize them and what steps should also be taken whenever they arise.
User Training
User may be trained on use equipment, particularly in the case where, e.g. a micro computer is in use and individual involved is both operator and user. In such cases, user must be given training on how to operate and user. In such cases, user must be given training on how to operator the system also. Questions that may be trivial to the analyst, such as how to turn on a terminal, how to insert a diskette into a micro-computer or when it is safe to turn off equipment with out danger of data loss are significant problems to new users who are not familiar.
Inmost of the cases user training deals with the operation of the system itself, with proper attention given to data handling techniques. It is imperative that users be properly trained in methods of entering transaction, editing data, formulating inquiries, deleting and inserting of records. No training is complete without familiarizing users with simple systems maintenance activities. Weakness in any aspect of training may lead of awkward situation that creates user frustration and error.
Conversion Methods
A conversion is the process of changing from the old system to the new one. It must be properly planned and executed. Four methods are common in use. They are Parallel Systems, Direct Conversion, Pilot System and Phase In method. Each method should be considered in the light of the opportunities that it offers and problems that it may create. In general, system conversion should be accomplished in shortest possible time. Long conversion periods create problems for all persons involved including both analysts and users.
Parallel Systems:
The most secure method of converting from an old to new system is to run both systems in parallel. This method is safest one because it ensures that in case of any problem in using new system, the organization can still fall back to the old system without the loss of time and money.
The Disadvantages Of Parallel Systems Approach Are:
1. It doubles operating costs.
2. The new system may not get fair trial.
Direct conversion:
This method converts from the old system to new system abruptly, sometimes over a weekend or even overnight. The old system is used until a planned conversion day, when it is replaced by the new system.
Pilot System:
Pilot approach is often preferred in the case of the new system which involves new techniques or some drastic changes in organization performance. In this method, a working version of the system is implemented in one part of the organization, such as a single work area or department.
Phase –IN- Method:
This method is used when it is not possible to install a new system throughout an organization all at once. The conversion of files, training of personnel or arrival of equipment may force the staging of the implementation over a period of time, ranging from weeks to months.
Post Implementation Review
After the system is implemented and conversion is complete, a review should be conducted to determine whether the system is meeting expectations and where improvements are needed. A post implementation review measures the systems performance against predefined requirement. It determines how well the system continues to meet the performance specifications.
Once the website is launched, it enters the maintenance phase. All systems need maintenance. Maintenance is required because there are often some residual errors remaining in the system that must be removed as they are discovered. Maintenance involves understanding the effects of the change, making the changes to both the code and the documents, testing the new parts and retesting the old parts that were not changed. Maintenance is mainly of two types:
1. Corrective Maintenance
2. Adaptive Maintenance
Corrective Maintenance:
Almost all software that is developed has residual errors or bugs in them. Many of these surfaces only after the system have been in operation, sometimes for a long time. These errors once discovered need to be removed, leading to the software to be changed. This is called Corrective Maintenance.
Adaptive Maintenance:
Even without bugs, software frequently undergoes change. The software often must be upgraded and enhanced to include more features and provide more services. This requires modification of the software. This type of maintenance is known as the Adaptive Maintenance
Starting from the problem statement ,this project is designed to provide a Route Map of Chandigarh used by administrators in any company.
Almost all employees belong to a work unit. To some degree, the work performance depends on the ability to effectively interact with team members and the team leader. The training period has underlined the importance of how to a better listener, how to communicate ideas more clearly and now to be a more effective team player as a result of improving the overall interpersonal skills.
There is a continuous performance appraisal carried out by the team leader. The expectancy model of the motivation offers one the best explanations of what of what influences the amount of effort an influences the amount of effort an individual will exert on her job. A vital component of this motivation , the company gives a clear perception that the efforts exerted leading to a favorable performance evaluation will lead to rewards.
The first 10 days of the training included a general introduction to the basic tools of JAVA.
During the second week the project was assigned and application of various tools were taught side by side. Integration of the various tools required for the project is the most powerful feature being used at advanced center and I consider myself fortunate that I could be a part of it.
Present Scope:
Now a day’s digital world every thing is getting computerized and proceeds very fast execution. Using fast way computerized system for manipulation of data related to project saves time papers and manpower which will further help in providing better services to society.
The projects I have developed have a very wider scope because as we know that now these days business in the area of study is booming so the IT market is having a very vast scope in it. As we know the more and more tuition centers and institutes are coming in the market they have to need software for handling their records.
My project fulfill all the needs of any type of institute like handling
- Teacher’s record
- Student’s record
- Course’s record
This software can satisfy needs of only one institute but if we want to connect multiple branches of any institute then we can use networking and we can access data of every institute from any branch if we have proper access privileges. I am installing these features in next version. So keep waiting