Friday, 15 August 2014

Finacle Core Banking Solution Menu Commands

August 15, 2014 Posted by Knowledge Bite , 3 comments

1 AAAR Anywhere/ATM  Advice Reconciliation
2 AALI A/c Abnormal Limits/Details Inquiry
3 AALM A/c Abnormal Limits/Details Maintenance
5 ABH Initiate After Business Hours Process
6 ABMR Report of Accounts Below Min Balance
7 ABSOTS ABSOT Schedules
8 ACACCR Interest Accrual For Accounts
9 ACBOOK Interest Booking For Accounts
10 ACCBAL Components of Account Balance Inquiry
11 ACCREV Foreign Currency Account Revaluation
12 ACDET Account Balance Details
13 ACDMTR A/Cs Due For Mid Term Review
14 ACFCTM Account Filtration Criteria Maintenance
15 ACI Customer Accounts Inquiry
16 ACINT Interest Run For Accounts
17 ACLCM Account Label Code Maintenance
18 ACLHM Account Limit History Maintenance
19 ACLHMAU Account Limit History Maintenance
20 ACLI Account Ledger Inquiry
21 ACLPCA Customer Account Ledger Print
22 ACLPOA Office Account Ledgers Print
23 ACM Customer Accounts Maintenance
24 ACMAU Account Maintenance
25 ACMDB Office Account Maintenance
26 ACMP Account Master Print
27 ACPF Update Account Purge Flag
28 ACS Account Selection
29 ACSBIO Account Shadow Balance Inquiry
30 ACSP Account Selection Print
31 ACTI Account Turnover Inquiry
32 ACTM Foreign Agent Code Maintenance
33 ACTODI Account TOD Inquiry
34 ACTODM Account TOD Maintenance
35 ACTODMAU Account TOD Maintenance
36 ACZDB Close Office Account
37 ADDPST Maintain PST Table (Add)
38 ADDRM Name and Address
39 ADMIN FAB Admin
40 ADVC Print DR/CR Advice to Customer
41 AFI Audit File Inquiry
42 AFINQU Audit File Inquiry
43 AFP Audit File Print
44 AFPU Audit File Purge
45 AFSM Account Freeze Status Maintenance
46 AGCLS AGCL Schedules Print
47 AGTM Agent Master Maintenance
48 AHLETGEN Ad hoc Letter Generator
49 AICR Advanced Interest Collected Report
50 AINTPRG Interest Purge ForAccounts
51 AINTRPT Interest Report For Accounts
52 AITINQ Account Interest DetailsInquiry
53 ALM Account Lien Maintenance
54 ALMSP Agricultural Loans Master Sheet Print
55 AMHOA Amortization History Of Accts
56 AMHOB Amortization History Of Bills
57 ANWADM Anywhere Administration
58 ANWBI Anywhere Balance Inquiry
59 ANWCT Anywhere Cash Deposit/Withdrawal
60 ANWPRT Pending Transaction Report
61 ANWPTH Anywhere Pending Transaction Handler
62 ANWSIGI Anywhere Signature Retrieval
63 ANWSTATI Anywhere Statement Inquiry
64 ANWXFER Anywhere Funds Transfer
65 APHM Account Placeholder Maintenance
66 AR System Reconciliation
67 ASM Approved Security Master Maintenance
68 ASMCU Consolidated Updation for Securities
69 ASMUPL Mass Security Upload
70 ASPROV Parameters For Asset Provisioning
71 ASSCR Asset Classification Report
72 ASTI Amount-slab Table Inquiry
73 ASTM Amount-slab Table Maintenance
74 ATI Abnormal Transactions Inquiry
75 ATMADM ATM Administration
76 ATMCM ATM Controller Table Maintenance
77 ATMDESP Start ATM Despatcher
78 ATMM ATM Table Maintenance
79 ATMONL Start Online ATM Services
80 ATMRECON Start ATM Reconciliation
82 ATMSTOP Stop ATM Services
83 ATMTA ATM Cash Deposit Authorization
84 ATO Account Turnover
85 ATOR A/Cs Turnover Report
86 ATR Acted Transactions List Report
87 AUTOREG Auto Regularization
87 BARINFO BAR Information Generation
88 BARIOR BAR Inward/Outward Register
89 BARPTS Bank Advances Reports
90 BAYCBMNU BankAway! Menu ForCorporate Banking
91 BBTD Batch/Block Tickets Display
92 BCCALC Batch Charges Calculation
93 BCREPORT Bankers Cheque Recon Report
94 BCSI Bills/Chqs Covering Schedule - Inter Br
95 BCSO Bills/Chqs Covering Schedule - Inter Bk
96 BDISCREP Bills Discrepancy Report
97 BDR Review Of Pending And Dishonored Bills
98 BDTR Bills Due Today But Unpaid
99 BEHI Bills Events History Inquiry
100 BGCLOSE Guarantee Close
101 BGLIMIT Limit/Guarantee wise Utilization Report
102 BGJQM Background Job Queue Maintenance
103 BGM Budget Maintenance
104 BGMARGIN BG Margin Printing
105 BGPRINT BG Printing
106 BGSTMNT Statement of Guarantee
107 BGUPL Guarantees Upload
108 BI Bills Inquiry
109 BIACCR Interest Accrual For Bills
110 BIAIL Acceptance Intimation to Lodging Branch
111 BIBOOK Interest Booking For Bills
112 BICN Interest Calculation - Non Bill by Bill
113 BICR Bills Interest Collected Report
114 BICS Bills Collection Schedule
115 BIDUMP Inland Bills Dump
116 BIID Bill Intimation to Drawee
117 BIIDU Bill Intimation to Drawee (Usance Bill)
118 BINAL Non Payment Advice to Lodging Branch
119 BINRD Non Payment Reminder To Drawee
120 BINTPRG Interest Purge For Bills
121 BINTRPT Interest Report For Bills
122 BIPAD Payment Advice to Drawee
123 BIRAL Realization Advice to Lodging Branches
124 BIRCL Bills Return Covering Letter
125 BIRPC Realization ProceedsCovering Letter
126 BJE Batch Job Executioner
127 BJSINQ BJS Inquiry
128 BJSTI BJS Table Inquiry
129 BJSTM Table Maintenance
130 BKTI Bank Table Inquiry
131 BKTM Bank Table Maintenance
132 BLRTI Bills Register Type Inquiry
133 BLRTM Bills Register Type Maintenance
134 BM Bills Maintenance
135 BMCM Bills Message Code Maintenance
136 BMUPL Bills Upload
137 BORPIU BORPI File Upload
138 BOTC Back Office Transactions Creation
139 BP Bills Printing
140 BPMI Bills Parameter Master Inquiry
141 BPMM Bills Parameter Master Maintenance
142 BR Balancing Report
143 BRACS Account Selection -BancsRemote
144 BRBPR Balancing Report - Bills Purchased
145 BRCHQUPL Cheque Book DetailsUpload
146 BRCLUPLD Clearing Transaction Upload Maintenance
147 BRCR Balancing Report - Collection
148 BRCUS Customer Selection - BancsRemote
149 BRDCMAPI Inquiry On Branch toData Center Mapping
150 BRDDISS BancsRemote Upload of Issued DDs
151 BRDNLD BancsRemote Download of Tables
152 BROPEG Batch Review Of Pegged A/Cs and RPC Disbursements
153 BROWSE Browsing of IBR file received
154 BRRBPR Bills Register Report - Bills Purchased
155 BRRCR Bills Register Report - Collection
156 BRSM BRS Table Maintenance
157 BRTI Branch Table Inquiry
158 BRTM Branch Table Maintenance
159 BRTTUM Transfer Transaction Upload Maintenance
160 BRTTUMP Transfer Trans Upload Maint.(Posting)
161 BRUPLOAD Customer / Account Master Upload
162 BRUPLTAM Term Deposits Master Upload
163 BRV Bills Reversal
164 BSR1 BSR1 Basic Statistical Return- PART I/II
165 BSR2B BSR2 Basic Statistical Return-2 PART B
166 BSR2C BSR2 Basic Statistical Return-2 PART C
167 BSR3 BSR3 Adv against selected securities
168 BSTM Branch Sds Maintenance
169 BTM Back Dated Transaction
170 BTP Batch Transactions Posting
171 BUIRPT BORPI Upload Inquiry Report
172 CAAC Close an Account
173 CAACAU Close an Account
174 CABR Co-accepted Bills
175 CACC Closure of Account Charge Collection
176 CAMC Change Account Manager of Customer
177 CANSM Finacle Security Mgmt
178 CARM Cards Account Relation Maintenance
179 CASHDEP Cash Deposit
180 CASHWD Cash Withdrawal
181 CB Cancel BAR
182 CBM Customer Becoming Major
183 CBOD Initiate BOD Central Process
184 CBP Cheque Book Printing (Range of Accounts)
185 CBR Cash Balance Report
186 CCA Change Customer ID of the Account
187 CCM Carrier Code Maintenance
188 CCMUPLD Central Customer Master Upload
189 CCO Centralized Clearing Operations
190 CCS Changing Context Service Outlet
191 CCST Close Cash Transactions
192 CCUPW Change Customer Password
193 CDCIADM CDCI Administration
194 CDPBFEXT CDCI PBF Extraction
195 CDRTLD CDCI Rate Details Download
196 CDSTUPD Send CDCI Control Message
197 CEOD Initiate EOD Central
198 CFLM Carry-Forward List Maintenance
199 CFLSIBR Creation of Files for Sending to IBR
200 CFTM Customer Facility Maintenance
201 CHBIR Cheque Book Issued Register
202 CHBM Cheque Book Maintenance
203 CHBMAU Authorizing cheque book Maintenance
204 CHCS Cheques Collection Schedule
205 CHGIR Charges Income Report
206 CHQISS Cheque Book Issue
207 CHQUPLD Cheque Book Details Upload
208 CIPPRPT Customer Interest Pref and Peg Report
209 CLBAP Clearing BAR/Advice Printing
210 CLCM Charge Level Code Maintenance
211 CLSEXP Batch Closure of Export Orders
212 CLSLAA Batch Closure of Loan Accounts
213 CLSPCA Batch Closure of Packing Credit Accounts
214 CLUPLD Clearing Transaction Upload Maintenance
215 CLZCM Clearing Zone Template Maintenance
216 CMMI Common Message Modification Interface
217 CMTI Common Message Translation Interface
218 CNCLFWC Cancellation of Forward Contracts
219 CNCM Country Currency Maintenance
220 COLA Charge Off / Reversal of Loan Account
221 COMR Commission Report
222 CONBAP Consolidated BAR/Advice Printing
223 CONSCHK Consistency Check
224 COUNTRYM Country Code Maintenance
225 CRNPOS Position of Currency
226 CRT Create and Update Reversal Transaction
227 CSE Changing Service Outlet For An Employee
228 CSFB Creation of Sequential File for a Branch
229 CSOLOP Close SOL Operations
230 CSPW Change System Password
231 CTCM Clearing Transaction Code Maintenance
232 CTI Calendar Table Inquiry
233 CTM Calendar Table Maintenance
234 CTRA Credit Transaction Report For An Account
235 CTTM CTT Table Maintenance
236 CUACLI Inquire on Your Account Ledger Entries
237 CUBI Bills Inquiry
238 CUIR Customer Interest Report
239 CULAC Customer Accounts List
240 CULI Customer Unutilized Limit Inquiry
241 CUMAILL List for Mail
242 CUMAILM Mail Maintenance
243 CUMI Customer Master Inquiry
244 CUMM Customer Master Maintenance
245 CUMP Customer Master Print
246 CUPW Change Your Password
247 CUS Customer Selection
248 CUSTBALP Customer Balance Printing
249 CUTXTMNT Text Maintenance
250 CVDOR Changing Value date or Reject Instrument
251 CXFT Close Transfer Transactions
252 CYCM CYC Table Maintenance
253 DAM Deposit Accounts Maintenance
254 DCEXPLST Report on Expiring Documentary Credits
255 DCGPR DC General Purpose Report Printing
256 DCLIABRG Documentary Credits Liability Register
257 DCPRINT DC Printing
258 DCQRY Query on Documentary Credits
259 DCQRYM Query and Modify  Documentary Credits
260 DCREG Documentary Credits Register Printing
261 DCRM Documentary Credits Register Maintenance
262 DCRPTS DC Reports and Advices
263 DCSTMT Statement of Documentary Credits
264 DCTM Data Center Calendar Table Maintenance
265 DDADV Entry Advice Date for Ex- Adv Payment
266 DDBP Demand Drafts Batch Printing
267 DDC Cancellation of a DD
268 DDD Issue of duplicate DD
269 DDIC DD Credits Inquiry
270 DDID DD Debits Inquiry
271 DDII Specific DD Issued Inquiry
272 DDIP Specific DD Paid Inquiry
273 DDIR DD Issue Reports
274 DDISSUE DD Issue
275 DDLOST Entry of Reported Lost DDs
276 DDMI Mass Issue Entry
277 DDMOD Modification of Issue/Payment Details
278 DDMP Mass Payment Entry
279 DDNPADV Entry of Receipt of NPA
280 DDP Reports Parameters
281 DDP2 Reports Parameters
282 DDPADV Entry of Payment Advice
283 DDPALL Print all Unprinted DDs
284 DDPAY DD Payment
285 DDPRNT Print a DD
286 DDPUPL DD Payments Upload
287 DDR Rectification / Reversal of DD Transaction
288 DDR2 Rectification / Reversal of DD Transactions
289 DDREPRNT Reprint a DD/ Print advice
290 DDREVERT Revert Stat from RepLost/ NPA Recd
291 DDSM DD Status Maintenance
292 DDSUMF DD Summary in File
293 DDT Transfers from DD Accounts
294 DDUPLOAD DD Upload
295 DECUP Delinquency Cycle Updation Process
296 DEFCALC Deferred Charges Calculation
297 DEFPC Default Packing Credits under WTPCG/PCG
298 DENOMMGT Denomination Management
299 DEPMOD Deposit Modeling
300 DLYPCFC Daily PCFC Report
301 DN Due Notice
302 DOCTR Document Tracking Report
303 DOCUPL Loan Document Detail Upload
304 DPDRPT Delinquency Report Generation
305 DPGR Deferred Payment Guarantee register
306 DRP Deposit Receipts Print
307 DSACOMM DSA Commission Processing and Payment
308 DSADOC DSA Document Link Maintenance
309 DSAIP DSA Inquiry and Printing
DSAMM DSA Master Maintenance
311 DSAPM DSA Parameter Maintenance
312 DSASUB DSA Subvention Payment
313 DSATO DSA Turnover Processing
314 DSFTT Download Sequential File to Tables
315 DSPADM Despatcher Administration
316 DSPLIC Modules License Information Form
317 DSPWFI Workflow Items Inquiry
318 DSPWFQ Display Pending Workflow Items
319 DTCS Display Tran Code Summary
320 DTE Delete Transactions in Entered Status
321 DTM Deposits Transactions Maintenance
322 DTMR Foreign DD/TT/MT Issued Register
323 DTR Deposit Transactions Report
324 DUDEL Deletion of User Defined Expired Liens
325 DUDRP Deposits Receipt Print [Duplicate]
326 EABR Re-Build End of Day Account Balances
327 ECGCPC ECGC Premium Calculation
328 ECGCRPC ECGC Premium Calculation for RPC Disbursements
329 ECHRAC Enter Cheques Rejected at Counter
330 EFI Employee File Inquiry 
331 EFM Employee File Maintenance
332 EIO Encode Instruments
333 EIRPTS EI Reports
334 EMAILL List for E-Mail
335 EMAILM E-Mail Maintenance
336 EMIINTR EMI Loans Interest Details Report
337 ERTI Error Table Inquiry
338 ETM Error Table Maintenance
339 ETOSDB Escape to OS
340 EXCDM Exception Code Maintenance
341 EXCHPL Exchange Profit & Loss
342 EXCPRPT Exceptions Report
343 EXECOM Execute Custom COM Script
344 EXPODM Export Order Details Maintenance
345 EXPRPT Reports of Export Orders
346 EXTFWC Change validity of Forward Contracts
347 FABREP FAB Reports
348 FATM Account Facility Maintenance
349 FBACS Remittances for Agency Commission
350 FBADVP Transaction Advice Printing (Foreign Exchange Bill)
351 FBAIC Advance Interest Calculated
352 FBBR Foreign Bills Balancing Register
353 FBCCS Foreign Cheques Covering Schedule
354 FBCS Foreign Bills Covering  Schedule
355 FBDISCR Foreign Bill Discrepancy Report
356 FBDLNK Foreign Bills to be Delinked Statement
357 FBECGC ECGC Charge Details
358 FBEF Bills of Entry Statement
359 FBENC Foreign Bills ENC Statement
360 FBER Export Register Report
361 FBERC Foreign Bills Export Claim Report
362 FBFCS Format C Statement
363 FBHI Foreign Bills History Inquiry
364 FBI Foreign Bills Inquiry
365 FBICS Interest Collected on Foreign Bills
366 FBIEC Issue of Encashment Certificate
367 FBIR Import Register Report
368 FBM Foreign Bills Maintenance
369 FBMCM FEX Bills Message Code Maintenance
370 FBMUPL Foreign Bills Upload
371 FBOIB Statement of Overdue Import Bills
372 FBP Foreign Bills Printing
373 FBPADB List of Pending and Dishonored Bills
374 FBPM Foreign Bill Parameter Maintenance
375 FBPMI FEX Bills Parameter Master Inquiry
376 FBPS Foreign Bills Purchased Subsidiary
377 FBRI FEX Bills Register Inquiry
378 FBRM Foreign Bill Register  Maintenance
379 FBRPR Reserve Payment Register
380 FBSNC Foreign Bills SNC Statement
381 FBSTAT6 STAT 6 Report
382 FBUBR Undrawn Balance Register
383 FCNPS Foreign Currency Purchase Sale Report
384 FCNR Foreign Currency Note Issued Report
385 FCNRSUB FCNR Subsidiary Report
386 FCTCMR FCTC Purchase and Sale Monthly Report
387 FCTCR Foreign Currency TC Issued Report
388 FCTCSCMR FCTC Stock-Cum- Movement Register Report
389 FCTCSR Foreign Currency TC Sale Report
390 FDD Flow Amt-wise Distribution of Deposits
391 FDLD Fixed Deposits Linked Details
392 FDOCD Fixed Deposits Opening Closure Details
393 FFDBATCH FFD Batch jobs
394 FFDPSP FFD - Pass Sheet Print
395 FI Fate Inquiry
396 FIRCR Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate
397 FLTI Form Literals Translation Interface
398 FORCMTC IBR Forced Matched Entries Reports
399 FPCM Party Code Maintenance
400 FPTI FEX Period Table Code Inquiry
401 FPTM Fx Period Table Code Maintenance
402 FR Forced Reconciliation
403 FSQIRPT Missing File Sequence Inquiry Report
404 FTI financial Transactions Inquiry
405 FTR financial Transactions Inquiry & Report
406 FVTM Facility Version Maintenance
407 FWCCM Forward Cntrct Message Code Maintenance
408 FWCHI Forward Contract History Inquiry
409 FWCLIAB F/C Liability Register
410 FWCNOTE Forward contract note printing
411 FWCODLST List of overdue  and matured F/Cs
412 FWCQRY Query on forward contracts
413 FWCREVAL Forward Contract Revaluation
414 FWCRG Forward booking register printing
415 FWCRMND Reminder to partys about F/C maturity
416 FWRM Forward Contract Register Maintenance
417 FXACSTMT Statement of FX Accounts
418 FXIPSTMT Statement of Interest Paid
419 FXPSRG Purchase / Sale register printing
420 FXTR FOREX Turnover Report
421 GCHRG General Charges
422 GDET General Deposits Details
423 GECM Teller Cash Account Maintenance
424 GENADV Generate Advices Report
425 GFTM General Facility Maintenance
426 GI Guarantee Inquiry
427 GILR Guarantees Issued cum Liabilty Register
428 GLSHM GL Subhead Maintenance
429 GLSHR GL Sub Head Code Replication
430 GMLE Executables Generation Criteria Screen
431 GMLF Forms Generation Criteria Screen
432 GMLWF Web Forms Generation Criteria Screen
433 GMM Guarantee Master Maintenance
434 GODCH Guarantee Overdue Charges
435 GOPSD Generate Outward Payment System Dump
436 GP Guarantee Printing
437 GPI Guarantee Parameters Inquiry
438 GPLG General Purpose Letter Generator
439 GPLM General Purpose Letter Maintenance
440 GPM Guarantee Parameters Maintenance
441 GR Generate Report
442 GSPI General Scheme Parameters Inquiry
443 GSPM General Scheme Parameters Maintenance
444 HACCBAL Balance details of an Account
445 HACCDET General Details
446 HACLHI Limit Details
447 HACLI Transactions Inquiry
448 HACTI Account turnover details
449 HASSET Asset classification
450 HCUACC Accounts of Customer
451 HCUCA Current Account of Customer
452 HCUCC Cash Credit of Customer
453 HCUDET General details of Customer
454 HCULA Loan Accounts of Customer
455 HCUMAT Forthcoming Maturities of Customer
456 HCUOD Overdraft Accounts of Customer
457 HCUPSD Portfolio details of Customer
458 HCUSB Savings Account of Customer
459 HCUSBCA Savings/Current Account of Customer
460 HCUSEL Customer Selection
461 HCUSUM Summary details of Customer
462 HCUSWP Sweep details of Customer
463 HCUTD Term Deposits of Customer
464 HCUTI Turnover Summary of Customer
465 HDCDET Delivery Channel transaction details
466 HICI Inward Cheques Inquiry
467 HIGHTRAN DSA Report on High value Transaction
468 HII Hot Items Inquiry
469 HIM Hot Items Maintenance
470 HLAI Loan Inquiry
471 HM Help Maintenance
472 HOCI Outward Cheques Inquiry
473 HOCIP HOC Inquiry cum BA(R) Print
474 HOS HO Schedules Print
475 HOSUMF HO Summary in File
476 HOSUMP HOC Summary Print
477 HTD Term deposit transaction details
478 HTDINT Term deposit interest details
479 HTDTAX Term deposit tax deduction details
480 HTINQ Hot Items Lookup
481 IARM Interest Adjustment Register Maintenance
482 IBADVP Transaction Advice Printing (IBILL)
483 IBCTM IBR Control Table Maintenance
484 IBM Inward BAR Register Maintenance
485 IBRBRADM IBR Branch Administration
486 IBRCNADM IBR Central Administration
487 IBRCR IBR Control Report
488 IBREOD EOD For IBR Center
489 IBRFLCHK Decrypt received IBR files
490 IBRGEN Create IBR files for branch
491 IBRPOST Automatic posting of selected IBR trans
492 IBRPRO IBR Processing
493 IBRPURGE Purge of tables
494 IBRRECON IBR Reconciled Entries Reports
495 IBRREPTS IBR Reports for Orig/Resp Trans
496 IBSTM Inter Branch Seed Table Maintenance
497 ICGR Insurance Cover Guarantee Report
498 ICHB Issue Chequebooks
499 ICHBAU Issue Chequebooks
500 ICRCM Inward Clearing Rej Code Maintenance
501 ICTM Inward Clearing Transaction Maintenance
502 ICZCM Inward Clearing Zone Template Maint
503 IDBARR ID BAR Report
504 IDCM Inward Documentary Credits Maintenance
505 IEARP Income/Expenditure Analysis Register
506 IEMRP Income/Expenditure Monitoring Report
507 IIBRADM Instant IBR Administration
508 IIM Inventory Item Maintenance
509 ILCM Inventory Location Code Maintenance
510 IMAUM Inventory Movement Auth Maintenance
511 IMC Inventory Movement between Locations
512 IMGMNT Image Maintenance
513 IMGVIEW Image view in FAB
514 IMI Inventory Movement Inquiry
515 IMR Inventory Movement Report
516 INI Identification Number Inquiry
517 INQACHQ Inquire Account Number for a Cheque
518 INSTM Instruments Table Maintenance
519 INTSI Interest Slab Inquiry
520 INTTI Interest Table Inquiry
521 INTTM Interest Table Maintenance
522 INWBI Inward Bill Intimation
523 IOCLS Inquire On Clearing Transaction Sets
524 IOGLT Inquire on GL Transactions
525 IOT Inquire on Transactions
526 IPDCR Interest Paid on Delayed Collection
527 IRM Inward Remittances Maintenance
528 IRMUPL Inward Remittance Upload
529 IRRDEP Irregular Recurring Deposits Report
530 ISAR Inter Sol Audit Report
531 ISI Inventory Inquiry, Split and Merge-EM
532 ISIA Inventory Inquiry, Split and Merge
533 ISOLOP Initiate Service Outlet Operations
534 ISOTRF ISO account balance transfer to HO
535 ISR ISR Inventory Status Report-EM
536 ISRA ISRA Inventory Status Report
537 ISTR ISTR Inter SolTransaction Report
538 ITCI ITCI Interest Table Code Inquiry
539 ITI Instruments Table Inquiry
540 ITR Report for Income Tax
541 IVSM Interest Slab Maintenance
542 JTHOLDER List Joint Holders of an Account
543 KILLSRVR Kill ATM Server Process
544 LACAM Charges Amortization Process
545 LADICFEE Loans DICGC Fee Calculation
546 LADISB Loans Disbursement
547 LADML Loan Disbursement Letter
548 LADSP Loans Demand Satisfaction Process
549 LAFACR Loans Fee Assess, Collect and Refund
550 LAFHM Loans Follow-up History Maintenance
551 LAFIRPT Loan Future Installment/PDC Report
552 LAFM Loans Flow Maintenance
553 LAGI Loans General Enquiry
554 LALFAR Loan Late Fee Assessment and Reversal
555 LALIEN Loans Lien Process
556 LAMCM LA Message Code Maintenance
557 LAMP Loan Account Master Print
558 LAODR Loan Demands Overdue Reminder
559 LAOPI Loans Overdue Position
560 LAPAY Loan Payment Menu
561 LAPOSR Loans Collection and Position Report
562 LAPRR1A Loans Periodical Review Returns
563 LAPRR4A Loans Periodical Review Returns
564 LAPRR4B Loans Periodical Review Returns
565 LAPRR4C Loans Periodical Review Returns
566 LAPSP Loan Account Pass Sheet Print
567 LARSH Loans Repayment Schedule Report
568 LAUPLDMD Loans Upload Demands
569 LAUPLOAD Loan Other Details Upload
570 LAWFAI Loans Waiver of Fee and Interest
571 LAXFRINT Loans Transfer Interest Liability
572 LBDR Local Bill Discounting
573 LCCSR Local Clearing & Cash Remittance Subsidiary Register
574 LCDDR Large Amount Cheques Discounted - Daily Reporting
575 LCDMR Large Amt Chqs Dis - Monthly Reporting
576 LDIMG Image Upload Utility
577 LLIR Limit Liability Inquiry & Report
578 LNDI Limit Node Details Inquiry
579 LNHTIR Limit Node History/Tran Inquiry/Report
580 LNI Limit Node Enquiry
581 LNM Limit Node Maintenance
582 LNREV Limit Node Revaluation
583 LSD List for Signature Display
584 LTL Limit Tree Lookup
585 MANRECON Manual Reconciliation
586 MANSAF Manual SAF Processing
587 MAPD Marking Accounts as PastDue
588 MAR Maturity Analysis Report
589 MARKPEND Mark Pending
590 MAT Midday Archive To Tape
591 MATB Manual ATM/Anywhere Transaction Balancing
592 MCLZOH Maintaining Clearing Zones
593 MDD Maturity Period wise Dist of Deposits
594 MEAC Modify Effective Asset Classification
595 MICZ Maintain Inward Clearing Zone
596 MNTFCT Maintain FOREX Control Table
597 MNTFWC Maintain Forward Contracts
598 MNTNTP Maintain Normal Transit Period
599 MNTPST Maintain PST Table (Modify & Inquiry)
600 MNTRTL Maintain Rate list
601 MNTRTLH Maintain Home Crncy Rate list
602 MNTRTM Maintain Rate Master
603 MNTRTSQ Maintain Rate code Sequence
604 MNTWF Workflow Items Maintenance
605 MODSETUP Module File Maintenance
606 MODUSERS Module Users Maintenance
607 MOPTI Menu Option Translation Interface
608 MOR Message Offset Reconciliation
609 MQTDESRP MQT Despatched Transactions Report
610 MQTI Anywhere / ATM transaction Inquiry
611 MQTRPT MQT Undespatched Transactions Report
612 MSGOIRP Outstanding Items Report
613 MSOIRP Minor Subsidiaries Outstanding Items Rep
614 MSTRP Minor Subsidiaries Transaction Report
615 NAMM Nostro Account Maintenance
616 NFTRPT MQT Non financial Transactions Report
617 NNTM Next Number Table Maintenance
618 NOBL No Objection Letter
619 NPA Non-payment Advice
620 NUM Number Table Upload
621 OAAC Open an Account
622 OAACAU Authorizing an account
623 OACR Office Account Replication
624 OCINST Outward Clearing Instrument Maintenance
625 OCM Offline Charges Maintenance
626 OCPTRN Outward Clearing Part Tran Maintenance
627 OCST Open Cash Transactions
628 OCTG Regularize Outward Clearing Set
629 OCTM Outward Clearing Transaction Maintenance
630 OCTR Release Outward Clearing Set
631 OCTV Clearing Transaction Verification
632 ODCM Outward Documentary Credits Maintenance
633 ODCMUPL Outward Documentary Credits Upload
634 OICZ Open Inward Clearing Zone
635 OICZSET Open Inward Clearing Zone For Set
636 OIQ Outward Clearing Instruments Inquiry
637 OPQ Outward Clg Part Tran Inquiry
638 ORM Outward Remittances Maintenance
639 ORMUPL Outward Remittance Upload
640 OXFT Open Transfer Transactions
641 OZO Open Zone
642 PAPW Protect User Password
643 PARTINQ Inquiry on Partitioned Account
644 PAYOFF Loan Pay Off Process
645 PBBANK Print Profitability/Budget Rpt for Bank
646 PBBRAN Print Profitability/Budget Rpt in Branch
647 PBDUMP Dump Profitability/Budget Rpt for HO
648 PBFEXT PBF Extraction
649 PBP Pass Book Print
650 PCARPT Reports of PCA Accounts
651 PCFCBAL PCFC Balancing Report
652 PCINT Packing Credit Interest Calculation
653 PCLIALST Packing Credit Liability List
654 PCLSO Print Clearing Schedule
655 PCYCS Statement on PCs in Default/Limits
656 PDADI Past Due A/c Details Inquiry And Report
657 PDADM Past Due Accounts Details Maintenance
658 PDB Print Day book
659 PDML Print /Display Media List
660 PENDDRP Pending Deposits Receipt Print
661 PHINQ Inquiry on History of Partition A/c
662 PICS Print Inward Clearing Schedule
663 PICW Print Inward Clearing Waste
664 PITM Public Issue Maintenance
665 PLBANK Print P & L for Entire Bank
666 PLBRAN Print P & L Report for Branch
667 PLDUMP Dump P & L Report Data for HO
668 PLIST Pending Installments List
669 PLR Partywise Liability Register
670 PMEMO Foreign Bills Presentation Memo
671 POVDPC Partywise Overdue Packing Credits
672 PPT Proxy Post Transaction In Entered Status
673 PR Print Reports
674 PRGI Purge Table Inquiry
675 PRGMT Purge Table Maintenance
676 PRIBRGEN Gen. Intermediate IBR files for Branch
677 PRR11A PRR-11A Quarterly Statement of Guarantee
678 PRR11B PRR-11B Monitoring of Guarantees
679 PRR11C Report of guarantees / DPG
680 PRR12 PRR12 (Old PR-12) Certificate
681 PRR15 PRR15 Advances to Sectors
682 PRR15B Sectorwise Overdue PCs Statement - PRR15B
683 PRR2 PRR2 Monthly review of irregular A/c
684 PRR25 PRR25 Report of rejected cheques
685 PRR2B Report on Irregular Packing Credits
686 PRR38 PRR38 Statement of Daily Cash Position
687 PRR4B PRR4B Review of DPG's
688 PRR8 PRR8 Credit and review program
689 PRRTL Ratelist Printing
690 PRT Printer Table Maintenance
691 PRTCON Print Consolidated Report
692 PRTINQ Printer Queue Inquiry & Updation
693 PRTMR Printing Maha Reports
694 PSD Print Subsidiaries
695 PSE Purchase Sale Entry
696 PSGL Print Subsidiaries
697 PSP Pass Sheet Print
698 PSR1 PSR 1: FLASH Report
700 PSR14 Statement on Exporters Assisted
701 PSR16 PSR16 Breakup of Dep & Adv-Int Ratewise
702 PSR2 PSR2 Statement of deployment of funds
703 PSR29 PSR29 - Agricultural Loans Return
704 PSR32 PSR32 Sanction Limits For Accounts
705 PSR49 PSR49 Quarterly Statement on Int. A/c
706 PSR7 PSR7 Advances to Specified Communities
707 PSTTUM Pay Sys Transfer Tran Upload Maintenance
708 PTM Post Dated Transactions Maintenance
709 PTTM Part Tran Template Maintenance
710 PTW Print Transfer Waste
711 PUACC Account Purge
712 PUCMG Purge Customer Master table
713 PUCXL Charges Transaction Log Purge
714 PUDISB Batch Purging Of Disbursements
715 PUEXP Batch Purging of Export Orders
716 PUGCH General Charges Purge
717 PUIZC Purge Inward Clearing Zone code table
718 PUIZH Inward Clearing Zone code table
719 PULGT Purge Login log table
720 PULN Limit Node Purge
721 PULNTH Limit Node Transaction / History Purge
722 PUOZC Purge Outward clearing zone code
723 PURZO Purge Outward Zone
724 PUSIH Standing Instructions Purge
725 PUSWIFT Purge Swift Msg History table
726 PUTRAN Transaction Purge
727 PUWF Workflow Audit Purge
728 PWMNT Password Maintenance
729 PWO Print Waste
730 QBR Quick Balancing Report
731 RACO Recovery After Charge Off
732 RBSN Reset Bill Sequence Numbers
733 RBTI Register Table Balance Inquiry
734 RDD Ratewise Distribution of Deposits
735 RDM Report Definition Maintenance
736 RECSHF Shortfall Recovery Process
737 REDRP Reprint Deposits Receipt
738 REGFLOW Deposit Flow Regeneration
739 REJREP Rejected Instruments Report/Advice
740 RELACI Related Accounts Lookup For Deposits
741 REMPRINT Print a Foreign Outward DD
742 REPHASEI Batch Rephasement of EI Loans
743 REVAL Revaluation
744 REVPEND Revoke Pending
745 REVSTOP Revoke stop payment
746 RFTDS Refund TDS
747 RINTINQ Interest Inquiry For RPC Accounts
748 RINTRPT Interest Report For RPC Disbursements
749 RISAT Reconcile Inter SOL ATM Transactions
750 RIST ISO Reconciliation
751 RLH Rebuild Limit History
752 RMI Read Media Input
753 RMIM Restrict Modify Indicator Maintenance
754 RMTDS Remit TDS
755 ROTM Report Option Table Maintenance
756 RPCINT Interest For RPC Disbursements
757 RPCRPT Reports Of RPC Accounts
758 RPCTM RPC Transactions Maintenance
759 RPDA Retransfer Past Due Accounts
760 RRCDI Reference Code Inquiry
761 RRCDM Reference Code Maintenance
762 RRCTM Reporting Range Criteria Maintenance
763 RRETURN R-Return and Schedules Statements
764 RRETURN5 R Return5 Report
765 RRTM Resp Tran Ref Table Maintenance
766 RTDSIS Refresh Table Data to Standin Server
767 RTHQRY Ratelist History Query
768 RUM Report Of Untranslated Messages
769 RZFSBO Regularize Shadow Balance
770 RZISBO Release Zone Into Shadow Balance
771 SAC User Login Maintenance
772 SASCL System Asset Classification
773 SBKP Start Backup of TBABKP tables
774 SCFM System Control File Maintenance
775 SCPM SCP Table Maintenance
776 SCRIPT Execute Script
777 SCST Stop Cash Transactions
778 SCWRPT Shroff Cash Report
779 SCWRPTA Shrof Cash Rpt-All
780 SDAI SQL*DBA Audit Table Inquiry
781 SDD Schemewise Distribution of Deposits
782 SDLM Sol Distribution List Table Maintenance
783 SEL Superceding Expired Limits
784 SETM Set Id Table Maintenance
785 SHOWSUMM Decrypt received IBR files
786 SIADVC Print SI Advice to Customer
787 SICL Print SI Covering Letter to Customer
788 SIE Standing Instructions Execution
789 SIETR SIs Executed Today Report
790 SII Standing Instructions Inquiry
791 SIM Standing Instruction Maintenance
792 SIMM StockInvest Maintenance
793 SIR StockInvest Reports
794 SIREGM StockInvest Register Maintenance
795 SIRP Standing Instructions Register Printing
796 SITM SIT Table Maintenance
797 SMI Swift Messages Inquiry
798 SMM Swift Messages Maintenance
799 SOLBOD Initiate Service Outlet BOD Process
800 SOLEOD Initiate SOL EOD Process
801 SOLOFF Start Sol's Services Offline
802 SOLONL Start Sol's Services Online
803 SOLSTAT Service Outlets Status Inquiry
804 SOLVAL Run Service Outlets Validation Process
805 SPMM SPM Table Maintenance
806 SPP Stop Payment Processing
807 SPPAU Stop Payment Processing
808 SPRG Stop Payment Register
809 SPTM System Pointing Transactions Maintenance
810 SPTR System Pointing Transaction Reversal
811 SPWADM Sparrow Administration
813 SRBBR Statistical Report on Bills
814 SRGPM Schm/Reg General Parameter Maintenance
815 SRL Security Register Lookup
816 SRM Security Register Maintenance
817 SRMRPTS Security Register Module Reports
818 SSRM Maintenance of SOL SDS Relationship
819 SSS System Substitution of Securities
820 SSTM Set Sol Id Table Maintenance
821 STAT10 Stat 10 Report
822 STAT5 Stat 5 Report
823 STAT8 Stat 8 Report
824 STAT9 Stat 9 Report
825 STOPPAY Stop Payment
826 STR11 STR 11 : RBI Statement
827 STR11A STR 11A : RBI Statement
828 STR14 STR14: Adv to Undertakings under MRTP
829 STR19 STR19 Insurance covered guarantee report
830 STR8 STR8 List of Secured & Unsecured Advance
831 SUSPTRAN Suspect Transactions Report
832 SWAB Start Warm Backup
833 SWBALDL Sparrow Balance Downloading
834 SWCARDDL Sparrow Card Downloading
835 SWCM Card Account Info Maintenance
836 SWDESP Switch transaction despatcher
837 SWEEPS Pool of Funds Maintenance
838 SWHOTDL Sparrow Card Status Downloading
839 SWMINDL Sparrow Mini Statement Downloading
840 SWOTU Switch Offline Transaction Upload
841 SWSTATM Switch Parameter Maintenance
842 SWTI Switch Transaction Inquiry
843 SXFT Stop Transfer Transactions
844 SYSADM System Administration
845 TACBSH Transfer Accounts between Sub-heads
846 TCCM Trans Category Code Maint
847 TCPI Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry
848 TCPIA Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry / All
849 TD Delete Posted Part Transactions
850 TDL Transaction Download
851 TDLU Transaction Download Utilities
852 TDSCALC TDS Calculation
853 TDSIP TDS Inquiry & Printing
854 TDSM TDS Table Maintenance
855 TDSREP Customer Wise TDS Report(A/c Level Tax)
856 TEA Transactions Exceptions Approval
857 TEDCS Terminal Enable/Disable
858 TEDDB Terminal Enable/Disable
859 TEI Transactions Exceptions Inquiry
860 TEPM Transaction Event Parameter Maintenance
861 TFCTM Transaction Filtration Criteria Maint
862 TI Transactions Inquiry
863 TIDT Treasury Interface Data Transfer
864 TLR Transactions List Report
865 TM Transactions Maintenance
866 TODCS TOD Criteria and Selection
867 TODM Account TOD Maintenance
868 TODRP TOD Register Printing
869 TPM Terminal Profile Maintenance
870 TRANINQ Tran Inquiry
871 TRANLIST Tran list display
872 TROFSETS Transfer Of Sets
873 TRSTDUSR Trusted Users Maintenance
874 TRSWIFT Transfer Swift Messages
875 TRTRAN Transfer Transaction
876 TRTRI Treasury Transaction Report and Inquiry
877 TRUNHIST Purge of tables
878 TSTC Treasury Sol Transaction Creation
879 TSTM Treasury Sol Transaction Maintenance
880 TTM Transaction Template Maintenance
881 TTUM Transfer Transaction Upload Maintenance
882 TTUMP Transfer Trans Upload Maint.(Posting)
883 TV Transaction Posting/Verification
884 TVSI Term Deposits Interest Slabs Inquiry
885 TVSM Term Deposit Interest Version Slab Maint
886 TXOD Transfer to Overdue GL Sub-head
887 TXTMNT Text Maintenance
888 UBDTR Usance Bills Discounted - POR7
889 UCS Update Cheque Status
890 UNIVIEW Unified View Of Accounts
891 UNIZ Unlock Inward Zone
892 UNLKZ Unlock Zone
893 UNREC IBR Open Orig/Resp Entries Reports
894 UNRESP Unresponded Transactions Report(Br)
895 UPLATO Account Turn Over Upload
896 UPLCI Customer Instructions Upload
897 UPLDHT Drawing Power History Upload
898 UPLDLH DSA Document Limit History Upload
899 UPLDSA Upload for DSA Module
900 UPLDST Demand Draft Status Upload
901 UPLEAB EOD Account Balance Upload
902 UPLGST GL Subhead Transaction Upload
903 UPLIAR IAR Upload
904 UPLINTVS Interest Slab Version Upload
905 UPLLAM Loan Master Upload
906 UPLLAT Loan Transaction Upload
907 UPLLHT Limit History Upload
909 UPLMPT Memo Pad Upload
910 UPLOAD Customer / Account Master Upload
911 UPLOADB Account Master Balance Upload
912 UPLPFT Pool of Funds Upload
913 UPLSI Standing Instructions Upload
914 UPLSPT Stop Payment Upload
915 UPLSRM Security Register Details Upload
916 UPLTAM Term Deposits Master Upload
917 UPLTDS TDS Upload
918 UPLTDS1 TDS upload - Phase 1
919 UPLTDS2 TDS Upload - PHASE 2
920 UPLTDT Term Deposits Transaction Upload
921 UPLTOD Temporary Over Draft Upload
922 UPM User Profile Maintenance
923 UPRDNLD Download User Details
924 URT Un-responded Transactions Report
925 VALDTRPT Outward Clearing Value Date Report
926 VAM Verification Audit Maintenance
927 VCHL Verification Check List
928 VCHR Print DR/CR Voucher
929 VTPM Virtual Terminal Profile Maintenance
930 WCUMM CUMM Workflow
931 WDSAMM Workflow for Direct Selling Agents Mnt.
932 WFORM Work Flow For Outward Remit Maintenance
933 WIAAL What If Analysis of Account Liability
934 WRTCTC Change Test case
935 XFCHACAU Transfer Cheques between Accounts
936 XFCHBAC Transfer Cheques between Accounts
937 XOSCHRG XOS Charge Calculation
938 XOSSTMT XOS Statement

Synopsis Of Computer controlled wireless robot

August 15, 2014 Posted by Knowledge Bite , No comments








I take immense pleasure in thanking Er. and our respected lecturers for having permitted us to carry out this project work.

I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to our project incharge, Er. (lect. ) for her able guidance and useful suggestions, which helped us in completing the project work, in time.

Words are inadequate in offering my thanks to the Project Incharge and lab Assistants for their encouragement and cooperation in carrying out the project work.

Finally, yet importantly, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our beloved parents for their blessings, friends/classmates for their help and wishes for the successful completion of this project.



Here, in our project, we are controlling the various devices being operated on 220V ac through parallel port in our computer in C++/C programming language. The advantages of using this mode to control the devices are:

1. We can change the program according to our needs any time.

2. Multipurpose Functions can be performed using different programs.

3. Timing of the initiation of the project or increasing security such as entering password, etc. could also be added according to our needs.

4. If, programming is done using a Microcontroller in this project, then we can burn the program only once, and cannot change it according to our needs in future, this could be overcome in parallel port programming, and so, this method is very much reliable and flexible.


q To Design a C++ /VB controlled system that would be used to control and monitor different robot at the output of pc

q The commands would be given through a C++ Designed algorithm or VB that would give a control signal to operate different operations in the industry, offices, homes etc

q The output from the PC would be directly interfaced to the output devices through the parallel port to automate the complete control system













Designed PCB /General Purpose PCB




Nut-Bolt Pair




Jumper Wire

( Single Stand Wire)



IC Base ( 16 PIN)





Battery ( 9v) + Connector




LED Indicator










Ribbon wires





220V supply and Switching devices


Parallel port connector





Desktop having user port installed





Step down transformer ( 9-0-9)




Bridge diode ( 1 amp )





Voltage regulator 7805





Led + 100 ohm ( indicator)




10k ohm resistance




10 microfarad capacitor




33 picofarad capacitor



Softwares and tools used:

Ø C++ compiler software TurboC++

Ø Digital Electronics

Ø Concepts Of Basic Electronics


Contribution of the project to the society:

C++ Control Automation System has lead to:

q Growth of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) based services

q Many different types of networks, from simple to complex, operated by different types of operators has been developed through this system

q Increased competition to manufacturers to improve both quality and Productivity

q Contributes a lot to discrete industries such as automobile, food and beverage industries where various robotic parts, machinery and conveyer belts are controlled precisely from the operator via PC through any operating language.

qIncreased consolidation in the operator segment


Ø Robotics and CAD/CAM

Ø Security systems

Ø Sensor reporting

Ø Automation system

Ø Remote Keyless entry via rf modules interfaced with a pc


Time required to complete this project depends much upon the following factors:

q efficiency of data transfer on the system

q  capabilities of the programmer

q long time port access

q Duration by which we complete the electronics part of the project

q Duration for which the program to be made in C++ Operating language

q Learning Functions and Inheritance concepts in C++ language

q Installation of the ports

If all these factors are present, estimated time required to complete this project would be around 6 months


This is a unique project in itself but can be modified in any way the user wants it to be:

q RF signal could sent that could further be locked via a password controlled mechanism to be installed in defense and research control applications

q The functions to be operated by the programmer could themselves be changed according to the future requirements and application in which it needs to be installed such as in automobile, food and beverages, plastic, semiconductor, and fabricated metal industries

So, as a whole this project could be explored and modified according to the needs in future.

11 proven ways to gain unstoppable confidence

August 15, 2014 Posted by Knowledge Bite , , No comments

Those who know are ultimately much more confident in any arena than those shrouded in ignorance. Use your spare time to read up on the things that interest you, on the things that you are curious about, and build up a solid base of knowledge and critical thinking. The more you know, the more sure of yourself you will be in any situation.
Uncertainty is the biggest drain on your self-confidence. Succumbing to doubt ensures you will never believe in yourself. The more often you do something, the more certain you become. With certainty comes confidence.
Try to walk through your day with as easy and care-free of an attitude as you can muster, because someone who is it ease with him or herself is someone who is confident. Build unstoppable confidence by not getting hung up on the petty issues and minor irritations that help wear you down.
Take stock of yourself. Brainstorm for a bit and compose a list of your good qualities and bad, the things you excel at and the things you need to improve upon, and once you have a clear picture of yourself much of the uncertainty that breeds doubt will wash away.
Take the time to properly think through every problem, and the confidence in your skills will grow.
Try to be as complete and thorough at every task you attempt . Completing tasks builds confidence in your ability to always see projects through to their proper conclusion .
Once you have assessed yourself, make a list of goals you wish to accomplish, and get to work. You now know your true limits, so the only thing left to do is push beyond them and set your sights on new frontiers.
Don't close yourself off to friends, acquaintances and coworkers. The more you put yourself out there in business and social situations, the more quickly you will build confidence in your ability to navigate these sometimes tricky waters.
Dress well, groom yourself, compose your identity as a person who is well put together, and you will feel confident when meeting new people and doing new things.
While it is okay to take time to analyze and think situations through, the time comes when you must be decisive and act. Decisive people are confident; not confident people are decisive.
Know yourself fully, wash away your own doubts about yourself, your identity and your capabilities, and present every aspect of yourself in every situation and you will have no reason to doubt your confidence. Become your full, real self.

A lot of confidence building techniques simply do not work. I've tried everything out there and studied confident people to see what makes them who they are. Continue reading this article for the top 11 traits you can develop to build strong self-confidence that attracts the people, job, and pleasures of life you want.