1 | AAAR | Anywhere/ATM Advice Reconciliation |
2 | AALI | A/c Abnormal Limits/Details Inquiry |
3 | AALM | A/c Abnormal Limits/Details Maintenance |
5 | ABH | Initiate After Business Hours Process |
6 | ABMR | Report of Accounts Below Min Balance |
7 | ABSOTS | ABSOT Schedules |
8 | ACACCR | Interest Accrual For Accounts |
9 | ACBOOK | Interest Booking For Accounts |
10 | ACCBAL | Components of Account Balance Inquiry |
11 | ACCREV | Foreign Currency Account Revaluation |
12 | ACDET | Account Balance Details |
13 | ACDMTR | A/Cs Due For Mid Term Review |
14 | ACFCTM | Account Filtration Criteria Maintenance |
15 | ACI | Customer Accounts Inquiry |
16 | ACINT | Interest Run For Accounts |
17 | ACLCM | Account Label Code Maintenance |
18 | ACLHM | Account Limit History Maintenance |
19 | ACLHMAU | Account Limit History Maintenance |
20 | ACLI | Account Ledger Inquiry |
21 | ACLPCA | Customer Account Ledger Print |
22 | ACLPOA | Office Account Ledgers Print |
23 | ACM | Customer Accounts Maintenance |
24 | ACMAU | Account Maintenance |
25 | ACMDB | Office Account Maintenance |
26 | ACMP | Account Master Print |
27 | ACPF | Update Account Purge Flag |
28 | ACS | Account Selection |
29 | ACSBIO | Account Shadow Balance Inquiry |
30 | ACSP | Account Selection Print |
31 | ACTI | Account Turnover Inquiry |
32 | ACTM | Foreign Agent Code Maintenance |
33 | ACTODI | Account TOD Inquiry |
34 | ACTODM | Account TOD Maintenance |
35 | ACTODMAU | Account TOD Maintenance |
36 | ACZDB | Close Office Account |
37 | ADDPST | Maintain PST Table (Add) |
38 | ADDRM | Name and Address |
39 | ADMIN | FAB Admin |
40 | ADVC | Print DR/CR Advice to Customer |
41 | AFI | Audit File Inquiry |
42 | AFINQU | Audit File Inquiry |
43 | AFP | Audit File Print |
44 | AFPU | Audit File Purge |
45 | AFSM | Account Freeze Status Maintenance |
46 | AGCLS | AGCL Schedules Print |
47 | AGTM | Agent Master Maintenance |
48 | AHLETGEN | Ad hoc Letter Generator |
49 | AICR | Advanced Interest Collected Report |
50 | AINTPRG | Interest Purge ForAccounts |
51 | AINTRPT | Interest Report For Accounts |
52 | AITINQ | Account Interest DetailsInquiry |
53 | ALM | Account Lien Maintenance |
54 | ALMSP | Agricultural Loans Master Sheet Print |
55 | AMHOA | Amortization History Of Accts |
56 | AMHOB | Amortization History Of Bills |
57 | ANWADM | Anywhere Administration |
58 | ANWBI | Anywhere Balance Inquiry |
59 | ANWCT | Anywhere Cash Deposit/Withdrawal |
60 | ANWPRT | Pending Transaction Report |
61 | ANWPTH | Anywhere Pending Transaction Handler |
62 | ANWSIGI | Anywhere Signature Retrieval |
63 | ANWSTATI | Anywhere Statement Inquiry |
64 | ANWXFER | Anywhere Funds Transfer |
65 | APHM | Account Placeholder Maintenance |
66 | AR | System Reconciliation |
67 | ASM | Approved Security Master Maintenance |
68 | ASMCU | Consolidated Updation for Securities |
69 | ASMUPL | Mass Security Upload |
70 | ASPROV | Parameters For Asset Provisioning |
71 | ASSCR | Asset Classification Report |
72 | ASTI | Amount-slab Table Inquiry |
73 | ASTM | Amount-slab Table Maintenance |
74 | ATI | Abnormal Transactions Inquiry |
75 | ATMADM | ATM Administration |
76 | ATMCM | ATM Controller Table Maintenance |
77 | ATMDESP | Start ATM Despatcher |
78 | ATMM | ATM Table Maintenance |
79 | ATMONL | Start Online ATM Services |
80 | ATMRECON | Start ATM Reconciliation |
81 | ATMSKIP | Skip ATM EOD/BOD Jobs |
82 | ATMSTOP | Stop ATM Services |
83 | ATMTA | ATM Cash Deposit Authorization |
84 | ATO | Account Turnover |
85 | ATOR | A/Cs Turnover Report |
86 | ATR | Acted Transactions List Report |
87 | AUTOREG | Auto Regularization |
87 | BARINFO | BAR Information Generation |
88 | BARIOR | BAR Inward/Outward Register |
89 | BARPTS | Bank Advances Reports |
90 | BAYCBMNU | BankAway! Menu ForCorporate Banking |
91 | BBTD | Batch/Block Tickets Display |
92 | BCCALC | Batch Charges Calculation |
93 | BCREPORT | Bankers Cheque Recon Report |
94 | BCSI | Bills/Chqs Covering Schedule - Inter Br |
95 | BCSO | Bills/Chqs Covering Schedule - Inter Bk |
96 | BDISCREP | Bills Discrepancy Report |
97 | BDR | Review Of Pending And Dishonored Bills |
98 | BDTR | Bills Due Today But Unpaid |
99 | BEHI | Bills Events History Inquiry |
100 | BGCLOSE | Guarantee Close |
101 | BGLIMIT | Limit/Guarantee wise Utilization Report |
102 | BGJQM | Background Job Queue Maintenance |
103 | BGM | Budget Maintenance |
104 | BGMARGIN | BG Margin Printing |
105 | BGPRINT | BG Printing |
106 | BGSTMNT | Statement of Guarantee |
107 | BGUPL | Guarantees Upload |
108 | BI | Bills Inquiry |
109 | BIACCR | Interest Accrual For Bills |
110 | BIAIL | Acceptance Intimation to Lodging Branch |
111 | BIBOOK | Interest Booking For Bills |
112 | BICN | Interest Calculation - Non Bill by Bill |
113 | BICR | Bills Interest Collected Report |
114 | BICS | Bills Collection Schedule |
115 | BIDUMP | Inland Bills Dump |
116 | BIID | Bill Intimation to Drawee |
117 | BIIDU | Bill Intimation to Drawee (Usance Bill) |
118 | BINAL | Non Payment Advice to Lodging Branch |
119 | BINRD | Non Payment Reminder To Drawee |
120 | BINTPRG | Interest Purge For Bills |
121 | BINTRPT | Interest Report For Bills |
122 | BIPAD | Payment Advice to Drawee |
123 | BIRAL | Realization Advice to Lodging Branches |
124 | BIRCL | Bills Return Covering Letter |
125 | BIRPC | Realization ProceedsCovering Letter |
126 | BJE | Batch Job Executioner |
127 | BJSINQ | BJS Inquiry |
128 | BJSTI | BJS Table Inquiry |
129 | BJSTM | Table Maintenance |
130 | BKTI | Bank Table Inquiry |
131 | BKTM | Bank Table Maintenance |
132 | BLRTI | Bills Register Type Inquiry |
133 | BLRTM | Bills Register Type Maintenance |
134 | BM | Bills Maintenance |
135 | BMCM | Bills Message Code Maintenance |
136 | BMUPL | Bills Upload |
137 | BORPIU | BORPI File Upload |
138 | BOTC | Back Office Transactions Creation |
139 | BP | Bills Printing |
140 | BPMI | Bills Parameter Master Inquiry |
141 | BPMM | Bills Parameter Master Maintenance |
142 | BR | Balancing Report |
143 | BRACS | Account Selection -BancsRemote |
144 | BRBPR | Balancing Report - Bills Purchased |
145 | BRCHQUPL | Cheque Book DetailsUpload |
146 | BRCLUPLD | Clearing Transaction Upload Maintenance |
147 | BRCR | Balancing Report - Collection |
148 | BRCUS | Customer Selection - BancsRemote |
149 | BRDCMAPI | Inquiry On Branch toData Center Mapping |
150 | BRDDISS | BancsRemote Upload of Issued DDs |
151 | BRDNLD | BancsRemote Download of Tables |
152 | BROPEG | Batch Review Of Pegged A/Cs and RPC Disbursements |
153 | BROWSE | Browsing of IBR file received |
154 | BRRBPR | Bills Register Report - Bills Purchased |
155 | BRRCR | Bills Register Report - Collection |
156 | BRSM | BRS Table Maintenance |
157 | BRTI | Branch Table Inquiry |
158 | BRTM | Branch Table Maintenance |
159 | BRTTUM | Transfer Transaction Upload Maintenance |
160 | BRTTUMP | Transfer Trans Upload Maint.(Posting) |
161 | BRUPLOAD | Customer / Account Master Upload |
162 | BRUPLTAM | Term Deposits Master Upload |
163 | BRV | Bills Reversal |
164 | BSR1 | BSR1 Basic Statistical Return- PART I/II |
165 | BSR2B | BSR2 Basic Statistical Return-2 PART B |
166 | BSR2C | BSR2 Basic Statistical Return-2 PART C |
167 | BSR3 | BSR3 Adv against selected securities |
168 | BSTM | Branch Sds Maintenance |
169 | BTM | Back Dated Transaction |
170 | BTP | Batch Transactions Posting |
171 | BUIRPT | BORPI Upload Inquiry Report |
172 | CAAC | Close an Account |
173 | CAACAU | Close an Account |
174 | CABR | Co-accepted Bills |
175 | CACC | Closure of Account Charge Collection |
176 | CAMC | Change Account Manager of Customer |
177 | CANSM | Finacle Security Mgmt |
178 | CARM | Cards Account Relation Maintenance |
179 | CASHDEP | Cash Deposit |
180 | CASHWD | Cash Withdrawal |
181 | CB | Cancel BAR |
182 | CBM | Customer Becoming Major |
183 | CBOD | Initiate BOD Central Process |
184 | CBP | Cheque Book Printing (Range of Accounts) |
185 | CBR | Cash Balance Report |
186 | CCA | Change Customer ID of the Account |
187 | CCM | Carrier Code Maintenance |
188 | CCMUPLD | Central Customer Master Upload |
189 | CCO | Centralized Clearing Operations |
190 | CCS | Changing Context Service Outlet |
191 | CCST | Close Cash Transactions |
192 | CCUPW | Change Customer Password |
193 | CDCIADM | CDCI Administration |
194 | CDPBFEXT | CDCI PBF Extraction |
195 | CDRTLD | CDCI Rate Details Download |
196 | CDSTUPD | Send CDCI Control Message |
197 | CEOD | Initiate EOD Central |
198 | CFLM | Carry-Forward List Maintenance |
199 | CFLSIBR | Creation of Files for Sending to IBR |
200 | CFTM | Customer Facility Maintenance |
201 | CHBIR | Cheque Book Issued Register |
202 | CHBM | Cheque Book Maintenance |
203 | CHBMAU | Authorizing cheque book Maintenance |
204 | CHCS | Cheques Collection Schedule |
205 | CHGIR | Charges Income Report |
206 | CHQISS | Cheque Book Issue |
207 | CHQUPLD | Cheque Book Details Upload |
208 | CIPPRPT | Customer Interest Pref and Peg Report |
209 | CLBAP | Clearing BAR/Advice Printing |
210 | CLCM | Charge Level Code Maintenance |
211 | CLSEXP | Batch Closure of Export Orders |
212 | CLSLAA | Batch Closure of Loan Accounts |
213 | CLSPCA | Batch Closure of Packing Credit Accounts |
214 | CLUPLD | Clearing Transaction Upload Maintenance |
215 | CLZCM | Clearing Zone Template Maintenance |
216 | CMMI | Common Message Modification Interface |
217 | CMTI | Common Message Translation Interface |
218 | CNCLFWC | Cancellation of Forward Contracts |
219 | CNCM | Country Currency Maintenance |
220 | COLA | Charge Off / Reversal of Loan Account |
221 | COMR | Commission Report |
222 | CONBAP | Consolidated BAR/Advice Printing |
223 | CONSCHK | Consistency Check |
224 | COUNTRYM | Country Code Maintenance |
225 | CRNPOS | Position of Currency |
226 | CRT | Create and Update Reversal Transaction |
227 | CSE | Changing Service Outlet For An Employee |
228 | CSFB | Creation of Sequential File for a Branch |
229 | CSOLOP | Close SOL Operations |
230 | CSPW | Change System Password |
231 | CTCM | Clearing Transaction Code Maintenance |
232 | CTI | Calendar Table Inquiry |
233 | CTM | Calendar Table Maintenance |
234 | CTRA | Credit Transaction Report For An Account |
235 | CTTM | CTT Table Maintenance |
236 | CUACLI | Inquire on Your Account Ledger Entries |
237 | CUBI | Bills Inquiry |
238 | CUIR | Customer Interest Report |
239 | CULAC | Customer Accounts List |
240 | CULI | Customer Unutilized Limit Inquiry |
241 | CUMAILL | List for Mail |
242 | CUMAILM | Mail Maintenance |
243 | CUMI | Customer Master Inquiry |
244 | CUMM | Customer Master Maintenance |
245 | CUMP | Customer Master Print |
246 | CUPW | Change Your Password |
247 | CUS | Customer Selection |
248 | CUSTBALP | Customer Balance Printing |
249 | CUTXTMNT | Text Maintenance |
250 | CVDOR | Changing Value date or Reject Instrument |
251 | CXFT | Close Transfer Transactions |
252 | CYCM | CYC Table Maintenance |
253 | DAM | Deposit Accounts Maintenance |
254 | DCEXPLST | Report on Expiring Documentary Credits |
255 | DCGPR | DC General Purpose Report Printing |
256 | DCLIABRG | Documentary Credits Liability Register |
257 | DCPRINT | DC Printing |
258 | DCQRY | Query on Documentary Credits |
259 | DCQRYM | Query and Modify Documentary Credits |
260 | DCREG | Documentary Credits Register Printing |
261 | DCRM | Documentary Credits Register Maintenance |
262 | DCRPTS | DC Reports and Advices |
263 | DCSTMT | Statement of Documentary Credits |
264 | DCTM | Data Center Calendar Table Maintenance |
265 | DDADV | Entry Advice Date for Ex- Adv Payment |
266 | DDBP | Demand Drafts Batch Printing |
267 | DDC | Cancellation of a DD |
268 | DDD | Issue of duplicate DD |
269 | DDIC | DD Credits Inquiry |
270 | DDID | DD Debits Inquiry |
271 | DDII | Specific DD Issued Inquiry |
272 | DDIP | Specific DD Paid Inquiry |
273 | DDIR | DD Issue Reports |
274 | DDISSUE | DD Issue |
275 | DDLOST | Entry of Reported Lost DDs |
276 | DDMI | Mass Issue Entry |
277 | DDMOD | Modification of Issue/Payment Details |
278 | DDMP | Mass Payment Entry |
279 | DDNPADV | Entry of Receipt of NPA |
280 | DDP | Reports Parameters |
281 | DDP2 | Reports Parameters |
282 | DDPADV | Entry of Payment Advice |
283 | DDPALL | Print all Unprinted DDs |
284 | DDPAY | DD Payment |
285 | DDPRNT | Print a DD |
286 | DDPUPL | DD Payments Upload |
287 | DDR | Rectification / Reversal of DD Transaction |
288 | DDR2 | Rectification / Reversal of DD Transactions |
289 | DDREPRNT | Reprint a DD/ Print advice |
290 | DDREVERT | Revert Stat from RepLost/ NPA Recd |
291 | DDSM | DD Status Maintenance |
292 | DDSUMF | DD Summary in File |
293 | DDT | Transfers from DD Accounts |
294 | DDUPLOAD | DD Upload |
295 | DECUP | Delinquency Cycle Updation Process |
296 | DEFCALC | Deferred Charges Calculation |
297 | DEFPC | Default Packing Credits under WTPCG/PCG |
298 | DENOMMGT | Denomination Management |
299 | DEPMOD | Deposit Modeling |
300 | DLYPCFC | Daily PCFC Report |
301 | DN | Due Notice |
302 | DOCTR | Document Tracking Report |
303 | DOCUPL | Loan Document Detail Upload |
304 | DPDRPT | Delinquency Report Generation |
305 | DPGR | Deferred Payment Guarantee register |
306 | DRP | Deposit Receipts Print |
307 | DSACOMM | DSA Commission Processing and Payment |
308 | DSADOC | DSA Document Link Maintenance |
309 | DSAIP | DSA Inquiry and Printing |
310/td> | DSAMM | DSA Master Maintenance |
311 | DSAPM | DSA Parameter Maintenance |
312 | DSASUB | DSA Subvention Payment |
313 | DSATO | DSA Turnover Processing |
314 | DSFTT | Download Sequential File to Tables |
315 | DSPADM | Despatcher Administration |
316 | DSPLIC | Modules License Information Form |
317 | DSPWFI | Workflow Items Inquiry |
318 | DSPWFQ | Display Pending Workflow Items |
319 | DTCS | Display Tran Code Summary |
320 | DTE | Delete Transactions in Entered Status |
321 | DTM | Deposits Transactions Maintenance |
322 | DTMR | Foreign DD/TT/MT Issued Register |
323 | DTR | Deposit Transactions Report |
324 | DUDEL | Deletion of User Defined Expired Liens |
325 | DUDRP | Deposits Receipt Print [Duplicate] |
326 | EABR | Re-Build End of Day Account Balances |
327 | ECGCPC | ECGC Premium Calculation |
328 | ECGCRPC | ECGC Premium Calculation for RPC Disbursements |
329 | ECHRAC | Enter Cheques Rejected at Counter |
330 | EFI | Employee File Inquiry |
331 | EFM | Employee File Maintenance |
332 | EIO | Encode Instruments |
333 | EIRPTS | EI Reports |
334 | EMAILL | List for E-Mail |
335 | EMAILM | E-Mail Maintenance |
336 | EMIINTR | EMI Loans Interest Details Report |
337 | ERTI | Error Table Inquiry |
338 | ETM | Error Table Maintenance |
339 | ETOSDB | Escape to OS |
340 | EXCDM | Exception Code Maintenance |
341 | EXCHPL | Exchange Profit & Loss |
342 | EXCPRPT | Exceptions Report |
343 | EXECOM | Execute Custom COM Script |
344 | EXPODM | Export Order Details Maintenance |
345 | EXPRPT | Reports of Export Orders |
346 | EXTFWC | Change validity of Forward Contracts |
347 | FABREP | FAB Reports |
348 | FATM | Account Facility Maintenance |
349 | FBACS | Remittances for Agency Commission |
350 | FBADVP | Transaction Advice Printing (Foreign Exchange Bill) |
351 | FBAIC | Advance Interest Calculated |
352 | FBBR | Foreign Bills Balancing Register |
353 | FBCCS | Foreign Cheques Covering Schedule |
354 | FBCS | Foreign Bills Covering Schedule |
355 | FBDISCR | Foreign Bill Discrepancy Report |
356 | FBDLNK | Foreign Bills to be Delinked Statement |
357 | FBECGC | ECGC Charge Details |
358 | FBEF | Bills of Entry Statement |
359 | FBENC | Foreign Bills ENC Statement |
360 | FBER | Export Register Report |
361 | FBERC | Foreign Bills Export Claim Report |
362 | FBFCS | Format C Statement |
363 | FBHI | Foreign Bills History Inquiry |
364 | FBI | Foreign Bills Inquiry |
365 | FBICS | Interest Collected on Foreign Bills |
366 | FBIEC | Issue of Encashment Certificate |
367 | FBIR | Import Register Report |
368 | FBM | Foreign Bills Maintenance |
369 | FBMCM | FEX Bills Message Code Maintenance |
370 | FBMUPL | Foreign Bills Upload |
371 | FBOIB | Statement of Overdue Import Bills |
372 | FBP | Foreign Bills Printing |
373 | FBPADB | List of Pending and Dishonored Bills |
374 | FBPM | Foreign Bill Parameter Maintenance |
375 | FBPMI | FEX Bills Parameter Master Inquiry |
376 | FBPS | Foreign Bills Purchased Subsidiary |
377 | FBRI | FEX Bills Register Inquiry |
378 | FBRM | Foreign Bill Register Maintenance |
379 | FBRPR | Reserve Payment Register |
380 | FBSNC | Foreign Bills SNC Statement |
381 | FBSTAT6 | STAT 6 Report |
382 | FBUBR | Undrawn Balance Register |
383 | FCNPS | Foreign Currency Purchase Sale Report |
384 | FCNR | Foreign Currency Note Issued Report |
385 | FCNRSUB | FCNR Subsidiary Report |
386 | FCTCMR | FCTC Purchase and Sale Monthly Report |
387 | FCTCR | Foreign Currency TC Issued Report |
388 | FCTCSCMR | FCTC Stock-Cum- Movement Register Report |
389 | FCTCSR | Foreign Currency TC Sale Report |
390 | FDD | Flow Amt-wise Distribution of Deposits |
391 | FDLD | Fixed Deposits Linked Details |
392 | FDOCD | Fixed Deposits Opening Closure Details |
393 | FFDBATCH | FFD Batch jobs |
394 | FFDPSP | FFD - Pass Sheet Print |
395 | FI | Fate Inquiry |
396 | FIRCR | Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate |
397 | FLTI | Form Literals Translation Interface |
398 | FORCMTC | IBR Forced Matched Entries Reports |
399 | FPCM | Party Code Maintenance |
400 | FPTI | FEX Period Table Code Inquiry |
401 | FPTM | Fx Period Table Code Maintenance |
402 | FR | Forced Reconciliation |
403 | FSQIRPT | Missing File Sequence Inquiry Report |
404 | FTI | financial Transactions Inquiry |
405 | FTR | financial Transactions Inquiry & Report |
406 | FVTM | Facility Version Maintenance |
407 | FWCCM | Forward Cntrct Message Code Maintenance |
408 | FWCHI | Forward Contract History Inquiry |
409 | FWCLIAB | F/C Liability Register |
410 | FWCNOTE | Forward contract note printing |
411 | FWCODLST | List of overdue and matured F/Cs |
412 | FWCQRY | Query on forward contracts |
413 | FWCREVAL | Forward Contract Revaluation |
414 | FWCRG | Forward booking register printing |
415 | FWCRMND | Reminder to partys about F/C maturity |
416 | FWRM | Forward Contract Register Maintenance |
417 | FXACSTMT | Statement of FX Accounts |
418 | FXIPSTMT | Statement of Interest Paid |
419 | FXPSRG | Purchase / Sale register printing |
420 | FXTR | FOREX Turnover Report |
421 | GCHRG | General Charges |
422 | GDET | General Deposits Details |
423 | GECM | Teller Cash Account Maintenance |
424 | GENADV | Generate Advices Report |
425 | GFTM | General Facility Maintenance |
426 | GI | Guarantee Inquiry |
427 | GILR | Guarantees Issued cum Liabilty Register |
428 | GLSHM | GL Subhead Maintenance |
429 | GLSHR | GL Sub Head Code Replication |
430 | GMLE | Executables Generation Criteria Screen |
431 | GMLF | Forms Generation Criteria Screen |
432 | GMLWF | Web Forms Generation Criteria Screen |
433 | GMM | Guarantee Master Maintenance |
434 | GODCH | Guarantee Overdue Charges |
435 | GOPSD | Generate Outward Payment System Dump |
436 | GP | Guarantee Printing |
437 | GPI | Guarantee Parameters Inquiry |
438 | GPLG | General Purpose Letter Generator |
439 | GPLM | General Purpose Letter Maintenance |
440 | GPM | Guarantee Parameters Maintenance |
441 | GR | Generate Report |
442 | GSPI | General Scheme Parameters Inquiry |
443 | GSPM | General Scheme Parameters Maintenance |
444 | HACCBAL | Balance details of an Account |
445 | HACCDET | General Details |
446 | HACLHI | Limit Details |
447 | HACLI | Transactions Inquiry |
448 | HACTI | Account turnover details |
449 | HASSET | Asset classification |
450 | HCUACC | Accounts of Customer |
451 | HCUCA | Current Account of Customer |
452 | HCUCC | Cash Credit of Customer |
453 | HCUDET | General details of Customer |
454 | HCULA | Loan Accounts of Customer |
455 | HCUMAT | Forthcoming Maturities of Customer |
456 | HCUOD | Overdraft Accounts of Customer |
457 | HCUPSD | Portfolio details of Customer |
458 | HCUSB | Savings Account of Customer |
459 | HCUSBCA | Savings/Current Account of Customer |
460 | HCUSEL | Customer Selection |
461 | HCUSUM | Summary details of Customer |
462 | HCUSWP | Sweep details of Customer |
463 | HCUTD | Term Deposits of Customer |
464 | HCUTI | Turnover Summary of Customer |
465 | HDCDET | Delivery Channel transaction details |
466 | HICI | Inward Cheques Inquiry |
467 | HIGHTRAN | DSA Report on High value Transaction |
468 | HII | Hot Items Inquiry |
469 | HIM | Hot Items Maintenance |
470 | HLAI | Loan Inquiry |
471 | HM | Help Maintenance |
472 | HOCI | Outward Cheques Inquiry |
473 | HOCIP | HOC Inquiry cum BA(R) Print |
474 | HOS | HO Schedules Print |
475 | HOSUMF | HO Summary in File |
476 | HOSUMP | HOC Summary Print |
477 | HTD | Term deposit transaction details |
478 | HTDINT | Term deposit interest details |
479 | HTDTAX | Term deposit tax deduction details |
480 | HTINQ | Hot Items Lookup |
481 | IARM | Interest Adjustment Register Maintenance |
482 | IBADVP | Transaction Advice Printing (IBILL) |
483 | IBCTM | IBR Control Table Maintenance |
484 | IBM | Inward BAR Register Maintenance |
485 | IBRBRADM | IBR Branch Administration |
486 | IBRCNADM | IBR Central Administration |
487 | IBRCR | IBR Control Report |
488 | IBREOD | EOD For IBR Center |
489 | IBRFLCHK | Decrypt received IBR files |
490 | IBRGEN | Create IBR files for branch |
491 | IBRPOST | Automatic posting of selected IBR trans |
492 | IBRPRO | IBR Processing |
493 | IBRPURGE | Purge of tables |
494 | IBRRECON | IBR Reconciled Entries Reports |
495 | IBRREPTS | IBR Reports for Orig/Resp Trans |
496 | IBSTM | Inter Branch Seed Table Maintenance |
497 | ICGR | Insurance Cover Guarantee Report |
498 | ICHB | Issue Chequebooks |
499 | ICHBAU | Issue Chequebooks |
500 | ICRCM | Inward Clearing Rej Code Maintenance |
501 | ICTM | Inward Clearing Transaction Maintenance |
502 | ICZCM | Inward Clearing Zone Template Maint |
503 | IDBARR | ID BAR Report |
504 | IDCM | Inward Documentary Credits Maintenance |
505 | IEARP | Income/Expenditure Analysis Register |
506 | IEMRP | Income/Expenditure Monitoring Report |
507 | IIBRADM | Instant IBR Administration |
508 | IIM | Inventory Item Maintenance |
509 | ILCM | Inventory Location Code Maintenance |
510 | IMAUM | Inventory Movement Auth Maintenance |
511 | IMC | Inventory Movement between Locations |
512 | IMGMNT | Image Maintenance |
513 | IMGVIEW | Image view in FAB |
514 | IMI | Inventory Movement Inquiry |
515 | IMR | Inventory Movement Report |
516 | INI | Identification Number Inquiry |
517 | INQACHQ | Inquire Account Number for a Cheque |
518 | INSTM | Instruments Table Maintenance |
519 | INTSI | Interest Slab Inquiry |
520 | INTTI | Interest Table Inquiry |
521 | INTTM | Interest Table Maintenance |
522 | INWBI | Inward Bill Intimation |
523 | IOCLS | Inquire On Clearing Transaction Sets |
524 | IOGLT | Inquire on GL Transactions |
525 | IOT | Inquire on Transactions |
526 | IPDCR | Interest Paid on Delayed Collection |
527 | IRM | Inward Remittances Maintenance |
528 | IRMUPL | Inward Remittance Upload |
529 | IRRDEP | Irregular Recurring Deposits Report |
530 | ISAR | Inter Sol Audit Report |
531 | ISI | Inventory Inquiry, Split and Merge-EM |
532 | ISIA Inventory | Inquiry, Split and Merge |
533 | ISOLOP | Initiate Service Outlet Operations |
534 | ISOTRF | ISO account balance transfer to HO |
535 | ISR | ISR Inventory Status Report-EM |
536 | ISRA | ISRA Inventory Status Report |
537 | ISTR | ISTR Inter SolTransaction Report |
538 | ITCI | ITCI Interest Table Code Inquiry |
539 | ITI | Instruments Table Inquiry |
540 | ITR | Report for Income Tax |
541 | IVSM | Interest Slab Maintenance |
542 | JTHOLDER | List Joint Holders of an Account |
543 | KILLSRVR | Kill ATM Server Process |
544 | LACAM | Charges Amortization Process |
545 | LADICFEE | Loans DICGC Fee Calculation |
546 | LADISB | Loans Disbursement |
547 | LADML | Loan Disbursement Letter |
548 | LADSP | Loans Demand Satisfaction Process |
549 | LAFACR | Loans Fee Assess, Collect and Refund |
550 | LAFHM | Loans Follow-up History Maintenance |
551 | LAFIRPT | Loan Future Installment/PDC Report |
552 | LAFM | Loans Flow Maintenance |
553 | LAGI | Loans General Enquiry |
554 | LALFAR | Loan Late Fee Assessment and Reversal |
555 | LALIEN | Loans Lien Process |
556 | LAMCM | LA Message Code Maintenance |
557 | LAMP | Loan Account Master Print |
558 | LAODR | Loan Demands Overdue Reminder |
559 | LAOPI | Loans Overdue Position |
560 | LAPAY | Loan Payment Menu |
561 | LAPOSR | Loans Collection and Position Report |
562 | LAPRR1A | Loans Periodical Review Returns |
563 | LAPRR4A | Loans Periodical Review Returns |
564 | LAPRR4B | Loans Periodical Review Returns |
565 | LAPRR4C | Loans Periodical Review Returns |
566 | LAPSP | Loan Account Pass Sheet Print |
567 | LARSH | Loans Repayment Schedule Report |
568 | LAUPLDMD | Loans Upload Demands |
569 | LAUPLOAD | Loan Other Details Upload |
570 | LAWFAI | Loans Waiver of Fee and Interest |
571 | LAXFRINT | Loans Transfer Interest Liability |
572 | LBDR | Local Bill Discounting |
573 | LCCSR | Local Clearing & Cash Remittance Subsidiary Register |
574 | LCDDR | Large Amount Cheques Discounted - Daily Reporting |
575 | LCDMR | Large Amt Chqs Dis - Monthly Reporting |
576 | LDIMG | Image Upload Utility |
577 | LLIR | Limit Liability Inquiry & Report |
578 | LNDI | Limit Node Details Inquiry |
579 | LNHTIR | Limit Node History/Tran Inquiry/Report |
580 | LNI | Limit Node Enquiry |
581 | LNM | Limit Node Maintenance |
582 | LNREV | Limit Node Revaluation |
583 | LSD | List for Signature Display |
584 | LTL | Limit Tree Lookup |
585 | MANRECON | Manual Reconciliation |
586 | MANSAF | Manual SAF Processing |
587 | MAPD | Marking Accounts as PastDue |
588 | MAR | Maturity Analysis Report |
589 | MARKPEND | Mark Pending |
590 | MAT | Midday Archive To Tape |
591 | MATB Manual | ATM/Anywhere Transaction Balancing |
592 | MCLZOH | Maintaining Clearing Zones |
593 | MDD | Maturity Period wise Dist of Deposits |
594 | MEAC | Modify Effective Asset Classification |
595 | MICZ | Maintain Inward Clearing Zone |
596 | MNTFCT | Maintain FOREX Control Table |
597 | MNTFWC | Maintain Forward Contracts |
598 | MNTNTP | Maintain Normal Transit Period |
599 | MNTPST | Maintain PST Table (Modify & Inquiry) |
600 | MNTRTL | Maintain Rate list |
601 | MNTRTLH | Maintain Home Crncy Rate list |
602 | MNTRTM | Maintain Rate Master |
603 | MNTRTSQ | Maintain Rate code Sequence |
604 | MNTWF | Workflow Items Maintenance |
605 | MODSETUP | Module File Maintenance |
606 | MODUSERS | Module Users Maintenance |
607 | MOPTI | Menu Option Translation Interface |
608 | MOR | Message Offset Reconciliation |
609 | MQTDESRP | MQT Despatched Transactions Report |
610 | MQTI | Anywhere / ATM transaction Inquiry |
611 | MQTRPT | MQT Undespatched Transactions Report |
612 | MSGOIRP | Outstanding Items Report |
613 | MSOIRP | Minor Subsidiaries Outstanding Items Rep |
614 | MSTRP | Minor Subsidiaries Transaction Report |
615 | NAMM | Nostro Account Maintenance |
616 | NFTRPT | MQT Non financial Transactions Report |
617 | NNTM | Next Number Table Maintenance |
618 | NOBL | No Objection Letter |
619 | NPA | Non-payment Advice |
620 | NUM | Number Table Upload |
621 | OAAC | Open an Account |
622 | OAACAU | Authorizing an account |
623 | OACR | Office Account Replication |
624 | OCINST | Outward Clearing Instrument Maintenance |
625 | OCM | Offline Charges Maintenance |
626 | OCPTRN | Outward Clearing Part Tran Maintenance |
627 | OCST | Open Cash Transactions |
628 | OCTG | Regularize Outward Clearing Set |
629 | OCTM | Outward Clearing Transaction Maintenance |
630 | OCTR | Release Outward Clearing Set |
631 | OCTV | Clearing Transaction Verification |
632 | ODCM | Outward Documentary Credits Maintenance |
633 | ODCMUPL | Outward Documentary Credits Upload |
634 | OICZ | Open Inward Clearing Zone |
635 | OICZSET | Open Inward Clearing Zone For Set |
636 | OIQ | Outward Clearing Instruments Inquiry |
637 | OPQ | Outward Clg Part Tran Inquiry |
638 | ORM | Outward Remittances Maintenance |
639 | ORMUPL | Outward Remittance Upload |
640 | OXFT | Open Transfer Transactions |
641 | OZO | Open Zone |
642 | PAPW | Protect User Password |
643 | PARTINQ | Inquiry on Partitioned Account |
644 | PAYOFF | Loan Pay Off Process |
645 | PBBANK | Print Profitability/Budget Rpt for Bank |
646 | PBBRAN | Print Profitability/Budget Rpt in Branch |
647 | PBDUMP | Dump Profitability/Budget Rpt for HO |
648 | PBFEXT | PBF Extraction |
649 | PBP | Pass Book Print |
650 | PCARPT | Reports of PCA Accounts |
651 | PCFCBAL | PCFC Balancing Report |
652 | PCINT | Packing Credit Interest Calculation |
653 | PCLIALST | Packing Credit Liability List |
654 | PCLSO | Print Clearing Schedule |
655 | PCYCS | Statement on PCs in Default/Limits |
656 | PDADI | Past Due A/c Details Inquiry And Report |
657 | PDADM | Past Due Accounts Details Maintenance |
658 | PDB | Print Day book |
659 | PDML | Print /Display Media List |
660 | PENDDRP | Pending Deposits Receipt Print |
661 | PHINQ | Inquiry on History of Partition A/c |
662 | PICS | Print Inward Clearing Schedule |
663 | PICW | Print Inward Clearing Waste |
664 | PITM | Public Issue Maintenance |
665 | PLBANK | Print P & L for Entire Bank |
666 | PLBRAN | Print P & L Report for Branch |
667 | PLDUMP | Dump P & L Report Data for HO |
668 | PLIST | Pending Installments List |
669 | PLR | Partywise Liability Register |
670 | PMEMO | Foreign Bills Presentation Memo |
671 | POVDPC | Partywise Overdue Packing Credits |
672 | PPT | Proxy Post Transaction In Entered Status |
673 | PR | Print Reports |
674 | PRGI | Purge Table Inquiry |
675 | PRGMT | Purge Table Maintenance |
676 | PRIBRGEN | Gen. Intermediate IBR files for Branch |
677 | PRR11A | PRR-11A Quarterly Statement of Guarantee |
678 | PRR11B | PRR-11B Monitoring of Guarantees |
679 | PRR11C | Report of guarantees / DPG |
680 | PRR12 | PRR12 (Old PR-12) Certificate |
681 | PRR15 | PRR15 Advances to Sectors |
682 | PRR15B | Sectorwise Overdue PCs Statement - PRR15B |
683 | PRR2 | PRR2 Monthly review of irregular A/c |
684 | PRR25 | PRR25 Report of rejected cheques |
685 | PRR2B | Report on Irregular Packing Credits |
686 | PRR38 | PRR38 Statement of Daily Cash Position |
687 | PRR4B | PRR4B Review of DPG's |
688 | PRR8 | PRR8 Credit and review program |
689 | PRRTL | Ratelist Printing |
690 | PRT | Printer Table Maintenance |
691 | PRTCON | Print Consolidated Report |
692 | PRTINQ | Printer Queue Inquiry & Updation |
693 | PRTMR | Printing Maha Reports |
694 | PSD | Print Subsidiaries |
695 | PSE | Purchase Sale Entry |
696 | PSGL | Print Subsidiaries |
697 | PSP | Pass Sheet Print |
698 | PSR1 | PSR 1: FLASH Report |
699 | PSR11 | PSR11 REPORT |
700 | PSR14 | Statement on Exporters Assisted |
701 | PSR16 | PSR16 Breakup of Dep & Adv-Int Ratewise |
702 | PSR2 | PSR2 Statement of deployment of funds |
703 | PSR29 | PSR29 - Agricultural Loans Return |
704 | PSR32 | PSR32 Sanction Limits For Accounts |
705 | PSR49 | PSR49 Quarterly Statement on Int. A/c |
706 | PSR7 | PSR7 Advances to Specified Communities |
707 | PSTTUM | Pay Sys Transfer Tran Upload Maintenance |
708 | PTM | Post Dated Transactions Maintenance |
709 | PTTM | Part Tran Template Maintenance |
710 | PTW | Print Transfer Waste |
711 | PUACC | Account Purge |
712 | PUCMG | Purge Customer Master table |
713 | PUCXL | Charges Transaction Log Purge |
714 | PUDISB | Batch Purging Of Disbursements |
715 | PUEXP | Batch Purging of Export Orders |
716 | PUGCH | General Charges Purge |
717 | PUIZC | Purge Inward Clearing Zone code table |
718 | PUIZH | Inward Clearing Zone code table |
719 | PULGT | Purge Login log table |
720 | PULN | Limit Node Purge |
721 | PULNTH | Limit Node Transaction / History Purge |
722 | PUOZC | Purge Outward clearing zone code |
723 | PURZO | Purge Outward Zone |
724 | PUSIH | Standing Instructions Purge |
725 | PUSWIFT | Purge Swift Msg History table |
726 | PUTRAN | Transaction Purge |
727 | PUWF | Workflow Audit Purge |
728 | PWMNT | Password Maintenance |
729 | PWO | Print Waste |
730 | QBR | Quick Balancing Report |
731 | RACO | Recovery After Charge Off |
732 | RBSN | Reset Bill Sequence Numbers |
733 | RBTI | Register Table Balance Inquiry |
734 | RDD | Ratewise Distribution of Deposits |
735 | RDM | Report Definition Maintenance |
736 | RECSHF | Shortfall Recovery Process |
737 | REDRP | Reprint Deposits Receipt |
738 | REGFLOW | Deposit Flow Regeneration |
739 | REJREP | Rejected Instruments Report/Advice |
740 | RELACI | Related Accounts Lookup For Deposits |
741 | REMPRINT | Print a Foreign Outward DD |
742 | REPHASEI | Batch Rephasement of EI Loans |
743 | REVAL | Revaluation |
744 | REVPEND | Revoke Pending |
745 | REVSTOP | Revoke stop payment |
746 | RFTDS | Refund TDS |
747 | RINTINQ | Interest Inquiry For RPC Accounts |
748 | RINTRPT | Interest Report For RPC Disbursements |
749 | RISAT | Reconcile Inter SOL ATM Transactions |
750 | RIST | ISO Reconciliation |
751 | RLH | Rebuild Limit History |
752 | RMI | Read Media Input |
753 | RMIM | Restrict Modify Indicator Maintenance |
754 | RMTDS | Remit TDS |
755 | ROTM | Report Option Table Maintenance |
756 | RPCINT | Interest For RPC Disbursements |
757 | RPCRPT | Reports Of RPC Accounts |
758 | RPCTM | RPC Transactions Maintenance |
759 | RPDA | Retransfer Past Due Accounts |
760 | RRCDI | Reference Code Inquiry |
761 | RRCDM | Reference Code Maintenance |
762 | RRCTM | Reporting Range Criteria Maintenance |
763 | RRETURN | R-Return and Schedules Statements |
764 | RRETURN5 | R Return5 Report |
765 | RRTM | Resp Tran Ref Table Maintenance |
766 | RTDSIS | Refresh Table Data to Standin Server |
767 | RTHQRY | Ratelist History Query |
768 | RUM | Report Of Untranslated Messages |
769 | RZFSBO | Regularize Shadow Balance |
770 | RZISBO | Release Zone Into Shadow Balance |
771 | SAC | User Login Maintenance |
772 | SASCL | System Asset Classification |
773 | SBKP | Start Backup of TBABKP tables |
774 | SCFM | System Control File Maintenance |
775 | SCPM | SCP Table Maintenance |
776 | SCRIPT | Execute Script |
777 | SCST | Stop Cash Transactions |
778 | SCWRPT | Shroff Cash Report |
779 | SCWRPTA | Shrof Cash Rpt-All |
780 | SDAI | SQL*DBA Audit Table Inquiry |
781 | SDD | Schemewise Distribution of Deposits |
782 | SDLM | Sol Distribution List Table Maintenance |
783 | SEL | Superceding Expired Limits |
784 | SETM | Set Id Table Maintenance |
785 | SHOWSUMM | Decrypt received IBR files |
786 | SIADVC | Print SI Advice to Customer |
787 | SICL | Print SI Covering Letter to Customer |
788 | SIE | Standing Instructions Execution |
789 | SIETR | SIs Executed Today Report |
790 | SII | Standing Instructions Inquiry |
791 | SIM | Standing Instruction Maintenance |
792 | SIMM | StockInvest Maintenance |
793 | SIR | StockInvest Reports |
794 | SIREGM | StockInvest Register Maintenance |
795 | SIRP | Standing Instructions Register Printing |
796 | SITM | SIT Table Maintenance |
797 | SMI | Swift Messages Inquiry |
798 | SMM | Swift Messages Maintenance |
799 | SOLBOD | Initiate Service Outlet BOD Process |
800 | SOLEOD | Initiate SOL EOD Process |
801 | SOLOFF | Start Sol's Services Offline |
802 | SOLONL | Start Sol's Services Online |
803 | SOLSTAT | Service Outlets Status Inquiry |
804 | SOLVAL | Run Service Outlets Validation Process |
805 | SPMM | SPM Table Maintenance |
806 | SPP | Stop Payment Processing |
807 | SPPAU | Stop Payment Processing |
808 | SPRG | Stop Payment Register |
809 | SPTM | System Pointing Transactions Maintenance |
810 | SPTR | System Pointing Transaction Reversal |
811 | SPWADM | Sparrow Administration |
812 | SQLDBA | SQL*DBA |
813 | SRBBR | Statistical Report on Bills |
814 | SRGPM | Schm/Reg General Parameter Maintenance |
815 | SRL | Security Register Lookup |
816 | SRM | Security Register Maintenance |
817 | SRMRPTS | Security Register Module Reports |
818 | SSRM | Maintenance of SOL SDS Relationship |
819 | SSS | System Substitution of Securities |
820 | SSTM | Set Sol Id Table Maintenance |
821 | STAT10 | Stat 10 Report |
822 | STAT5 | Stat 5 Report |
823 | STAT8 | Stat 8 Report |
824 | STAT9 | Stat 9 Report |
825 | STOPPAY | Stop Payment |
826 | STR11 | STR 11 : RBI Statement |
827 | STR11A | STR 11A : RBI Statement |
828 | STR14 | STR14: Adv to Undertakings under MRTP |
829 | STR19 | STR19 Insurance covered guarantee report |
830 | STR8 | STR8 List of Secured & Unsecured Advance |
831 | SUSPTRAN | Suspect Transactions Report |
832 | SWAB | Start Warm Backup |
833 | SWBALDL | Sparrow Balance Downloading |
834 | SWCARDDL | Sparrow Card Downloading |
835 | SWCM | Card Account Info Maintenance |
836 | SWDESP | Switch transaction despatcher |
837 | SWEEPS | Pool of Funds Maintenance |
838 | SWHOTDL | Sparrow Card Status Downloading |
839 | SWMINDL | Sparrow Mini Statement Downloading |
840 | SWOTU | Switch Offline Transaction Upload |
841 | SWSTATM | Switch Parameter Maintenance |
842 | SWTI | Switch Transaction Inquiry |
843 | SXFT | Stop Transfer Transactions |
844 | SYSADM | System Administration |
845 | TACBSH | Transfer Accounts between Sub-heads |
846 | TCCM | Trans Category Code Maint |
847 | TCPI | Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry |
848 | TCPIA | Teller Wise Cash Position Inquiry / All |
849 | TD | Delete Posted Part Transactions |
850 | TDL | Transaction Download |
851 | TDLU | Transaction Download Utilities |
852 | TDSCALC | TDS Calculation |
853 | TDSIP | TDS Inquiry & Printing |
854 | TDSM | TDS Table Maintenance |
855 | TDSREP | Customer Wise TDS Report(A/c Level Tax) |
856 | TEA | Transactions Exceptions Approval |
857 | TEDCS | Terminal Enable/Disable |
858 | TEDDB | Terminal Enable/Disable |
859 | TEI | Transactions Exceptions Inquiry |
860 | TEPM | Transaction Event Parameter Maintenance |
861 | TFCTM | Transaction Filtration Criteria Maint |
862 | TI | Transactions Inquiry |
863 | TIDT | Treasury Interface Data Transfer |
864 | TLR | Transactions List Report |
865 | TM | Transactions Maintenance |
866 | TODCS | TOD Criteria and Selection |
867 | TODM | Account TOD Maintenance |
868 | TODRP | TOD Register Printing |
869 | TPM | Terminal Profile Maintenance |
870 | TRANINQ | Tran Inquiry |
871 | TRANLIST | Tran list display |
872 | TROFSETS | Transfer Of Sets |
873 | TRSTDUSR | Trusted Users Maintenance |
874 | TRSWIFT | Transfer Swift Messages |
875 | TRTRAN | Transfer Transaction |
876 | TRTRI | Treasury Transaction Report and Inquiry |
877 | TRUNHIST | Purge of tables |
878 | TSTC | Treasury Sol Transaction Creation |
879 | TSTM | Treasury Sol Transaction Maintenance |
880 | TTM | Transaction Template Maintenance |
881 | TTUM | Transfer Transaction Upload Maintenance |
882 | TTUMP | Transfer Trans Upload Maint.(Posting) |
883 | TV | Transaction Posting/Verification |
884 | TVSI | Term Deposits Interest Slabs Inquiry |
885 | TVSM | Term Deposit Interest Version Slab Maint |
886 | TXOD | Transfer to Overdue GL Sub-head |
887 | TXTMNT | Text Maintenance |
888 | UBDTR | Usance Bills Discounted - POR7 |
889 | UCS | Update Cheque Status |
890 | UNIVIEW | Unified View Of Accounts |
891 | UNIZ | Unlock Inward Zone |
892 | UNLKZ | Unlock Zone |
893 | UNREC | IBR Open Orig/Resp Entries Reports |
894 | UNRESP | Unresponded Transactions Report(Br) |
895 | UPLATO | Account Turn Over Upload |
896 | UPLCI | Customer Instructions Upload |
897 | UPLDHT | Drawing Power History Upload |
898 | UPLDLH | DSA Document Limit History Upload |
899 | UPLDSA | Upload for DSA Module |
900 | UPLDST | Demand Draft Status Upload |
901 | UPLEAB | EOD Account Balance Upload |
902 | UPLGST | GL Subhead Transaction Upload |
903 | UPLIAR | IAR Upload |
904 | UPLINTVS | Interest Slab Version Upload |
905 | UPLLAM | Loan Master Upload |
906 | UPLLAT | Loan Transaction Upload |
907 | UPLLHT | Limit History Upload |
908 | UPLLIEN | LIEN Upload |
909 | UPLMPT | Memo Pad Upload |
910 | UPLOAD | Customer / Account Master Upload |
911 | UPLOADB | Account Master Balance Upload |
912 | UPLPFT | Pool of Funds Upload |
913 | UPLSI | Standing Instructions Upload |
914 | UPLSPT | Stop Payment Upload |
915 | UPLSRM | Security Register Details Upload |
916 | UPLTAM | Term Deposits Master Upload |
917 | UPLTDS | TDS Upload |
918 | UPLTDS1 | TDS upload - Phase 1 |
919 | UPLTDS2 | TDS Upload - PHASE 2 |
920 | UPLTDT | Term Deposits Transaction Upload |
921 | UPLTOD | Temporary Over Draft Upload |
922 | UPM | User Profile Maintenance |
923 | UPRDNLD | Download User Details |
924 | URT | Un-responded Transactions Report |
925 | VALDTRPT | Outward Clearing Value Date Report |
926 | VAM | Verification Audit Maintenance |
927 | VCHL | Verification Check List |
928 | VCHR | Print DR/CR Voucher |
929 | VTPM | Virtual Terminal Profile Maintenance |
930 | WCUMM | CUMM Workflow |
931 | WDSAMM | Workflow for Direct Selling Agents Mnt. |
932 | WFORM | Work Flow For Outward Remit Maintenance |
933 | WIAAL | What If Analysis of Account Liability |
934 | WRTCTC | Change Test case |
935 | XFCHACAU | Transfer Cheques between Accounts |
936 | XFCHBAC | Transfer Cheques between Accounts |
937 | XOSCHRG | XOS Charge Calculation |
938 | XOSSTMT | XOS Statement |
Friday, 15 August 2014
Synopsis Of Computer controlled wireless robot
I take immense pleasure in thanking Er. and our respected lecturers for having permitted us to carry out this project work.
I wish to express my deep sense of gratitude to our project incharge, Er. (lect. ) for her able guidance and useful suggestions, which helped us in completing the project work, in time.
Words are inadequate in offering my thanks to the Project Incharge and lab Assistants for their encouragement and cooperation in carrying out the project work.
Finally, yet importantly, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to our beloved parents for their blessings, friends/classmates for their help and wishes for the successful completion of this project.
Here, in our project, we are controlling the various devices being operated on 220V ac through parallel port in our computer in C++/C programming language. The advantages of using this mode to control the devices are:
1. We can change the program according to our needs any time.
2. Multipurpose Functions can be performed using different programs.
3. Timing of the initiation of the project or increasing security such as entering password, etc. could also be added according to our needs.
4. If, programming is done using a Microcontroller in this project, then we can burn the program only once, and cannot change it according to our needs in future, this could be overcome in parallel port programming, and so, this method is very much reliable and flexible.
q To Design a C++ /VB controlled system that would be used to control and monitor different robot at the output of pc
q The commands would be given through a C++ Designed algorithm or VB that would give a control signal to operate different operations in the industry, offices, homes etc
q The output from the PC would be directly interfaced to the output devices through the parallel port to automate the complete control system
S.NO | Name | Quantity | Colour | Pins |
1 | ULN2003 | 1 | Black | 16 |
2 | Designed PCB /General Purpose PCB | 1 | - | |
3 | Nut-Bolt Pair | 1 | - | |
4 | Jumper Wire ( Single Stand Wire) | - | ||
5 | IC Base ( 16 PIN) | 3 | Black | - |
6 | Battery ( 9v) + Connector | 1 | - | |
7 | LED Indicator | 1 | Red/green | 2 |
8 | Relays | 1 | BLACK | 5 |
9 | Ribbon wires | - | - | - |
10 | 220V supply and Switching devices | |||
11 | Parallel port connector | 1 | - | 25 |
12 | Desktop having user port installed | 1 | - | - |
16. | Step down transformer ( 9-0-9) | 1 | - | |
17. | Bridge diode ( 1 amp ) | 1 | Black | 4 |
18. | Voltage regulator 7805 | 1 | Black | 3 |
19. | Led + 100 ohm ( indicator) | 1 | - | |
20. | 10k ohm resistance | 1 | - | |
21. | 10 microfarad capacitor | 1 | - | |
22. | 33 picofarad capacitor | 1 | 2 |
Softwares and tools used:
Ø C++ compiler software TurboC++
Ø Digital Electronics
Ø Concepts Of Basic Electronics
Contribution of the project to the society:
C++ Control Automation System has lead to:
q Growth of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) based services
q Many different types of networks, from simple to complex, operated by different types of operators has been developed through this system
q Increased competition to manufacturers to improve both quality and Productivity
q Contributes a lot to discrete industries such as automobile, food and beverage industries where various robotic parts, machinery and conveyer belts are controlled precisely from the operator via PC through any operating language.
qIncreased consolidation in the operator segment
Ø Robotics and CAD/CAM
Ø Security systems
Ø Sensor reporting
Ø Automation system
Ø Remote Keyless entry via rf modules interfaced with a pc
Time required to complete this project depends much upon the following factors:
q efficiency of data transfer on the system
q capabilities of the programmer
q long time port access
q Duration by which we complete the electronics part of the project
q Duration for which the program to be made in C++ Operating language
q Learning Functions and Inheritance concepts in C++ language
q Installation of the ports
If all these factors are present, estimated time required to complete this project would be around 6 months
This is a unique project in itself but can be modified in any way the user wants it to be:
q RF signal could sent that could further be locked via a password controlled mechanism to be installed in defense and research control applications
q The functions to be operated by the programmer could themselves be changed according to the future requirements and application in which it needs to be installed such as in automobile, food and beverages, plastic, semiconductor, and fabricated metal industries
So, as a whole this project could be explored and modified according to the needs in future.